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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #emfcamp-greenroom 12
Libera.Chat #htop htop developers channel | https://htop.dev/ | https://github.com/htop-dev 12
Undernet #gsm 12
EFnet #icons_of_vanity RIP Dan Reidy (dubkat) 1973-2016 12
DALnet #pahang (Pahang Darul Makmur 2019) | | Pahang is the largest state in Peninsular Malaysia and undoubtedly one of the top eco-destinations. Happy 63rd Malaysia Independence Day 12
Libera.Chat #sword CrossWire Bible Society: http://crosswire.org || Cool Free Bible Software || God loves you so much He was born a Man, lived a perfect life, and died the death you owed, all so you could be with Him forever! 12
IRCnet #suganet2 12
DALnet #hacker.ml get Kali Linux from https://www.kali.org - Parrot Linux from https://parrotlinux.org - Exploit db https://www.exploit-db.com | Dark lives matter 12
Undernet #badboy Welcome to badboy's world ( www.OnlyFans.com ) 12
Libera.Chat #atu Welcome to All Things Unix || http://www.dslreports.com/forum/unixdsl || This channel is NOT currently bridged to https://matrix.to/#/#atu:matrix.org || maybe? get cloaks here: #libera-cloaks 12
OFTC #system-transparency System Transparency | https://www.system-transparency.org/ | ST is a security architecture for booting and operating an externally verifiable system 12
Undernet #radioplay < RadioPlay > The best music on the WEB! ( Radio Online FM >> http://Radio.COM.RO & http://wWw.RadioPlay.Ro ) 12
OFTC #xonsh The xonsh shell ~ http://xon.sh/ | gitter: gitter.im/xonsh/xonsh | Must be registered with nickserv to speak 12
Undernet #mp3fullalbums 12
EFnet #tulsi 12
Undernet #austria Willkommen in Österreich!! ( www.Austria.at ) 12
Undernet #buenosaires |¦|[Bienvenidos a #BuenosAires Argentina Un nuevo canal de amistad en IRC UnderNet]|¦| ( https://turismo.buenosaires.gob.ar/es ) 12
freenode #postgresql-unreg 12
Libera.Chat #techrights TechRights.org | Unofficial channel #techrights for http://TechRights.org 12
QuakeNet #tdmpickup 12
IRCnet #debrecen 12
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-ayudantes Salón para las reuniones de ayudantes, así no nos interrumpe un Wikiayuda - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Ayuda ¿Reunión? 12
DALnet #banyuwangi WelcomE to #Banyuwangi@DALnet ¤ Ketik !start untuk memulai game Famili 100 ¤ need help ? visit #banyuwangi ¤ need BNC/shells/eggdrop/hosting/VPS/Dedicated Server ? visit #banyuwangi 12
Libera.Chat #certbot Unofficial channel, you can ask help and wait :) | Peace ☮ 12
freenode ##bitcoin 12
Undernet #vis bun venit in "vis" unde toti nespalatii si distrusii stau cu "+" ( https://uzzicurva.com ) 12
IRCnet #piedi 12
Libera.Chat #freenginx announcing freenginx.org | https://mailman.nginx.org/pipermail/nginx-devel/2024-February/K5IC6VYO2PB7N4HRP2FUQIBIBCGP4WAU.html 12
Undernet #chastity Welcome to #Chastity - Share your experiences, ask questions, and support each other in this respectful and informative community. Let's grow together! 12
Libera.Chat #freebsd-soc Google Summer of Code 2025 Timeline: https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline. Responses to questions may take time. Please stick around, tag jrm, or send an email to soc-admins@FreeBSD.org. 12
Libera.Chat #ac100 12
OFTC #debian-homeassistant HomeAsssistant packaging in Debian | Please help us package the huge list of depends. TODO: https://wiki.debian.org/Python/HomeAssistant 12
SwiftIRC #games Featured: Satisfactory v1! ~ Join our relayed Discord! https://discord.gg/swiftirc 12
EFnet #moscow Говорит Москва 12
freenode ##stm32 12
freenode #winapi WE'RE LINKED TO OTHER SERVERS! Welcome to #winapi: Windows API (no cygwin/UWP/Powershell/WSL/C#/.NET) ,C, C++, MFC, COM | Least small Windows IRC channel | Respect the Classics! | Paste: http://paste.awesom.eu , https://pastebin.com , https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ | http://bytepointer.com/resources/old_new_thing/index.htm | https://www.onlinegdb.com/ 12
Libera.Chat #kolibrios Welcome to #kolibrios, the developers are not awake all the time, so hang around if you dont immediately get a response 12
Newnet #ai dark* drives swapped, vpn + mc services restored 12
IRCnet #atari 12
Libera.Chat #luzicaj proste na hovno 12
Libera.Chat #soc-group 12
Libera.Chat #ara ARA Records Ansible and makes it easier to understand and troubleshoot | Website: https://ara.recordsansible.org | Code: https://github.com/ansible-community/ara | Changelog: https://ara.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog-release-notes.html 12
Undernet #cinema Welcome To #cinema! What's your favorite film? 11
OFTC #openstack-ptg 11
Libera.Chat #dracut 11
Libera.Chat #debian.se #debian.se: Kanalen för svensktalande Debian-användare 11
Libera.Chat #duktape Welcome to the official #duktape channel :: latest release: 2.7.0 11
CyberIRC #irssi **Latest release**: 1.4.5 | https://irssi.org/ | Tip: Irssi commands are preceded by a / | https://irssi.org/New-users/ 11
Libera.Chat #vpsadminos https://vpsadminos.org | https://github.com/vpsfreecz/vpsadminos | logs: https://im.vpsfree.cz/archive/irc.libera.chat/%23vpsadminos/ 11
Undernet #ferentari 11