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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #linux Welcome to #linux! New community Code of Conduct and Staff Application form: https://linux.chat/news -- Forum: https://linux.forum -- Pastebin: https://paste.linux.chat/ -- Mastodon: https://linux.social/invite/zc2Gj5r8 -- Need an op? !ops <reason> or join #linux-ops 2,312
Libera.Chat #libera Welcome to Libera.Chat support | Not for politics, IRC drama, cryptocurrency, ban appeals, etc. | FAQ and guides: https://libera.chat/guides/faq | Need to PM staff? Find on-call staff with "/stats p" | Finding channels: https://libera.chat/guides/findingchannels | Advice for helpers: https://libera.chat/guides/helpers 1,768
Libera.Chat #python Anything Python is on-topic. | Don't paste, use https://bpa.st/+python | Questions about this channel? https://pound-python.github.io | CoC: https://j.mp/psf-coc | Tutorial: https://j.mp/PyTut | New programmer? https://j.mp/23X7emF | Ops: #python-ops 1,614
Libera.Chat #archlinux Welcome to Arch Linux, https://archlinux.org | Rules: https://coc.archlinux.org | https://archlinux.org/news/cleaning-up-old-repositories/ | Pastebins: !paste | Keyring problems? pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring && pacman -Su 1,507
Libera.Chat #ubuntu Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 24.10, 24.04, 22.04, 20.04. #ubuntu-next for 25.04 | Unofficial derivatives: Use your distro's support channel, not here | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://bpa.st | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl 1,081
Libera.Chat ##rust Unofficial channel for the Rust programming language | Don't ask to ask, just ask! | Code of conduct: https://rust-lang.org/policies/code-of-conduct | Playground: https://play.rust-lang.org | evalr: «code» to run Rust code | Other chat/help venues: https://rust-lang.org/community | Moderation concerns: ##rust-ops | Offtopic chatter: ##rust-offtopic 1,074
Libera.Chat #thelounge 👋 The Lounge — Modern web IRC client designed for self-hosting | Latest release: v4.4.3 | https://thelounge.chat | Looking for general chatter? Hop into #thelounge-offtopic 1,002
Libera.Chat #security Computer, Network & Physical Security | Don't ask to ask - Include your threat model https://ssd.eff.org/module/your-security-plan | FDE isn't everything https://0pointer.net/blog/authenticated-boot-and-disk-encryption-on-linux.html 999
Libera.Chat #debian Debian 12.9 "bookworm" /msg dpkg bookworm | oldstable, Debian 11.11 "bullseye" /msg dpkg bullseye | Debian 8, 9, 10 commercial Extended LTS support: /msg dpkg elts | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #debian-next @irc.oftc.net | Community expectations: http://deb.li/conduct 959
Libera.Chat #kde Please follow our code of conduct: https://kde.org/code-of-conduct. State your distribution and Plasma version when asking questions. Non Help/Support discussions in #kde-offtopic. 897
Libera.Chat #gentoo Gentoo Linux Support | https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Ops#Channel_policy | Can't speak? /j #gentoo-ops | Ask your question: don't ask to ask or if anyone can help | Perl conflicts? https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Perl | Be nice! 897
Libera.Chat #networking Computer Networking | If you have a question, just ask it | Advice from ChatGPT/etc is probably nonsense, prefer advice from humans | Please be friendly, helpful and respectful to everyone | More than two lines? Paste at http://pastie.org/ 877
Libera.Chat #emacs Emacs 30.1 released | Emacs questions take priority over chit-chat | All questions/levels welcome | Quieter chat in #emacs-beginners | "daily" insights in #emacs-til | More chit-chat: #emacs-social | Favored pastebin: https://bpa.st/+emacs-lisp | No public logging, racism, sexism, xenophobia, botwanking, or other asshattery 871
Libera.Chat #c C Programming Community | https://c-language.org | Paste (>3 lines): https://bpa.st/ or https://0x0.st | Wiki: http://www.iso-9899.info/ | Books: http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Books | Off-topic: #c-offtopic | C11 trivia game: #c-jeopardy 864
Libera.Chat #bash https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ | https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide | https://gnu.org/s/bash/manual | https://mywiki.wooledge.org/Quotes | https://www.shellcheck.net/ | https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bash | https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/bash.git?h=devel | bash-hackers.org is down 851
HybridIRC #allindiachat.com Welcome to #allindiachat.com 👋 - Enjoy your chat here but please be respectful to other chatters! Please do NOT; ⛔ Spam, flood, advertise or engage in other inappropriate anti-social behaviour in the room as this is unacceptable and can get you kicked off/banned. Many thanks for your co-operation! 👍 815
Libera.Chat #lobsters Lobsters: a computing-focused discussion community. Our channel bot is mockturtle, don't post logs without permission, https://lobste.rs/chat for more info. 812
Libera.Chat #git Welcome to #git, we like graphs | Current stable version: 2.49.0 | First visit? https://gitirc.eu | This channel is logged: https://gitirc.eu/log 801
Libera.Chat #postgresql Latest minor versions: 17.4 16.8 15.12 14.17 13.20 || Don't ask to ask; just ask! || NO LLM OUTPUT ALLOWED || Paste: type ??paste for list || Docs: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/ || Off topic? #postgresql-lounge || CoC: https://www.postgresql.org/about/policies/coc 774
Libera.Chat ##programming Programming/Computer Science Discussion & Community Chat | Be respectful and friendly. Full channel rules: https://libera-programming.github.io | Put pastes in a pastebin, e.g. https://bpaste.net https://ideone.com 768
Rizon #subsplease »»-(¯`v´¯)--» Website: https://subsplease.org/ | Packlist: https://subsplease.org/xdcc/ | Discord: https://subsplease.org/discord/ | One stop shop for new anime »»- | Please consider a donation to keep the server online: https://coindrop.to/arutha 755
Libera.Chat #fedora Fedora Linux F40, F41, F42B end-user support || Nobara not supported || Please READ: https://tinyurl.com/Fchanfaq || Common bugs: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/tags/c/ask/common-issues/82/none/f41/ || Only Use Fedora, rpmfusion and Copr Repos || IRC Feedback: https://tinyurl.com/fedoraircsig || Updated F41 Live isos: https://tinyurl.com/Live-respins 744
Libera.Chat #go-nuts register to speak until the spam clears up | golang.org | known issues golang.org/issue | don't ask to ask, just ask | follow the code of conduct golang.org/conduct | use play.golang.org for code samples 741
Rizon #elitewarez :: #ELiTEWAREZ :: Search: ONLINE :: Join #ELITE-CHAT for Search Subscriptions and Chat0! 735
SkyChatz #skychatz |[ Welcome ]| to #SkyChatz Official Network Channel - Website: https://SkyChatz.Org - SkyChatz rawk - Please like and Share https://tinyurl.com/3tbft94w 729
Libera.Chat #hardware For all your computer hardware & adjacent questions. | Be respectful, no religion, politics, cryptocurrency talk, unfair discrimination, etc. | Rules & Resources @ https://hardware.chat/ | Admin problems? #hardware-ops | Offtopic? #hardware-offtopic 728
Libera.Chat #freebsd Have fun, be civilized, respect each other | Pastebin: https://bsd.to | Etherpad: https://pad.bsd.to | /join #freebsd-ops for help | FreeBSD Live: #freebsd-pulse 726
Libera.Chat #openbsd Unofficial OpenBSD support channel; please try to stay on topic | https://www.openbsd.org | FAQ: https://www.openbsd.org/faq | Read These Fantastic Manual Pages (hopefully we can help find the right one): https://man.openbsd.org/ | Can't speak? https://libera.chat/guides/registration | 3+ line pastes? Use a paste site such as termbin.com or paste.debian.net | No politics, etc. 726
Libera.Chat #ansible https://docs.ansible.com * latest releases: ansible-core 2.18.3, 2.17.9, 2.16.14; ansible 11.3.0; ansible 2.9 is EOL 💀 https://groups.google.com/g/ansible-announce/c/kegIH5_okmg/ 700
KampungChat #cyberworld »º©º« Welcome to Official #CyberWorld At KampungChat IRC Network And Thank You For Support This Channel »º©º«0 695
Libera.Chat #vim RIP Bram | Can't talk? Register https://libera.chat/guides/registration | Vim 9.1 http://www.vim.org | Don't ask to ask! | Use :help and :helpgrep | WIKI: http://vim.wikia.com | PASTE: http://vpaste.net/?ft=vim 694
Libera.Chat #wireguard WireGuard - Secure Network Tunnel | install: www.wireguard.com/install | source: www.wireguard.com/repositories | free stickers: https://goo.gl/6uEMkD | help us: www.wireguard.com/todo | mailing list: https://lists.zx2c4.com/mailman/listinfo/wireguard | problem? send https://xn--4db.cc/inA0bbQf | ask amdj, mira, or zx2c4 for a tunneler cloak 687
Libera.Chat #weechat https://weechat.org/ | Latest stable version: 4.6.0 | English support channel, *ONLY* about WeeChat software | Please read docs before asking! | Bug reports are welcome ONLY for latest stable or devel | Off-topic chan: #weechat-offtopic | Fingerprint: A9AB 5AB7 78FA 5C35 22FD 0378 F82F 4B16 DEC4 08F8 678
Libera.Chat #nixos ✨ NixOS 24.11 Vicuña ✨ || https://nixos.org || Download: https://nixos.org/download/ || We're also on Matrix: #space:nixos.org 650
KampungChat #kampung Salam Ramadhan Kareem 1446H/2025M dan selamat menjalani ibadah puasa kepada semua warga #kampung . User Stats [http://kampung.home.kg/kampung.html] . Official site [www.kampungchat.org] 639
Libera.Chat #docker Docker: Open platform for distributed applications | http://docker.com | http://github.com/moby/moby | http://status.docker.com/ | https://forums.docker.com/ | Registration with NickServ required: https://libera.chat/guides/registration 631
Libera.Chat #znc Important security update: ZNC 1.9.1 https://wiki.znc.in/ChangeLog/1.9.1 | https://znc.in/nightly | https://github.com/znc/znc | Development at #znc-dev | don't randomly PM people 630
Rizon #elite-chat :: ELiTEWAREZ :: Search: ONLINE|Triggers: !help !search !latest !recommended !hot !movies !music !tv !bluray !apps !games !ebooks !xxx :: average bandwidth per user: 30.32 Mb/s , Have Something to Offer? Box Owners/Coders/Donations /join #EWG-Recruits ! 627
Rizon #nibl [ XDCC Search: https://nibl.co.uk/ ] [UP] [ Triggers: !help !search !s !request ] [ Have a bot and want access? Contact Jenga! ] [ Follow us @NIBLCO ] [ Discord: https://discord.gg/bUESsAg ] [ Weebsite is back & old is at https://web.nibl.co.uk/ Methuselah Edition ] 626
Libera.Chat ##chat Welcome to ##chat, a social and offtopic channel for sensible conversations. Mind the language. | THIS IS A POLITICS-FREE ZONE! You have been warned. | Rules: https://pastebin.com/raw/ntTcx2xb | We reserve the right to remove annoying people | Free Speech: https://xkcd.com/1357/ | Operators can be found in ##chat-ops 609
Libera.Chat #neovim neovim is a great text editor | https://neovim.io | https://github.com/sponsors/neovim | Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#neovim:matrix.org 602
KampungChat #ipun 590
KampungChat #fiqa 590
KampungChat #nemo 590
KampungChat #dani 590
DALnet #jakarta Jakarta @ DALnet Selamat utk 3 Top Pemenang Games TERA Feb 2025 : 1. Presiden iya 32705 points 2. Wakil Presiden cin 19861 points 3. Menteri cow-sissy-suka-cow 18258 points [ For help pls join #Indonesia ] 588
Libera.Chat ##math Just ask your question (and show your work)! | LaTeX pastebin: https://maths.serveur.io/ | LaTeX symbol lookup: http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html | Further info: https://libera-math.github.io/ | Related channels: ##math-offtopic, ##physics, ##statistics | Need an op? ##math-ops | LLMs like ChatGPT and their output are off-topic for ##math. 563
Libera.Chat #haskell https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell | Admin: #haskell-ops | Offtopic: #haskell-offtopic | https://downloads.haskell.org | https://play.haskell.org/ | Paste code/errors: https://paste.tomsmeding.com | Logs: https://ircbrowse.tomsmeding.com/browse/lchaskell | AoC: 43100-84040706 562
HybridIRC #indialivechat.com Welcome to https://indialivechat.com/ 🌟! We are thrilled to have you join our lively community 🙌! IndiaLiveChat is all about sharing the best of 🇮🇳 culture, festivals 🪔, movies 🎥, tech 💡, and much more! Whether you're here to chat, learn, or meet new friends, you’ve come to the right place! 🎉 555
Rizon #news #NEWS - | based ufotable saving anime | bring an xdcc bot for +a (pm twi or tazmanian for access) | @/!find | Star Citizen guild: http://goo.gl/599iMt | Sign up for this virtual server crap, you'll get 2 free months of lowest tier server: http://goo.gl/GmCgwt 550