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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #steamdeck 13
Libera.Chat #nodecore Official IRC channel for NodeCore, game for Minetest | https://nodecore.mine.nu | Bridged to Discord https://discord.gg/NNYeF6f | Matrix #nodecore:matrix.org | Mention "@help" to alert admins 13
Libera.Chat ##bigblue Scale Model Soft Shackles: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Z8zRwbzwSE8GMLMx9 13
Libera.Chat #bitcoin-signet 13
Libera.Chat #macaronic private channel of purpleidea 13
Libera.Chat #mxlinux https://mxlinux.org/blog/mx-23-2-libretto-released/ 13
Libera.Chat #oslandia-data 13
DALnet #palestine 🇵🇸 From the River to the sea Palestine will be FREE InshaAllah 🇵🇸 Pray for Palestine.🤲 13
Libera.Chat #austin yes, the one in Texas 13
QuakeNet #tm-productionradio.main 13
EFnet #borderlands4 bl4 confirmed! 13
Undernet #dorohoi 13
Baboon #thecocoland 13
Libera.Chat #collectd collectd – Stable versions: 5.12.0 / 5.11.0 – http://collectd.org/ 13
Libera.Chat ##orz 13
Libera.Chat #biology 13
Libera.Chat ##english-ops Administrative channel for ##English. If you are not an op in ##English or a network admin, please state your business. If you have no business, or your business is not addressable, please do not idle here 13
SkyChatz #kuiz 13
Libera.Chat #psugnd Welcome to the PlayStation Underground! The ultimate PlayStation place for everything from Homebrew through Development to Modding | Also, check out #psxugnd for PlayStation 1 Development 13
freenode #freeswitch 13
Libera.Chat #werewolf-ops This channel is for reporting issues in #werewolf. | Please explain your problem clearly and make sure an op responds to you before you leave the channel. | Idling is not allowed unless you have an open issue; if nobody is around, you may idle in #werewolf-meta and get a response there. | SSH login details for ops: https://werewolf.chat/Libera:SSH 13
QuakeNet #mondgesicht . . , - | http://mondgesicht.scifi-action.de/ | Mehr Leute im Channel = mehr Bonuspunkte | An Feiertagen jetzt immer von 19-20 Uhr Marathon verfügbar | 5 STUNDEN MARATHON!: 25.12.2018 15:00 - 20:00 Uhr 13
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-es Canal oficial de Ubuntu en español | Normas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines/es | Pegar textos: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Este canal tiene poca actividad, no te vayas si nadie contesta inmediatamente. 13
Libera.Chat #reaper Discussion for everything related to the REAPER DAW | https://www.reaper.fm/ 13
IRCnet #nax 13
EFnet #dreamcast 13
Libera.Chat #homebrewtalk.com <Bokonon> you too can circumcise an elephant at home 13
Libera.Chat #xoreos xoreos 0.0.6 || A reimplementation of BioWare's Aurora engine (and derivatives) || https://xoreos.org/ || https://github.com/xoreos/ || https://wiki.xoreos.org/ 13
Libera.Chat #irchelp Welcome to #irchelp - Libera Chat has been added to the list: https://www.irchelp.org/networks/popular.html 13
Libera.Chat #opensuse-gnome GNOME @ openSUSE | Want to help with packaging, bug triage, testing, etc.? Just ask and we'll help you start! | Tumbleweed now with GNOME 46 13
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-ombuds Welcome to Wikimedia Ombuds Commission's public channel | https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Ombuds_Commission | OC members are voiced 13
Libera.Chat ##daemon I stole teh peanuts https://www.stilldrinking.org/programming-sucks ; <Gitesh> Are you a slow thinker or quick thinker ; 19:16, <Gitesh> i am not using irc i am working now 13
EFnet #moscow Говорит Москва 13
Undernet #radiowht <><>(oYo) Radio Whiteheaven ORIGINAL https://whiteheaven.eu/ (oYo)<><> 13
Undernet #bislig Bislig City. Tinuy-an Falls. Booming city by the bay. https://bislig.gov.ph 13
Libera.Chat ##art welcome to ##art | a mural in buenos aires https://i.redd.it/0cjrecos64y61.jpg 13
Libera.Chat #minikanren Discussion of logical programming and other comp sci issues. Off topic is fine 13
DALnet #bombay 👉Welcome to #Bombay 🌼🌷Sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is to admit your mistakes and be responsible for them🌷🌼 Enjoy your stay. God bless 🙏💖🌼💖🌼 13
Rizon #comicbooks Welcome to #comicbooks 💥 | Check out the following websites .. Batman News - https://batman-news.com | Comic Book - https://comicbook.com | DC Comics - https://dc.com | Marvel - https://www.marvel.com/ | Comic Book Resources - https://cbr.com | Bleeding Cool - https://bleedingcool.com | ComicsBeat - https://www.comicsbeat.com | Screen Rant - https://screenrant.com 13
QuakeNet #idiotenbunker .::) Willkommen im #IdiotenBunker (::..::) Alle Idioten auf einem Haufen (::..::) Partner Chans: #alcatraz / #1+3+3=7 / #So_CrAzY / #night-privat (::. 13
EvilNET #root 13
Undernet #web 13
freenode #reddit 13
Libera.Chat #ve-minetest-servers Welcome to VanessaE's servers, hosted by EdgyNet, enjoy your stay! | We're also on Discord! https://discord.gg/QXx3WuE 13
QuakeNet #tm-productionradio.club 13
Undernet #silliman #Silliman Welcome to Silliman! ( http://v3.su.edu.ph/ ) 13
Undernet #metalscene Welcome to #MetalScene & www.MetalScene.org | WebSite: In Build 13
Libera.Chat #preserves Preserves: a new data model and serialization format: https://preserves.dev/ 13
Libera.Chat #purduelug Welcome to PurdueLUG! // Bridged with Matrix! #purduelug:boiler.social // IRL meetings Thursdays 6pm in SCHM 117 13
DALnet #trivia Socially distanced Trivia 13