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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #pleroma-offtopic #pleroma-offtopic: Where all girls are best-girl, all boys are catgirls, and all gender fluid are markov chains! 11
IRCnet #golang 11
Libera.Chat #freecs FreeCS Dev Chan | If you have a question, stick around! Timezones are hard. 11
Undernet #nastycode 11
Libera.Chat #bitraf 11
Libera.Chat #bitchx 11
freenode #rust 11
freenode #shell 11
DALnet #pahang (Pahang Darul Makmur 2019) | | Pahang is the largest state in Peninsular Malaysia and undoubtedly one of the top eco-destinations. Happy 63rd Malaysia Independence Day 11
RetroNode #asm All about machine code and assembly language | 6502, Z80, m68k, x86, etc. | TASM, MASM, NASM, etc. | https://jbwyatt.com/253/emu/tutorials.html 11
DALnet #physics Feynman's lectures: http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/ 11
Libera.Chat #multipass https://multipass.run 11
Libera.Chat #dbd Official IRC channel for the Defective by Design campaign: <https://defectivebydesign.org> | Help us share the DRM-free message with others on ActivityPub at <https://hostux.social/@enddrm> 11
Libera.Chat #wikidata-revdel This channel is for requesting revision deletion or oversight. | Only ops can see what you post, and only administrators are ops. Trouble posting? PM an op. | To request oversight, do not post diffs. Use the !oversight ping and wait for an oversighter to message you privately. | For revision deletion, please use !admin in your request. | Please leave/part if not requesting revdel 11
Undernet #elite elite 11
IRCgo #quizzy_francais [ Quizz ] Venez vous détendre et battre les records du serveur sur ce salon dédié au jeu || !start pour lancer le jeu <[ Quizz ]> 11
IRCnet #falkor set a new topic here 11
QuakeNet #reflex 11
TechNet #/ #Slash ::#chat #computertech #pirates #SalsLair #technet :: irc.chatnet.chat 11
Libera.Chat #squeak Welcome to #Squeak where we talk about the Squeak implementation of Smalltalk. Useful links at http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/IRCPortal . Limit channel pastes, use the Lisp Pastebot at http://paste.squeak.org/. Questions welcome, please try to stay on-topic. 11
Rizon #portugal tugas ! http://redetuga.nuke.pt 11
IRCnet #freenet 11
Undernet #botservice 11
Rizon #ykkaria The Post Office is back! http://afternoon.dynu.com/ | YKK rescan project: http://pastebin.com/y3r9iEMa 11
TechNet #support Welcome to #support | Please wait patiently for a staffer to help you | Once you have been helped, please part the channel. Do not idle here. 11
OFTC #https-everywhere https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere | git pull requests here will eventually be looked at, even if it doesn't happen straight away | please stay in the channel after you ask questions! | https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=878890 <--- answers at least half the questions here :( 11
Libera.Chat #elvish Elvish user group https://elv.sh/ | Register NickServ to talk | http://src.elv.sh/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 11
Libera.Chat #gdal GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - https://www.gdal.org - if you don't get an answer, wait for a couple of days or ask on the mailing list: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/gdal-dev 11
OFTC #debian-freelancers 🍥 DebConf? { lamby, highvoltage, petn-randall } 11
OFTC #openstack-exporter 11
Libera.Chat #symbollox <moparisthebest> wtf I love the feds now? 11
freenode #ramnode RamNode IRC Channel on Freenode | This is a community help channel. Ask your question in the channel and someone will assist you. If you need staff, please open a ticket. https://clientarea.ramnode.com | Node Status: http://status.ramnode.com (Follow @NodeStatus on Twitter) 11
IRCgo #entre-mecs --- Salon Entre-Mecs --- Salon adulte, Gay bi réservé aux Hommes qui aiment les Hommes. Bienvenue sur #Entre-Mecs Ici, considère-toi comme dans un club privé 😈🍆. On discute, on se drague, on se fouette et on se chauffe #Entre-Mecs - 🔞interdit aux mineurs🔞 1 11
SkyChatz #vhost Welcome To #vHost - Official vHost Channel. Type !vhost vhost.desire.virtual.hostname In Order To Use It. Please Use Only A-Z And/Or 0-9 & Separate The Words With Point.' 11
Rizon #youtube !! '-<<--<@ Welcome to #YouTube explora tus videos musicas y todo en -- http://www.youtube.com/ @>-->>-' !i 11
Libera.Chat #f5 F5 Networks - Not an official support channel | Free trials: https://f5.com/products/trials/product-trials | Free training: https://f5.com/education/training | User community: https://devcentral.f5.com | Github: https://github.com/F5Networks | https://www.github.com/f5devcentral | Support/KB: https://askf5.f5.com 11
Rizon #lunaranime LunarAnime[www.lunaranime.org www.lunarforums.org] !rules !licensed <title> | Newest: Souten Kouro 08-9, Eden of the East 05 Released: AyaAya1-25,Ouran01-26,REC1-9,Suzuka 1-26,Iriya 1-3,Uta 1-10,Canvas2 1-24,Air 1-10,PlayBall 1-3,mmppp1-33,MiJ1-1 11
freenode ##rtorrent 11
Libera.Chat #cbradio Speedy FAQ: SWR is not plural. Extra coax won't improve SWR. Echo mics don't sound good. Lil Wils aren't that great. The frame of a vehicle is not some magical place where "ground' comes from. 11
IRCgo #famille Bienvenue dans le Salon Famille. Discuter et s'exprimer en toute liberté, avec du respect. | Pour les règlements du salon | En vous connectant, vous acceptez les CGU | Conditions Générales d'Utilisation | Contrat de Licence Utilisateur Final : CLUF : https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=23/19/ptj0.jpg 11
Libera.Chat #atu Welcome to All Things Unix || http://www.dslreports.com/forum/unixdsl || This channel is NOT currently bridged to https://matrix.to/#/#atu:matrix.org || maybe? get cloaks here: #libera-cloaks 11
OFTC #why2025-roc 11
DALnet #hucow 18+ The Fun Barn girl meat ranch. Check out our neighbors #Livestock #PonyGirlStables and #SciFiKink NSFW: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/oIZWTChC/cowprints-selfmilk.gif 11
Libera.Chat #kde-in 11
Libera.Chat #fedora-flock Connect with Fedora at Flock, Nest, & Hatch events worldwide. || Thanks to attendees and presenters at Nest 2022! || Check https://flocktofedora.org for for the latest information. 11
Libera.Chat ##stonks Hello, Stonk Worx | Stonks always go up. Or down. Except on Tuesday November 12th, 2019. Stonks always go right. WSJ Archive: https://archive.is/0w8Z0 | Investing involves risk. This channel is not a recommendation to trade anything. | The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. 11
freenode #x General purpose channel without censorship! All topics are allowed, including politics, religion & everything in between. 11
EFnet #mirc4dummies 11
Libera.Chat #fedora-java 11
QuakeNet #python Welcome to #python - the #1 Python source on QuakeNet! Feel free to ask any Python question! 11