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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #norge God jul, god jul! 11
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-commons-tech Channel for Commons related technical disussions | Bugs: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/COM:BUG | For Wikimedia Commons, please visit: #wikimedia-commons 11
DALnet #lampung Dibuka lowongan SOP/AOP/HOP. Silahkan kirimkan lamaran Anda ke kalpin@pentest.id. Terima kasih. 11
EFnet #ps3test Wecome to #ps3test 11
Undernet #pentagon Welcome. NO! 11
IRCnet #protool 11
Libera.Chat #fuchsia Pink + Purple == Fuchsia (a new Operating System); https://fuchsia.dev/ | moved to irc.oftc.net #fuchsia - please join us there! | Code of Conduct: https://fuchsia.dev/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 11
Libera.Chat #exult Exult: https://exult.info/ - The open source engine for Ultima VII 11
Undernet #cinema Welcome To #cinema! What's your favorite film? 11
Libera.Chat #s6 11
Undernet #salajops !vot 24h|Add user|DA:NU !stopvot -->pt help folositi iSalaj next --> iSalaj helped nick ( https://ircstats.net/salaj ) 11
Libera.Chat #litedoge 11
IRCnet #occult 11
Libera.Chat ##norwegian-blue VOOM! Feeweeweewee! 11
Libera.Chat ##daemon I stole teh peanuts https://www.stilldrinking.org/programming-sucks ; <Gitesh> Are you a slow thinker or quick thinker ; 19:16, <Gitesh> i am not using irc i am working now 11
Libera.Chat #netrek is "#netrek multiplayer team strategy, tactics & action game, http://www.netrek.org/ | jolt knocked me backwards - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OlyrAt4YsE 11
Libera.Chat #wikivoyage-es Bienvenidos al canal de Wikiviajes · https://es.wikivoyage.org/ · Deja tu mensaje y, si no te respondemos ahora, lo haremos en cuanto podamos · Ayuda: #wikimedia-ayuda · Otros: #cvn-wikivoyage · Canal social de wikimedistas: #wikimedia-social-es ¡Únete a Wikiviajes! 11
IRCnet #esoteric 11
Libera.Chat #abcl 11
Libera.Chat #uncensoreddns DNS-over-TLS (rfc7858), DNS-over-HTTPS (rfc8484), DNS-over-QUIC (rfc9250) servers, pins in TLSA records and on https://blog.uncensoreddns.org/dns-servers/ ! :: https://blog.uncensoreddns.org :: https://twitter.com/censurfridns :: Please highlight Tykling for assistance! :) :: #censurfridns for danish speakers 11
Libera.Chat #fosdem-network FOSDEM network | irc.libera.chat#fosdem-network | matrix #network:fosdem.org 11
Libera.Chat #hackem Hack'EM: A NetHack variant. Now back under active development! Repo: https://github.com/nethack-cleaner/HackEM 11
QuakeNet #carnival 11
Rizon #norway =|== Do Enjoy to #Norway =|== 11
IRCnet #bled cist sm zBLEDel :D 11
IRCnet #cwu 11
freenode #offsec 11
SwiftIRC #christian And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 NKJV) / Channel for all group of Themes. https://is.gd/thatsmyking Our Website: https://christian-chat-chalice.com 11
QuakeNet #np 11
Undernet #clicksud https://clicksud.biz/ 11
Rizon #nfodb http://nfodb.ru || Bot is UP || Triggers - !nfo (search) !nfodb (show last 10 nfos) || Register at site. Upload 1000 nfos from new rls and then ask for op :) || #gabbermp3 | #gabbermp3-chat || Looking for FTP access with nfo's of new releases. If you have it PM The_Undertaker 11
IRCnet #mystic 11
Libera.Chat #libreoffice-doc Welcome to LibreOffice Documentation chat! If you're trying to write some awesome docs for the project - you've come to the right place! Join the team: https://documentation.libreoffice.org/ User questions #libreoffice, code chat #libreoffice-dev, quality assurance #libreoffice-qa, localization #libreoffice-nlp 11
Libera.Chat #codencoffee Code&&Coffee informal meetings: Saturdays, 10:30 AM Mountain | Host: http://copyfree.org | Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/nocowebscale 11
QuakeNet #splashdamage 11
IRCnet #spirituality 11
IRCnet #spiritual 11
IRCnet #spirit 11
Libera.Chat ##libstdcxx Libstdc++ developer chinwag | https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/ | Patch queue: https://patchwork.sourceware.org/project/gcc/list/?q=libstdc%2B%2B 11
Libera.Chat #lautre.net 11
Rizon #hikari3 hikari3.ch 11
Libera.Chat #3lab Hackerspace-Internety https://3lab.re/ | Official trzylab - wiarygodne źródło informacji, akap, wiśniowe klastry | Unofficial Kubernetes support channel | op za 25zł | Ruski wojynny szifje, wydupjej | Kiedyś to było 11
Rizon #ykkaria The Post Office is back! http://afternoon.dynu.com/ | YKK rescan project: http://pastebin.com/y3r9iEMa 11
QuakeNet #ninja 11
Rizon #xxx holla! Thank you for joining #xXx 11
Rizon #cah No game is running. Type !start to begin one! 11
Libera.Chat ##londonrackspace London Rack Space: We do DevOps so you don't have to! 11
Libera.Chat ##librenms 11
Libera.Chat #shadowempire The Shadow Empire || Server address: mc.shadowempire.in || Current version: 1.18 - 1.20.2 || Website: http://shadowempire.in/ || Dynmap: http://dynmap.shadowempire.in/ || Rules: http://shadowempire.in/rules || Make love, not drama! || Relayed to Discord: https://discord.gg/q7GUDgWR 11
Libera.Chat #nodecore-ingame NodeCore Community game server in-game chat bridge | https://nodecore.mine.nu | Bridged to Discord https://discord.gg/NNYeF6f | Mention "@help" to alert admins 11