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Network Name Topic Users
freenode #ubuntu Ubuntu Community Channel. -- Mostly idle, please join #linux 125
Undernet #area69 Welcome to #area69! We are a 16+ room. Keep the drama at the door, enjoy your stay. Type !rules to read them. 124
Libera.Chat #wikimedia wikimedia.org | For a Wikimedia cloak: /msg wmopbot cloak | No public logging | Meta-Wiki: discussion here, urgent help !admin@meta | Software: #mediawiki | Technical: #wikimedia-tech | Stewards: #wikimedia-stewards 124
Rizon #doki ~ Doki Rub-a-dub-dub Thanks for the Grubs ~ | "RIP Fujiwara Keiji" Edition | https://doki.co/ | XDCC: http://v.gd/8TJXGB | FB: http://v.gd/wJHCIn | Steam: http://v.gd/i0gnZB | Triggers: .anitv @/!find !xdcc/list !ttOjii so picky:< 124
Libera.Chat #freebsd-social Have fun, be civilized, respect each other | Pastebin: https://bsd.to | Etherpad: https://pad.bsd.to | FreeBSD Live: #freebsd-pulse | Argue responsibly: https://cerebralarcade.com/2014/11/09/how-to-argue-responsibly/ 124
Libera.Chat #idlerpg-discuss #idlerpg is up and running; https://idlerpg.lolhosting.net/ | #idlerpg-ng is up and running; https://idlerpg-ng.lolhosting.net/ | #idlerpg-legacy is up and running; no more resets; https://idlerpg-legacy.lolhosting.net/ 124
Libera.Chat ##infra-talk This is a project and technology agnostic channel to talk about infrastructure and systems admin 124
Libera.Chat ##llm Large Language Models - what they can do, how they work, and how to run them | ##llm-bots | bots: llamar, fine tune mistral-7b.Q6_K + llava-v1.5-7b; tinsoldier, OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo; electrabot, meta-llama-3-70b-instruct-ima | tokenizer, embeddings, positional encoding, attention matrices, logits, back-propagation, inference 123
Libera.Chat #awk Paste at: http://gist.github.com or http://0x0.st | Wiki: http://awk.freeshell.org/ | Reference: http://xrl.us/gnuref | FAQ: http://xrl.us/4wkf4q | POSIX: http://xrl.us/awk1p | Regex: #regex | e36freak's libs: https://github.com/e36freak/awk-libs | HTML input? Use scrapy instead - http://scrapy.org | Please ask your question and be patient, someone will get to you. 123
Libera.Chat ##astronomy Astronomy | How about this solar cycle? 123
Libera.Chat ##re Welcome to the deadliest Reverse Engineering community on Libera! | http://phrack.org/issues/71/1.html 123
DALnet #dad&daughtersex Welcome to dad&daughtersex | [14:21] <Dwarfnado> Anyone in here ever seen or met an extremely short or tiny person under 4'5 or a midget or ever wanted to ask a midget anything msg me 122
Libera.Chat #webdev Welcome to #webdev, a community for web developers. Ask, don't ask to ask, and have patience. IRC is async, yo. — Policies: goo.gl/fZM3am — vanilla-js.com best JS — Resources: https://pinboard.in/u:amcgregor/t:%23webdev/ 122
Libera.Chat #bitcoin-wizards 122
Libera.Chat #xbps daily pkg update-check https://repo-default.voidlinux.org/void-updates/void-updates.txt 122
Libera.Chat #grafana 122
DALnet #palembang Welcome to #PALEMBANG - Enjoy your stay and have a nice chat :) 122
Libera.Chat #wikidata https://wikidata.org | FAQ: https://w.wiki/Pry | Test system: https://w.wiki/3MjS | Revdelete: #wikidata-revdel | Use !admin@wikidata to get the attention of an admin (block, delete, protect) | For notification bots join #wikidata-feed | Channel logs: https://wm-bot.wmcloud.org/logs/%23wikidata/ 122
Libera.Chat #solanum An IRCd for unified networks | https://solanum.chat | https://github.com/solanum-ircd/solanum 122
IRCnet #sesso Benvenuti, tutto è consentito tranne pedo e insulti. Rispetto ed educazione prima di tutto. http://webchat.ircnet.net/ 121
Libera.Chat ##posix Ask your POSIX questions _here_, *not* in #c/#c++! Please! || https://www.unix.org/online.html and https://publications.opengroup.org/c181 || Need to show us your code? https://ideone.com/ is nice 121
Rizon #asphyxia #AsphyxiA.ReQ FOR REQUESTS | XDCC FLAC-MP3-TV-MOVIES-GAMES | https://asphyxia.root.sx | .cmds .find .latest .top .reqhelp .subs | GrandTheftAutoVEnhanced-PC(GM1/380) FINALFANTASYXVI-PC(GM1/377) GladiatorII-BluRay(MV1/399) Avowed-PC(GM1/327) NosferatuEXTENDED-BluRay(MV1/340) KingdomComeDeliveranceII-PC(GM1/301) MarvelsSpider-PC(GM1/280) StarTrekSection31-WEBDL(MV1/266) 121
Undernet #girlswholikeolderguys 16+ Welcome :) RolePlay Only Please ... type !girl for a + !rules for rules .. !seen has switched to .seen .. 121
Libera.Chat #restic latest release: restic 0.18.0 | repo: https://github.com/restic/restic | forum: https://forum.restic.net 121
freenode #debian [#Linux for more support] Welcome to #debian | Home of the freenode debian community | debian/linux discussion and support 120
Libera.Chat #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform (asterisk.org) -=- Standard: 21.8.0; LTS: 22.3.0, 20.13.0 (2025/03/27); DAHDI: 3.3.0; libpri 1.6.1 (2023/08/16) -=- Docs: docs.asterisk.org -=- Code of Conduct: bit.ly/1hH6P22 120
Libera.Chat #indieweb-dev Please see https://indieweb.org/discuss for channel purposes and logging policies. Code of conduct: https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct 120
Libera.Chat #zabbix 7.2.4 7.0.11 6.4.21 6.0.39 5.0.46 EOL[6.2.9 5.4.12 5.2.7 4.4.10 4.2.8 4.0.49] | help translating documentation: https://t.ly/vzxs | bringBackSpecsZabbix++ 120
Libera.Chat #notmuch how much mail is in your inbox? Welcome to the the new home of #notmuch. https://notmuchmail.org/{nmbug/,doc/latest} Improve the wiki! Please wait, or ask notmuch@notmuchmail.org | have you tried --exclude=false? 120
Libera.Chat #convos https://convos.chat/ - Convos is the simplest way to use IRC and it is always online - https://convos.chat/doc/faq 120
Undernet #aguilas -= WeLcOmE To YoUr BesT ChanNeL #Aguilas ® =- ( -= � #Aguilas � =- ) 120
Undernet #underland Bine ati venit ! ( https://underland.team - https://underland.team/radio - https://underland.team/poze - https://underland.team/statistici ) 119
Libera.Chat #sql General SQL Support. Please state your (R)DBMS version. | Use http://sqlfiddle.com/ or https://www.db-fiddle.com/ or http://dbfiddle.uk/ | https://github.com/danhuss/awesome-sql 119
IRCnet #italia Benvenuti su #Italia | Comandi: !meteo !oroscopo !ansa | Connettiti sul nuovo server IRCnet italiano: spadhausen.irc.it (anche con SASL: https://irc.it/sasl-ircnet) | RIP MICETTA76 119
IRCnet #kawa luzny stolec powinien byc w kolorze kapuczino. 119
KampungChat #movie «»«»«»«»«»«» << http://muvikc.rf.gd/v2 >> welcome to #movie -= Salam Ramadhan Kareem 2025 =- «»«»«»«»«»«» 119
DALnet #peshawar WeLcome To #Peshawar!!! Eid Mubarak! May this blessed day bring peace, happiness, and prosperity. 119
Libera.Chat #glasgow https://glasgow-embedded.org · digital interface explorer · https://www.crowdsupply.com/1bitsquared/glasgow · code https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/glasgow · matrix #glasgow-interface-explorer:matrix.org · discord https://1bitsquared.com/pages/chat 118
EFnet #0fucks without memes life would be memeingless. 118
Libera.Chat #gentoo-kde Gentoo KDE | Guide: http://xrl.us/kdeguide | Plasma 6.2.5 stable, 6.3.3 testing | KDE Gear 24.12.3 stable, 25.04 Beta in overlay | KF 5.116 and 6.10.0 stable, 6.12.0 testing | Bugs: http://xrl.us/kdebugs | Statistics: https://tinyurl.com/gkdestats | Please report bugs with pastebin'd build.log 118
DALnet #fedex Welcome Back To FedEx !!! 118
Rizon #canada welcome to canada - the tariff free zone 118
Libera.Chat #youtube-dl Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites | Downloads: https://yt-dl.org | FAQ: https://yt-dl.org/faq | Support: https://yt-dl.org/bug | Bug reporting tips: https://yt-dl.org/reporting | Uploader id errors? Try yt-dlp or run from git. 118
Undernet #makedonci * Macedonia Timeless! * Welcome to #Makedonci https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06l9b92x9W4 117
DALnet #khuntien Welcome Back To Khuntien Channel IRC at DaLnet Server !!! 117
Libera.Chat #spritely Centralization broke community on the Internet. We're here to fix it. https://spritely.institute || This channel is for conversation about Spritely's underlying technology! || CoC https://www.contributor-covenant.org/ || This channel is logged: https://logs.guix.gnu.org/spritely/ 117
Libera.Chat #almalinux AlmaLinux Community https://almalinux.org/ || 8.9 and 9.5 available: https://mirrors.almalinux.org/isos.html || News: https://almalinux.org/blog/ || Wiki: https://wiki.almalinux.org/ || Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AlmaLinux/ 117
Libera.Chat #vmware Channel for VMware products || If you need help state your product and version || Don't ask to ask, just ask || Docs: https://docs.vmware.com/ || https://core.vmware.com/ransomware 117
IRCnet #linux Linux-related chat and support | Speak ONLY English | Please be patient in waiting for a reply 116
DALnet #liga Welcome Back To Liga !!! https://mxtoolbox.com/ 116