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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Undernet #vbots 10
KampungChat #attitude Welcome to #ATTITUDE ● at2deX Inc. Official Channel KampungChat. Free sockets Freewar|Massjoin|Banjir at http://at2deX.blogspot.com/ The Best mIRC Memories 10
QuakeNet #assaultcube 10
Libera.Chat #swig Semantic Web Interest Group 24x7 Libera Chat | http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/interest/ | http://swig.planetrdf.com/ 10
Libera.Chat #compiz 10
DarkWorld #netchat 10
QuakeNet #gg 10
Libera.Chat #miraheze-feed Welcome to Miraheze's IRC feed | https://miraheze.org | MirahezeRC is the bot that sends the feed | Private wikis and bots do not show up in this feed 10
EFnet #intelligent This channel is exclusively for people who are capable of sane and rational discourse and disagreements. You need not apply; you probably don't belong here. 10
IRC4Fun #werewolf Welcome to #werewolf game. The goal is to find who's the wolf. Needs 4 players to play. Type !join to join the game. !start to start game. See https://werewolf.chat/Commands for more. Channel will be +m once a game starts. #idlerpg for idlers. 10
freenode #brmlab 10
freenode #k4cg 10
OFTC #zcash Zcash: using zero-knowledge proofs to change the face of cryptocurrency forever :: Chat with us on Slack! http://inviteme.z.cash/ 10
OFTC #irssi http://www.irssi.org | http://irssi.org/documentation/startup 10
Libera.Chat #nix-lang 10
Libera.Chat #dreamwidth Welcome! | Main official IRC channel for Dreamwidth | Channel rules: http://wiki.dreamwidth.net/wiki/index.php/IRC#Rules and https://dw-volunteers.dreamwidth.org/14888.html 10
IRCnet #shellcode 10
QuakeNet #4on4 CS1.6 PCW PRACC MIX » https://discord.gg/ApavVNJ 10
Libera.Chat ##pooltoys all about squeaky stuff! | SFW ONLY. | no drama/politics discussed in an unproductive manner || pro-awoo | bounce squeak | https://i.redd.it/2z49coa34yz71.jpg 10
Libera.Chat #qtwebkit 10
freenode #gnu Unofficial community IRC channel for the GNU project | <https://gnu.org> | "Oh brave GNU world, that has such people in't!" 10
Undernet #bncro Bine ai venit in lumea viselor ( WwW.NoptiAlbe.Org ) 10
Rizon #discourse It is the heart of US policy, Ladies and Gentlemen, to use fascism to preserve capitalism, while claiming to be saving democracy from communism. --M. Parenti | Use .nolog to toggle "last lines read" bot feature. | https://massline.org/Dictionary/ 10
Libera.Chat ##bottleofrum TGx issues continue - category search is back! || TL invites available || yo ho ho and a bottle of rum || WELCOME ALL SAILORS || idle / chat / share 10
freenode ##japanese 10
Libera.Chat #purescript The PureScript programming language https://www.purescript.org/ | https://discourse.purescript.org/ 10
freenode #deepweb https://exorg.net (private, clean, simple with many great options) #DeepWEB - [Do not talk about super illegal stuff in the channel, /join #DarkWeb for you know what...invite only] 10
Libera.Chat #fedora-java 10
freenode #hashcat Use English | Do NOT post hashes or request cracking | Release binaries: https://hashcat.net/hashcat/ | Beta binaries: https://hashcat.net/beta/ | Sources: https://github.com/hashcat/ 10
Libera.Chat #midnight-pub https://midnight.pub - small alley off mainstreet 10
EFnet #psx 10
Libera.Chat #kde-women Welcome! Stick around, we'll say hi! Women of the KDE Community: http://kde.org 10
Libera.Chat #phillw-projects Welcome to the phillw-projects area. In depth tech stuff goes here. | Please use your favourite paste-bin to prevent flooding the channel with lines of code / output. | General chat goes on at #phillw | We have #phillw as a backup room on OFTC and a live one on Telegram (ask for an invite) | Ukrainia, we stand with you. 10
freenode ##chemistry 10
freenode ##github 10
Undernet #soundwave Welcome on #SoundWave ENG + RO = allowed! Channel: OPEN for chat and fun! ( Now you can join #MysteryLand or #TomorrowLand ) 10
Libera.Chat #atx2600 We meet the first Friday of every month || Discord: https://discord.gg/CWVEakCFgF 10
QuakeNet #webdev <BA_Baracus____> Goose is beginning to leak and stink | <BA_Baracus____> gay rich cunt trainers | <Mick`> You need a key card to drink your own piss? | <ollli> i'm all about thick milk mouth feel 10
Rizon #sacredland #sacredland - shared with undernet & irc4fun -> https://irc4fun.net/index.php?page=uin 10
Libera.Chat #satnogs-dev SatNOGS Developers' Channel | https://wiki.satnogs.org/Software_contribution | Operators' channel: #satnogs 10
EFnet #oradea 10
freenode #radeon 10
EFnet #jupe-1484 10
DALnet #detroit Welcome to #Detroit - Enjoy your stay and have a nice chat! 10
Undernet #pulis 10
Libera.Chat #libera-stuff Welcome to the official channel of Libera's stuff 10
Undernet #ilocos Manager has logged back in. Channel unlocked. Please login regularly to avoid channel getting purged 10
Libera.Chat ##homebrewcpu Discussion of homemade CPUs, minicomputers, microcomputers, and related topics. 10
KampungChat #dung " If you want to test a man's character, give him power " 10
QuakeNet #jesus 10