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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
EFnet #warren See also: #Debate for rational (non-insane) political discussion 10
IRCnet #owner 10
EFnet #gamecube 10
Libera.Chat #corelan 10
Libera.Chat ##wordpress 10
Rizon #beatrice-raws Beatrice-Raws :: http://www.beatrice-raws.org :: Current projects: >check the site< :: Packlist :: https://animk.info/xdcc/?nick=Kirie|XDCC :: Leaving from IRC. You can contact me using Telegram: @DJATOM 10
IRCnet #ubuntu 10
Undernet #trois-rivieres I R c a p ViVe TROiS-RiViERES ( https://www.perdu.com ) 10
Libera.Chat #lpmc LearnProgramming Miscellaneous Chat | Remember: Don't ask to ask, skip the pleasantries and just ask your actual question. | Please be mindful of your language here. Swearing is fine, but keep racial slurs and such out. Also, don't be hostile towards others. | The whole channel is a mentor, not just one of us. 10
IRCnet #thedonald 10
Undernet #join Manager has logged back in. Channel unlocked. Please login regularly to avoid channel getting purged. 10
Libera.Chat ##scream-into-the-void Scream (or simply stare) into The Void | The Void is listening | The Void may occasionally scream back 10
DarkWorld #minecraft ( Welcome to #Minecraft :: Stay here and enjoy. :: Network channel #DarkWorld :: General help channel #Help ) - [-WEB-]: https://minecraft.darkworld.network - [-WIKI-]: https://wiki.darkworld.network 10
IRC-nERDs #technet Welcome to #technet || Website: https://technet.chat || Forum: https://forum.technet.chat || Wiki: https://wiki.technet.chat || Want somewhere to chat? /join #chat || Need help? /join #help 10
OFTC #debian-a11y Discussion of Debian's accessibility; Wiki: wiki.debian.org/accessibility 10
freenode #gnu Unofficial community IRC channel for the GNU project | <https://gnu.org> | "Oh brave GNU world, that has such people in't!" 10
Undernet #nastycode 10
freenode #symfony 10
OFTC #linux-iio Welcome to the Industrial I/O IRC channel | ML: http://marc.info/?l=linux-iio | Documentation: https://www.kernel.org/doc/htmldocs/iio/ 10
Undernet #egghelp 10
Libera.Chat #raylib Inofficial raylib channel | https://discord.gg/raylib 10
Undernet #deutschland 10
OFTC #sigsum Signed Checksum Logging | https://www.sigsum.org/ 10
freenode #convos 10
Rizon #tlacatlc6 Website: https://tlacatlc6.anidex.moe || Latest Release: Hataraku Mao-sama! S1 || Next: s-CRY-ed specials || Torrents: http://anidex.info/?page=group&id=4 || No XDCC! :( 10
Libera.Chat #jansoffice Induction hobs. Now you're cooking with gauss. 10
Undernet #gr 10
OFTC #fdroid-translators F-Droid translation discussion (official channel) | Use #fdroid:f-droid.org for general, app- and repo-related matters | For development discussion use #fdroid-dev:f-droid.org | This channel is accessible via IRC, Matrix, Telegram and XMPP | Room history is public | Please don't edit your messages, it is spammy to users on IRC and XMPP 10
OFTC #debian-za Debian South Africa | Debian Day next Wednesday - Join us! https://wiki.debian.org/DebianDay/2023 | MiniDC potentially in late 2024, https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/za/2024/MiniDebTown 10
QuakeNet #dex 10
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-cssjs 10
Rizon #techloligy bruh 10
freenode #dennis ☢ Welcome ² #dennis ☢ http://darkznc.eggdrop.uk/ 10
Libera.Chat #marpa Marpa http://savage.net.au/Marpa.html | Logs http://colabti.org/ircloggy/marpa/last 10
Rizon #haruhichan www.haruhichan.com | FAQ? read this shit http://bit.ly/HaruhiFAQ | Cartoons? we got them http://bit.ly/DownloadAnime | Forums: http://bit.ly/HCForums | KCP (Kawaii Codec Pack) http://bit.ly/HCKCP Version stable | XDCC @ intel.haruhichan.com | Twitter: https://twitter.com/Haruhichancom/ XDCC Guide: http://bit.ly/HCXDCCV2 | 10
Libera.Chat #mupen64plus Mupen64Plus | LATEST VERSION: 2.5.9 | Homepage: http://mupen64plus.org | Discussion: http://www.emutalk.net/forums/113-Mupen64Plus | Repositories: https://github.com/mupen64plus/ 10
Rizon #fansubdb FansubDB - RIP 10
Libera.Chat #cs Computer Science & Discrete Math | For math: ##math, stats: ##statistics | CS StackExchange: http://cs.stackexchange.com/ CS Research: http://cstheory.stackexchange.com/ | Algorithm of the $(TIME): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shor%27s_algorithm 10
Libera.Chat #bsdin 10
freenode ##reprap 10
OFTC #xz-backdoor-osint 10
IRCnet #joli 10
Libera.Chat ##portugues Seja bem-vindo ao canal português, onde você pode falar e aprender a língua | Tradução / Translate: .tl <de/from> <para/to> <texto/text> | Discord: https://discord.gg/5kmatqaYn9 10
Libera.Chat #vinezombie Development of the vinezombie IRC library | https://github.com/vinezombie/vinezombie 10
Rizon #discoparadise |||||||||| Italodisco, Eurodisco, Hi-Nrg, Italobeat, Disco, Pop, Techno, Rock |||||||| 10
freenode #erlang 10
EFnet #kftwow 10
Libera.Chat #satnogs-dev SatNOGS Developers' Channel | https://wiki.satnogs.org/Software_contribution | Operators' channel: #satnogs 10
Rizon #subdesu |SubDESU| http://subdesu.org | H Stuff?: #subdesu-h | Want to join SubDESU team ? Send a email to info@subdesu.org ! 10
DALnet #mirchelp mIRC/Basic IRC/DALnet network help channel - Ask your question in the channel and wait patiently for a reply. Do not message Ops (@) or Voices (+) without permission. https://www.mirc.com/help/mirc.html 10