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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
freenode #coreboot 11
freenode #x General purpose channel without censorship! All topics are allowed, including politics, religion & everything in between. 11
freenode ##bible And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 NKJV) / Channel for all group of Themes. https://is.gd/thatsmyking Our Website: https://christian-chat-chalice.com 11
freenode #gamedev 11
DALnet #friends REAL friends STAYS. TNS Online Radio - https://zeno.fm/radio/TeonNilaSerua-radio 11
EFnet #ircbar-trivia Lets play some trivia 11
Undernet #larnaca 11
DALnet #manilagames !hangman !hangmanhelp - !scramble !scramblehelp 11
TechNet #linux Welcome to #Linux || 11
IRCnet #ascaelon 11
Libera.Chat #alpha Alpha Processor Discussion 11
IRCnet #hekerji.si 11
DALnet #sumatra Welcome to Chanel Sumatra Dalnet 11
Libera.Chat #gentoo-zh-offtopic Gentoo 中文离题聊天群 | Telegram: https://t.me/gentoo_zh_offtopic | Matrix: #gentoo_zh_offtopic:shabi.id 11
SkyChatz #youtube Welcome to #Youtube Official Channel's and don't forget please visit to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbnycXzz0RQxjrLn5drf-Qw & click Subscribe, Like then Share for my Youtube Official Channel's | update news: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ | To get info about Covid-19 type !covid ur_country 11
DALnet #sugbo Lαlαɯιɠαɳ ɳɠ SUGBO 11
OFTC #fdroid-translators F-Droid translation discussion (official channel) | Use #fdroid:f-droid.org for general, app- and repo-related matters | For development discussion use #fdroid-dev:f-droid.org | This channel is accessible via IRC, Matrix, Telegram and XMPP | Room history is public | Please don't edit your messages, it is spammy to users on IRC and XMPP 11
Undernet #egypt Official channel of #egypt - *ARAB* or *EN* language please. NO,harrasment,spam,flood,abuse. Have fun and enjoy your stay! ( https://wwww.dailynewssegypt.com/ 11
Libera.Chat ##theology 11
DALnet #cyprus ////////////////// #cyprus Welcome to the World Paradise Island of Cyprus Have Nice Time \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 11
EFnet #stranger_things And now i am going to end you and all of your freinds- 11
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-ombuds Welcome to Wikimedia Ombuds Commission's public channel | https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Ombuds_Commission | OC members are voiced 11
Undernet #catholic Welcome to Catholic, Enjoy your stay. 11
Rizon #bnc4free Welcome to BNC4FREE :: Site: https://bnc4free.com/ :: Terms of Service: https://bnc4free.com/terms :: Wiki: https://wiki.bnc4free.com/ :: Server Status: https://status.bnc4free.com/ :: Use !request to request a bouncer. 11
Libera.Chat #psxugnd PSXuGND [https://0x7b.de/psxugnd] | The PlayStation 1 Development Underground | https://0x7b.de/psxugnd/bbs.php | Also check out #psugnd for other hardware generations 11
Libera.Chat #oe-tsc 11
Libera.Chat ###capitalism ### CAPITALISM ### 11
SkyChatz #sunway https://www.sunway.com.my/ 11
Libera.Chat #plugaz Welcome to Phoenix Linux Users Group | Meetings in BigBlueButton | https://PhxLinux.org/ 11
HybridIRC #irchelp [Services: Online] Welcome To #IRChelp one of HybridIRC's newest and greatest help channels. State your question and wait patiently for a helper to assist you. Don't PM the ops (@) or voices (+) without permission. For registration, password and other questions: https://www.hybridirc.com/ and read our helpers' rules before doing so... Thank you for flying HybridIRC! 11
freenode ##ubuntu 11
IRCnet #php.de 11
QuakeNet #ezquake 11
freenode #freenode-bnc freenode BNC - bnc.freenode.net:+6697 (ssl) - use your NickServ nick:pass as your IRC connection password | Need help with BNC Commands? check here: https://wiki.freenode.net/view/Freenode_BNC 11
Libera.Chat #micronom micronom.space | personal wizard | step your game up 11
QuakeNet #reflex 11
SwiftIRC #christian-chat-chalice And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 NKJV) / Channel for all group of Themes. https://is.gd/thatsmyking Our Website: https://christian-chat-chalice.com 11
SkyChatz #jb (*|||||| Welcome To JB@SkyChatz 11
IRCnet #twitter 11
SkyChatz #chat ..::@@@@ Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri Maaf Zahir & Batin @@@@::.. 11
Libera.Chat #asteroid AsteroidOS is a free and open source smartwatch platform | http://asteroidos.org | This channel is publicly logged and bridged to Matrix (#asteroid:matrix.org). Logs available at https://log.asteroidos.org/ | Git activity: #asteroid-git 11
Libera.Chat #nixos-security 11
Undernet #calimanesti Un prieten adevarat e greu de gasit,dificil de parasit si imposibil de uitat!Iubesc Un Suflet Ce Nu Este Langa Mine Mi-e Dor Si Doare! ( Un prieten adevarat e g 11
Libera.Chat #restframework 11
Libera.Chat #ntp-unregistered Please register your nick (/msg nickserv help register) to join #ntp (otherwize idling in here is discouraged) 11
Libera.Chat #commits 11
Rizon #pomfret This aged really well https://pomf.pyonpyon.moe/cqeimb.png | A cozy water cooler for the development and rescue of pomf.se clones. Share methods, code patches, and tips and tricks here. | If you need help setting up pomf, fuck off and read this: https://catbox.moe/retard.html 11
Libera.Chat #tari 11
Libera.Chat #kde-edu Welcome to the KDE Education Project: https://edu.kde.org | KDE-Edu Apps are at https://invent.kde.org/education 11
Libera.Chat #lakkatv Lakka 4.3 was released! - https://lakka.tv/articles/2023/01/18/lakka-4.3/ | Switch users: update Hekate and bootloader files to 6.0.1+ | Discord - https://discord.gg/BNFR4hM | Lakka nightly builds - https://nightly.builds.lakka.tv/latest/ 11