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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
QuakeNet #bible-trivia-quiz 10
freenode #asm (ask ]_ for a voice!) Assembly Programming - This channel is bridged with other networks (so there's plenty people), but we may not be wildly active, so please be patient. 10
IRCnet #science 10
Libera.Chat #gbadev Game Boy Advance homebrew development chat - https://gbadev.net - NO WAREZ 10
IRCnet #chatroom 10
Rizon #slytherin Welcome to the Slytherin Common Room! | Hogwarts Creature Encounter Game Guide: https://imgur.com/6NSvrmp | Type !join <house> to be sorted into your house! - Slytherin | Gryffindor | Ravenclaw | Hufflepuff 10
Undernet #gr 10
Libera.Chat ##wordpress 10
Libera.Chat #dreckly Portable package repository for all UNIX-like systems: https://github.com/drecklypkg/dreckly 10
EFnet #dotbnc dotBNC.com :: Status: ONLINE :: Support: support@dotBNC.com 10
freenode #minecraft Welcome to #minecraft - You must register to talk 10
Undernet #9 ? 10
EFnet #tdot 10
IRCnet #elblag 10
Libera.Chat #italia 🇮🇹 (poche) conversazioni in italiano / italy 10
Zoite #zoite Welcome to the Zoite IRC network. In case there is no conversation going on here please join #antisocial . It is the most active channel. And by the way, the name of #antisocial is tongue-in-cheek. It is a very friendly channel. 10
freenode #lowendbox 10
EFnet #linux-noob 10
freenode #monero-dev 10
Libera.Chat #arm-img-builder Discussion for the community port of Debian. https://github.com/pyavitz/debian-image-builder Discord: Invite Link: https://discord.gg/mypJ7NW8BG Channel Link: https://discord.com/channels/898968760457781309/950159122031079524 10
IRCnet #sverige 10
Libera.Chat #openzfs-windows Coming soon! Topic! 10
Libera.Chat #xterm 10
EFnet #objx objx.net 10
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-za Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | pastebin: https://bin.snyman.info | picpaste: http://pasteboard.co 10
SwiftIRC #christian-chat-chalice-german 10
QuakeNet #philippines 10
Libera.Chat #gnu-librejs LibreJS: https://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/ | Why do we need LibreJS: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.html | How to prepare your website for LibreJS: https://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/free-your-javascript.html 10
IRCnet #giardini 10
Undernet #dawn 10
Libera.Chat #gstreamer Moved to OFTC: please join #gstreamer on irc.oftc.net 10
Libera.Chat #kroeg 10
TechNet #linux Welcome to #Linux || 10
Libera.Chat #purescript The PureScript programming language https://www.purescript.org/ | https://discourse.purescript.org/ 10
TechNet #x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [#X - THE BEST channel on TechNet] 10
SwiftIRC #cooking Recipes! https://food.swiftirc.net - https://discord.gg/swiftirc - In Brad We Trust: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yNtQz8SLkE 10
AfterNET #obscura Cameras, Video, Photography, Gear, Techniques, Talk - Camera Obscura - 10
QuakeNet #keule ,%%`,%%`,%%` #keule `%%,`%%,`%%, 10
OFTC #ofono 10
EFnet #pizza i wonder if jilt still reads this topic 10
Libera.Chat #kde-women Welcome! Stick around, we'll say hi! Women of the KDE Community: http://kde.org 10
Libera.Chat #libera-stuff Welcome to the official channel of Libera's stuff 10
freenode ##chemistry 10
Libera.Chat #nethackscoreboard https://nethackscoreboard.org/https://github.com/nethackscoreboard-org/ • End ascension privilege today! 10
Libera.Chat #ludd [ Temp. serverhallar: https://bit.ly/1SMyGBq ] 10
EFnet #arad 10
Undernet #botservice 10
Libera.Chat #wikidata-revdel This channel is for requesting revision deletion or oversight. | Only ops can see what you post, and only administrators are ops. Trouble posting? PM an op. | To request oversight, do not post diffs. Use the !oversight ping and wait for an oversighter to message you privately. | For revision deletion, please use !admin in your request. | Please leave/part if not requesting revdel 10
Libera.Chat #funtoo 10
freenode #gimp 10