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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
DALnet #aslpls ♥ #ASLPLS ♥ (https://RadioMania.rocks1) 106
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-security Mastodon: @ubuntusecurity@fosstodon.org || https://usn.ubuntu.com || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features || Community: mdeslaur 105
Libera.Chat #chicken Latest stable release: 5.4.0 || CHICKEN: A practical and portable Scheme system || Official website: https://www.call-cc.org || Community wiki: https://wiki.call-cc.org || Pastebin: https://paste.call-cc.org 105
Libera.Chat #mpv-devel Development channel for mpv | merriment forbidden | no user help 105
DALnet #semarang Digital made from analog parts. 105
Libera.Chat #syncthing https://forum.syncthing.net/ || This is a Syncthing IRC channel. 105
OFTC #linux-rt Realtime on Linux, not general Linux questions | 5.15.163-rt78 5.14.2-rt21 5.10.78-rt56 5.4.129-rt61 4.19.196-rt83 4.14.87-rt50 | rt-tests-1.10 105
Undernet #pelister 105
DALnet #manchester IRC is finished 👦 everyone please make tiktok accounts 105
Libera.Chat #linux-rockchip Rockchip development discussion | public log at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/linux-rockchip 105
Rizon #asphyxia REQUESTS | XDCC FLAC-MP3-TV-MOVIES-GAMES | https://asphyxia.root.sx | .cmds .find .latest .top .reqhelp .subs | RiffRaff(MP1/589) TheNational(MP2/495) VenomTheLastDance-WEBDL(MV2/99) IndianaJonesandtheGreatCircleProper-PC(GM1/125) STALKER2HeartofChornobyl-PC(GM1/78) Smile2-WEBDL(MV1/84) DuneProphecyS01E01(TV1/57) LinkinPark(MP1/166) Megalopolis-WEBDL(MV1/56) 105
Libera.Chat ##llm Large Language Models - what they can do, how they work, and how to run them | ##llm-bots | bots: llamar, fine tune mistral-7b.Q6_K + llava-v1.5-7b; tinsoldier, OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo; electrabot, meta-llama-3-70b-instruct-ima | tokenizer, embeddings, positional encoding, attention matrices, logits, back-propagation, inference 105
DALnet #palu WeLcomE to #Palu@DALnet ¤Merry Christmas & a Happy Prosperous New Year 2023 SULAWESI visit #Palu 105
OFTC #debian-kde Welcome to #debian-kde https://qt-kde-team.pages.debian.net/ || Plasma 6 FAQ: https://wiki.debian.org/Plasma%206 || bookworm F 5.103 P 5.27.5 G 22.12 || trixie/sid F 5.115/6.6 P 6.2 G 22.12/24.12 || FAQ: http://wiki.debian.org/KDE || don't ask to ask, just ask || 3rd party sites are not welcome. 104
DALnet #yogyakarta ||||||||| Welcome, Selamat Datang, Sugeng Rawuh #Yogyakarta - Cek Zodiak EG: !taurus | Butuh Bantuan? Join #Indonesia ||||||||| 104
OFTC #freerdp FreeRDP library | last stable release: 2.9.0 | https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/ (issues, source, docs) | https://www.freerdp.com 104
OFTC #beacondb 104
Libera.Chat #libera-hotline Libera network-level abuse reporting channel | Messages in this channel are only visible to staff | Dealing with unwanted bots? /invite ozone | Idlers welcome; please use #libera for questions and general support 104
Rizon #uk Welcome to [#UK] 'goodbye 100K BTC' | fake: null | £ | R.I.P Bmonk 1988-2013 | http://wiki.rizon.net/index.php?title=Uk | Saying no to the USA since 1776 | 104
Libera.Chat ##machinelearning-general Machine Learning for Humans | friendly machine learning channel, smalltalk ok | loosely moderated | Papers: https://github.com/ai-libera/hi/blob/main/p.md | Please allow 2-3h response time! :-) | feeds: #ai-feeds 104
Libera.Chat #grub Don't ask if you can ask a question, just ask it. Don't leave a few minutes after you ask - wait, maybe someone will respond. || GRUB Legacy => upgrade. No support prior to version 1.98 in any way || It is impossible to "boot" an ISO from disk unless that image specifically supports that || manual: https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html || for pasting: http://paste.debian.net 103
DALnet #slut 18+ Only ! Welcome to #Slut Enjoy Your Stay & Chat here - Visit https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.dal.net/#Slut to chat from browser. 103
Libera.Chat #android-unregistered This is NOT a support channel! | You must register to join #android | See https://libera.chat/guides/registration or /MSG NickServ help register | DO NOT click on spammed links | Depending on your client "/set irc_join_delay 10" to delay joining 10 seconds. 103
Libera.Chat #metabrainz MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | BookBrainz: #bookbrainz | Channel is logged and not empty as it is bridged to IRC; see https://musicbrainz.org/doc/ChatBrainz for details | Agenda: Reviews, old solr7 cluster (@zas/@yvanzo) 103
KampungChat #gosip 4W0aalaιĸυмυѕѕalaм 4W0araнмaтυllaн 4H0iwaвaraĸaтυн 103
IRC-nERDs #archlinux ArchLinux Community Support channel, stay and help others if you can. For ArchLinux and all of its derivative's. Manjaro, Arco, Garuda, RebornOS, etc.. 103
OFTC #freedombox FreedomBox user support and discussion | https://freedombox.org | https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/Manual | #freedombox-dev for developers 103
OFTC #debian-bsb Canal Matrix: #debian-bsb:matrix.debian.social | Reunião Semanal Quintas às 19h no https://meet.debianbsb.org | https://pad.riseup.net/p/debianbrasilia-keep 102
DALnet #asia ,%%`,%%`,%%`,% Welcome to #Asia@DALnet Feel free to chat and idle, channel rules are NO spam/flood/invite/CAPS/swearing%,`%%,`%%,`%%, 102
Libera.Chat #qbittorrent Official qBittorent IRC channel | Latest stable relase: v5.0.3 | Latest unstable release: v5.1.0beta1 102
Libera.Chat #letsencrypt 101
Libera.Chat #dogecoin DOGE! | RULES: https://dogecoinirc.github.io/ | Want some DOGE? .buydoge | Can't use Wallet bot? .register | Mine? No.. FOLD! https://dogecoinfah.com | Shibes 4EVER | Doger & all DOGE GONE: http://redd.it/eg19nu | K.O. 101
Libera.Chat #invidious https://invidious.io/ | Instances: https://instances.invidious.io/ | Documentation: https://docs.invidious.io | SourceCode: https://git.invidious.io | Instances API: https://api.invidious.io/ | ToDo: https://todo.invidious.io/ | Bridged to #invidious:matrix.org on Matrix 101
Libera.Chat #yosys Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite: https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys/ | Channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/yosys/ | Bridged to #yosys:matrix.org 100
Rizon #vizon Welcome to #VIzon, the Rizon Lottery channel | https://wiki.rizon.net/index.php?title=VIzon | Drawing every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 00:00:00 UTC! | Next Drawing: #1216 | Countdown: https://vizon.rizon.club 100
SkyChatz #pahang <><> Welcome To: <><> #Pahang :: Pahang Darul Makmur :: <><> 100
Libera.Chat #kde-sysadmin Please create a Sysadmin Task for all problems - https://go.kde.org/systickets - issues in backlog may not be noticed | https://twitter.com/kdesysadmin | Join this channel via Telegram at https://telegram.me/KDESysadminDiscuss 100
Libera.Chat #atheme Atheme IRC Services | https://atheme.github.io/ | Stable: v7.2.12 (2022-01-30) | Preview: v7.3.0-rc2 (Testing wanted; please see NEWS.md first) | Do you have an interesting/useful project that does cool things with Atheme? Ping alyx to potentially be added to a TBD awesome-atheme list! 100
IRCnet #linux Linux-related chat and support | Speak ONLY English | Please be patient in waiting for a reply 100
KampungChat #security 99
Undernet #montreal 99
Libera.Chat #sbcl 99
IRCMX #paginasweb 99
EFnet #hockey [eN.Hockey] 4 Games Tonight - https://www.nhl.com/schedule | https://t.ly/pZCj7 | NO POLITICS | RIP JMG13 99
KampungChat #centos 99
Libera.Chat #talos-workstation https://raptorcs.com/ | The Talos III and Blackbird II systems have been announced: https://x.com/RaptorCompSys/status/1715147706061168822#m | https://wiki.raptorcs.com/ | https://forums.raptorcs.com/ 99
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-commons Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org | Status: UP | https://twitter.com/wikicommons | No public logging | For EMERGENCY admin help, say "!admin@commons + your request" | CONFIDENTIAL admin help: #wikimedia-commons-admin | Vandalism: #cvn-commons | Commons-l: https://w.wiki/8pbx 99
Libera.Chat #adventofcode-spoilers Spoilers for Advent of Code (only _after_ the global top 100 is full for the day) | (unofficial channel) | Main channel: #adventofcode | Scatterplots: https://www.maurits.vdschee.nl/scatterplot/ 99
Libera.Chat #ubnt Welcome to #UBNT. On-topic chat (hah) takes priority. Oracle cloud gives you two free VMs, please (ab)use this for the UNIFI controller! 99
Libera.Chat ##machinelearning Machine Learning chat and technical feeds | https://j.mp/lc-ml | News feeds in #ml-news. Reinforcement learning in #RL. Deployment chat in #ml-deploy. Offtopic chat in #ml-ot. | Rules: No small talk. Technical talk only. No public logging. No changing nick. Identify with nickserv. Stay on topic. No public logging. | Affiliated: #aws-news #blockchain #AGI ##data #pydata-news 98