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Network Name Topic Users
freenode #mirchelp Welcome to #mIRChelp the main channel of #sweden #india #europe #malaysia #singapore #china #bnc For the latest mIRC visit https://www.mirc.com/get.html | For Access ? Ask in the main channel and Do NOT PM. Thank you for visiting. 11
Undernet #writer <salbahe> Would you like penises to replace your fingers? 11
Undernet #kaos Welcome! Enjoy on http://radio.enjoychat.net:8024 11
Undernet #unitedkingdom 11
Libera.Chat #oe-tsc 11
Libera.Chat ##irc_clients Discussion about the state and development of IRC clients 11
QuakeNet #christian-chat-chalice 11
Libera.Chat #kibana 11
Libera.Chat #spaceapi Web: spaceapi.io | Matrix: #spaceapi:matrix.coredump.ch | GitHub: github.com/spaceapi | Add your space: github.com/spaceapi/directory 11
Libera.Chat #jbosnu 11
Libera.Chat ##chat-ops Welcome to ##chat-ops | Please be patient and wait for a response from operators. If you are not waiting for a response, do not idle in this channel. /PART | Rules: https://pastebin.com/raw/ntTcx2xb | ##chat requires registered nicks, reference: /msg NickServ HELP REGISTER 11
Libera.Chat #3lab Hackerspace-Internety https://3lab.re/ | Official trzylab - wiarygodne źródło informacji, akap, wiśniowe klastry | Unofficial Kubernetes support channel | op za 25zł | Ruski wojynny szifje, wydupjej | Kiedyś to było 11
freenode #ramnode RamNode IRC Channel on Freenode | This is a community help channel. Ask your question in the channel and someone will assist you. If you need staff, please open a ticket. https://clientarea.ramnode.com | Node Status: http://status.ramnode.com (Follow @NodeStatus on Twitter) 11
Libera.Chat #icculus.org 11
Undernet #egypt Official channel of #egypt - *ARAB* or *EN* language please. NO,harrasment,spam,flood,abuse. Have fun and enjoy your stay! ( https://wwww.dailynewssegypt.com/ 11
Libera.Chat #restframework 11
Libera.Chat #asteroid AsteroidOS is a free and open source smartwatch platform | http://asteroidos.org | This channel is publicly logged and bridged to Matrix (#asteroid:matrix.org). Logs available at https://log.asteroidos.org/ | Git activity: #asteroid-git 11
QuakeNet #berlin ei campiert vor der Villa von Justin Bieber. Zwei Reihen hinter never. 11
Rizon #turkiye ☾★ Welcome Brother on #Turkiye ☾★ 11
Rizon #scribbles new game is dropped as per scribbles tradition everyone exit the building 11
Libera.Chat #mexico 11
OFTC #torrents Everything Regarding Torrents 11
Libera.Chat #signal Signal Messenger - Speak Freely - https://signal.org || Note that SMS support for Android will be phased out. https://bit.ly/3fWLnhz 11
Libera.Chat #kde-edu Welcome to the KDE Education Project: https://edu.kde.org | KDE-Edu Apps are at https://invent.kde.org/education 11
Libera.Chat #neurodiverse-city 11
Undernet #truth 11
Libera.Chat #tcl-help [TCL Help & Discussion]| Welcome (don't msg @/+) | NEWS: blackASN.tcl (www.tclscripts.net) 11
IRCnet !lllgyberlin 11
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-npp Discuss new page patrol and its many related topics 11
Libera.Chat ##germany Welcome to GERMANY channel discussion about the Federal Republic of Germany 🇩🇪 11
DALnet #usacafe »« Welcome to #usacafe! »« R I.P. DrunkenKlown (David) you are missed bro! »« for znc & shells join #oddprotocol »« Website: https://oddprotocol.org/ »« 11
Libera.Chat #swh-offtopic Off-topic chit-chat for www.softwareheritage.org 11
Rizon #paranormal Paranormal Chat. UFOs, Aliens, Ghosts, Cryptids, etc. | GREY LIVES MATTER | Linked to #Paranormal Bridge ( see https://paranormal.stardust.cx ) 11
EFnet #senate 11
Rizon #animeyoshi http://www.aniyoshi.com/ | RIP CP <<----who? 11
Libera.Chat #minio 11
Undernet #freedom Every morning is Christmas morning! 11
Libera.Chat #nethack4 11
SwiftIRC #swiftrpg Welcome to SwiftRPG: SwiftIRC's text-based RPG game! | To register: /msg SwiftRPG !register USERNAME PASSWORD | To login: /msg SwiftRPG !login USERNAME PASSWORD | Commands: !help 11
EFnet #stranger_things And now i am going to end you and all of your freinds- 11
Libera.Chat #cairo 11
Libera.Chat #atx2600 We meet the first Friday of every month || Discord: https://discord.gg/CWVEakCFgF 11
DALnet #cyprus ////////////////// #cyprus Welcome to the World Paradise Island of Cyprus Have Nice Time \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 11
KampungChat #bnc4free https://bnc4free.com/?page_id=67 11
EFnet #moldova 10
Undernet #dracula 10
DALnet #electronics Electronics discussion and help - if you ask nicely! | No user serviceable parts inside, but we aren't your standard users... | Please allow 6-8 hours for someone to wake up and answer you. | http://hackaday.com/2016/02/08/local-hacker-discovers-card-edge-connectors/ 10
Undernet #bahrain May Allah guide us to the good of the kingdom of Bahrain and its loyal people. ( https://www.bna.bh/en/ ) 10
Undernet #dawn 10