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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #ccmp no stranger to mental issues, but at least I flush the damn toilet 10
Rizon ##truth The REAL anything-goes channel no holds barred chats. Greatest the paki, not welcome. Hints to find Slenderman's Castle. 10
IRCnet #i9 10
Libera.Chat #matterbridgechat 10
QuakeNet #bible-trivia-quiz 10
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-br Regras do Canal: http://bit.ly/WL7hQz || Pergunte e ESPERE uma resposta, que pode demorar algumas horas. Tenha paciência! || Ubuntu 20.04 é recomendado para todos -- http://releases.ubuntu.com || Canal técnico do Ubuntu Brasil || Notícias de segurança: https://usn.ubuntu.com 10
Libera.Chat ##0xdeadbeef ☃ The deadbeef(デッドビーフ) SaaS - Saufen as a Service — where SCHEISSE matters — PI=42/13.37 — 1/0=Ξ — YOU SHOULD DROP PANTS! — Paronomasia factory, watch out! — FREENODE FLÜCHTLINGE! — Happy జ్ఞ‌ా! — MITTWOCH!!!!1 — certified scenepoints partner — http://ircz.de/p/1107026 — /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ — <EvilBot> Keks ist Fortschritt! 🐸 10
Libera.Chat #opensips 10
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-data-persistence-feed Wikibugs output for database, backups and media storage 10
Libera.Chat #kmonad KMonad: The Onion of Keyboard Management Tools | Bridged to #kmonad:libera.chat by matrix.org | Channel Log: https://ircbrowse.tomsmeding.com/browse/lckmonad 10
DarkWorld #super-vps Welcome to https://www.super-vps.com / a place where you can rent reliable , fast and cheap, servers, with root access, We expect to can ren out by 28th Desember. FIRST 3-5 customers get 1 month FREE rent =). https://webmail.super-vps.com for checking email. :) / EVERY 1-5 seriously need a vps/ RENT 1 month FREE FIRST from January 2024, see if you like 10
Libera.Chat #kolab Welcome to Spring! | Latest stable: Kolab 16 -- now also for Buster, Focal go test | https://kolab.org | https://kolabnow.com | Winter is coming 10
Libera.Chat #mupen64plus Mupen64Plus | LATEST VERSION: 2.5.9 | Homepage: http://mupen64plus.org | Discussion: http://www.emutalk.net/forums/113-Mupen64Plus | Repositories: https://github.com/mupen64plus/ 10
Libera.Chat #nfs 10
Undernet #portal 10
IRCnet #olsztyn 10
Undernet #plex 10
Undernet #overclockers 10
EFnet #atheism Sex and death is all we know. It's how we come and how we go. 10
Libera.Chat #rss2email Forward RSS feeds to your email address, community maintained https://github.com/rss2email/rss2email/ 10
Libera.Chat #gentoo-doc 10
QuakeNet #tcl 10
EFnet #bbs2000 Yes, thar be BBSes still! 10
QuakeNet #tribesascend 10
Libera.Chat #dunst Dunst Notification Daemon | https://dunst-project.org | https://github.com/dunst-project/dunst | It may take hours for someone to respond. If you can't stay in the channel that long please use the bugtracker at https://github.com/dunst-project/dunst/issues. 10
EFnet #paranormal 10
Libera.Chat #golug Greater Orlando Linux Users Group - http://www.golug.org/ 10
Libera.Chat #tremulous Welcome to #tremulous on Libera || http://tremulous.net 10
Rizon #sacredland #sacredland - shared with undernet & irc4fun -> https://irc4fun.net/index.php?page=uin 10
Libera.Chat #jellyfin-announce Announcements from team | Jellyfin Project | https://jellyfin.org 10
DALnet #kohat WelCome to KOHAT 10
Libera.Chat #jbosnu 10
EFnet #alvvays 10
Libera.Chat #fri Life, universe & FRI | Reci živjo in počakaj :) | https://fri.github.io/irc/ | https://youtu.be/fpyEhxSW55w 10
OFTC #alpm Development of Arch Linux Package Management (ALPM) | https://alpm.archlinux.page | https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/alpm/alpm 10
Libera.Chat #android-x86 10
Undernet #test welcome 10
Libera.Chat #fedora-alt-arches Please hang around for an answer to your question. Fedora on different arches https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/MIPS https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/PowerPC https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/RISC-V https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/s390x 10
Libera.Chat #gentoo-db Database packages in Gentoo: MariaDB, MySQL, SQLite... 10
EvilNET #werewolf Welcome to #werewolf game. The goal is to find who's the wolf. Needs 4 players to play. Type !join to join the game. !start to start game. See https://werewolf.chat/Commands for more. Channel will be +m once a game starts. #idlerpg for idlers. 10
Undernet #buang 10
Newnet #lobby Newnet Lobby - 🌟 Welcome to the Heart of Newnet! 🎉 | Bring Your Favorite Snacks and Stories! 😉 | A Place to Chat, Laugh, and Connect 🗨️🍪🥤 | Dive into Diverse Conversations and Make New Friends! 🤝🌍 10
Libera.Chat #talos-cooking Pancakes, cakes, rum and more! Please don't fry eggs on your CPU though! xD 10
EFnet #stranger_things And now i am going to end you and all of your freinds- 10
OFTC #xz-backdoor-osint 10
TechNet #x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [#X - THE BEST channel on TechNet] 10
QuakeNet #quake3world 10
KampungChat #mircop 10