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Network Name Topic Users
EFnet #icons_of_vanity RIP Dan Reidy (dubkat) 1973-2016 12
Rizon #cannabis SMOKE #CANNABIS|| do the miarjuanasnz every day or else you won't be high. #drugs if you like other drugs -- <3 fractal 12
OFTC #why2025-info 12
Libera.Chat #dart Talk with other Dart developers || See also: https://dart.dev, https://goo.gl/hxqm5 (group), https://google.com/+dartlang (G+), https://goo.gl/pBeMw (G+ community), https://goo.gl/D2EXv (stackoverflow) 12
freenode #postgresql-unreg 12
OFTC #freebsd https://www.freebsd.org/handbook || Prod Releases: 13.0, 12.2 12
DALnet #tcl Welcome to #TCL - Tool Command Language - Scripting Help - Ask your Question and Wait for an Answer - Web: https://tcl.tk/ 12
IRCnet #trzcianka 12
DALnet #irpg #IRPG 12
Libera.Chat #litedoge 12
KampungChat #asia Welcome(2)#aSiaIRc Social Room :RULES: Please Flood/Spam/Kick/Bomb/Nuclear-test. No Political Elements. : Links Network KC : Asia.Hub.KampungChat.Org : SSL 6697 : http://www.asiachat.net 12
Libera.Chat #3lab Hackerspace-Internety https://3lab.re/ | Official trzylab - wiarygodne źródło informacji, akap, wiśniowe klastry | Unofficial Kubernetes support channel | op za 25zł | Ruski wojynny szifje, wydupjej | Kiedyś to było 12
Libera.Chat #panda3d Welcome to #panda3d, for help with the Panda3D game engine. | Bridged with #help on our Discord at https://discord.gg/UyepRMm | Off-topic chat goes in ##panda3d, please. | Website: https://www.panda3d.org/ | Forums: https://discourse.panda3d.org/ 12
Libera.Chat #aaru This is the official channel for the Aaru Data Preservation Suite (formerly DiscImageChef). http://www.github.com/aaru-dps Latest release is v5.3.1 at https://tinyurl.com/mryb6bt9 If you have a question, write it and wait for an answer, we may not be here :p Twitter @aaru_dps. Linked with VGPC discord. Continuous integration at ftp://aaru.app/ and stats at https://www.aaru.app 12
Libera.Chat ##2chars 2 character nicks, or get out of this channel | At one point your nick may be banned if you continue joining with a really long nick | Bots (some bots died): py (BitBot, owner: id), |^ (owner: dg, died), gh (https://github.com/BradleyShaw/IssueBot, owner: bs, died), hb (modified hackbot, owner: cd, died) | We like 2 character nicks. 12
Libera.Chat #libimobiledevice 12
OFTC #bible-study-fellowship The Bible has answers! Study the Scriptures with free articles, maps, timelines and a wide range of unique Biblical resources. To visit our community join #Christian-Chat-Chalice or look at our website for more details https://www.christian-chat-chalice.com 12
Undernet #tikky %,`%%,`%%, Ahhhh O Eskiler Ahhh - Hoþgeldiniz / Welcome To #Tikky `%%,`%%,`% 12
freenode #godotengine 12
Libera.Chat #fusiondirectory "Welcome to the new home of the FusionDirectory project" 12
Libera.Chat ##rlc Seit 1 beschissenen Jahren, etzala 12
Libera.Chat #retroinformatica Canal de inform�tica cl�sica. Reuniones s�bado 20:00UTC (preferentemente primeros de mes). Sinclair spectrum, msx, comodore64, nes, os/2, amiga... Web: https://sites.google.com/view/retroinformatica/home 12
Rizon #darkworld Welcome to #Darkworld Official Channel of Darkworld.Network. Request ZNC -Stats Bots - Funbots !request. For help vist: https://wiki.darkworld.network 12
Libera.Chat #flightgear 12
DareNET #computertech Welcome to #computertech || python and cock 12
Libera.Chat #wowace https://wowace.com/ | 9.0.5 ToC: 90005 | 1.13.7 ToC: 11307 | https://wowace.com/paste | http://lua.org 12
EFnet #therevolution ★ Death to capitalism and the supporters of the degeneracy that tramples on broken souls to gain power and monetary wealth ★ 12
DALnet #tripoli Welcome to #Tripoli, enjoy your chat and stay here! 12
Libera.Chat #tippero 12
IRCnet #iceland happy christmas and happy new year 2024 12
freenode #irc 12
Undernet #alienagenda Welcome to #alienagenda | Python game by entropy | Single Player Version: v1.8 (12:31 AM 8/7/2024 (PST)) | Website: https://mircscripts.info/game/alien.html 12
Libera.Chat #skylab Casual chat surrounding technology, retro-computing, future-computing, ham radio, telephony, barf stories, and Wayne Nebraska current events. 12
Libera.Chat #bitcoin-sports Colorado Avalanche 2022 Stanley Cup Champions! Handeggg soon. No roundball or hardball. 12
Rizon #blog KEEP ON BLOGGIN 12
Libera.Chat #spaceapi Web: spaceapi.io | Matrix: #spaceapi:matrix.coredump.ch | GitHub: github.com/spaceapi | Add your space: github.com/spaceapi/directory 12
Undernet #1&1 12
Libera.Chat #mexico 12
Undernet #stillrockinradio 12
QuakeNet #riekale ᛉ Kanavalla nykyään hiljaisempaa. Maltti kannattaa. Aktiivisempaa jutustelua: #baari -kanavalla. ᛉ 12
Libera.Chat #stm-wiki Hospoda s Americanem! 18:30, 11.3.2024, Zapomenuty Cas na Vinohradech | Life is a like a fighting a dinosaur, it is a hard | It is a me, a Mario 12
Libera.Chat ##fluffy The fluffiest place on Libera! 12
Libera.Chat ##sci-fi Discuss all forms of science fiction || No porn or swearing will be tolerated. || Please hide spoilers with MIRC colors. || Marvel comics: #marvel-universe:matrix.org || DC Comics: #dc-omics:matrix.org || General Space: ##space / #Space:matrix.org || This room isn't for role playing. || Not a room for fantasy genres. || Upcoming movies: 12
Libera.Chat #clcs Common Lisp Community Scribes - for discussing all the Common Lisp media that was, is, or shall be created. 12
Libera.Chat ##python-friendly Code is magic; words of power to enact change over any distance. Python is a great language to work magic with; we can help you learn how. Ask, don't ask to ask. — https://docs.python.org/tutorial/ — New programmer? https://greenteapress.com/wp/think-python-2e/https://gto76.github.io/python-cheatsheet/ — Can’t speak? /ns help register 12
Libera.Chat #fedora-ops Enduser support in #fedora | Administrative chat for all Fedora Channel Operators; for more information: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRC | Non OPs who lurk here will be removed from the channel 12
Libera.Chat #dokku Dokku -- a docker-powered PaaS that helps you build and maintain the lifecycle of applications - https://dokku.com/ (issues @ https://github.com/dokku/dokku/issues) - irc syncs with slack :) 12
Libera.Chat #permaculture Permaculture, agricultural, farming, and gardening discussion channel - https://permaculture.org https://appropedia.org https://earthship.org https://opensourceecology.org/ 12
Libera.Chat #autistenchat-fsk18 Themenliste https://autistenchat.org/themenliste_fsk/ 12
Libera.Chat #coscup COSCUP 開源人年會 https://coscup.org/ | UTF-8 | Aug 3,4 See you at NTUST! 12