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Network Name Topic Users
QuakeNet #irssi 10
Libera.Chat #gnu-librejs LibreJS: https://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/ | Why do we need LibreJS: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.html | How to prepare your website for LibreJS: https://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/free-your-javascript.html 10
OFTC #xz-backdoor-osint 10
KampungChat #chatmirc Selamat datang ke #ChatmIRC @ KampungChat. /ajoin add #ChatmIRC, #kampungchat. Untuk bantuan sila ke #help 10
Libera.Chat #bfpg Go to http://bfpg.org or https://lu.ma/bfpg for info on upcoming Brisbane Functional Programming Group meetups | We are leaving meetup.com — make sure you are subscribed at https://lu.ma/bfpg 10
DALnet #physics Feynman's lectures: http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/ 10
Rizon #haruhichan www.haruhichan.com | FAQ? read this shit http://bit.ly/HaruhiFAQ | Cartoons? we got them http://bit.ly/DownloadAnime | Forums: http://bit.ly/HCForums | KCP (Kawaii Codec Pack) http://bit.ly/HCKCP Version stable | XDCC @ intel.haruhichan.com | Twitter: https://twitter.com/Haruhichancom/ XDCC Guide: http://bit.ly/HCXDCCV2 | 10
Libera.Chat #abcl 10
Libera.Chat #ostree 10
OFTC #why2025-roc 10
Undernet #ircu 10
ChatLounge #defero Welcome to #defero | Web Site: http://www.mrbenc.com/defero/ 10
Libera.Chat #fedora-mobility We do NOT use this channel anymore. Pls switch to our Matrix channel: #mobility:fedoraproject.org | Fedora Mobility Sig | Nightlies @ ftp://pine.warpspeed.dk/nightly/pinephone/ | https://pagure.io/fedora-mobility 10
Libera.Chat #atx2600 We meet the first Friday of every month || Discord: https://discord.gg/CWVEakCFgF 10
Undernet #pentagon Welcome. NO! 10
Libera.Chat #fiwix Welcome to FiwixOS, a UNIX-like OS for i386 | Current versions: FiwixOS 3.4, Fiwix kernel 1.6.0 | https://www.fiwix.org/ 10
Libera.Chat #opensuse-fr Bienvenue sur #opensuse-fr | openSUSE Leap 15.6 | http://fr.opensuse.org | Forum: https://www.alionet.org/forum.php | Aide SUSEhelp: !helpme | Factoids SUSEhelp: !search fr- | Un anti-pollution de chan: http://susepaste.org/ 10
EFnet #hell The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. 10
Libera.Chat #freebsd-nix 10
KampungChat #dung " If you want to test a man's character, give him power " 10
freenode #darkworld Welcome to Darkworld An IRC Community Channel. For more info please visit our official website -| https://darkworld.network |- 10
Libera.Chat #mupen64plus Mupen64Plus | LATEST VERSION: 2.5.9 | Homepage: http://mupen64plus.org | Discussion: http://www.emutalk.net/forums/113-Mupen64Plus | Repositories: https://github.com/mupen64plus/ 10
EFnet #catholic Cardinals!!! 10
Libera.Chat #hakierspejs Hakierspejs Łódź - https://hs-ldz.pl/ | Our IRC channels are currently debridged due to an unreliable bridge. While we work on restoring it, you can join us on Matrix or Telegram: https://czaty.hs-ldz.pl 9
Libera.Chat #steam 9
OFTC #vboxger Bitte UTF8-Kodierung verwenden! --- VirtualBox 7.1.6 / 7.0.24 jetzt verfügbar! --- Bugtracker: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Bugtracker --- Foren: https://forums.virtualbox.org/ --- FAQ: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/User_FAQ 9
DALnet #paris Welcome to #Paris City of Lights 9
Libera.Chat #music-makers The channel for music makers! | What are you working on today? | All sorts of traditional and digital composition and recording are welcome! | Channel Info: http://bit.ly/libera-music 9
Libera.Chat #hsbxl 9
IRCnet #hostnet 9
Libera.Chat #gentoo-cs Don't feed gremlins after midnight ! | #gentoo.cs: http://xkcd.com/303/ | If it moves, compile it! | Freenode refugees welcome ;) 9
IRCnet #erlangen 9
Undernet #lotr 9
Libera.Chat #elive https://www.elivecd.org | BTS: https://bugs.elivecd.org - please report problems so we can solve them | no answers? use the Forums: https://forum.elivelinux.org | Elive is the best Linux OS ever made! 9
Libera.Chat #desmume 9
freenode ##politics ##Politics Squared[Reddit - /r/WorldNews - New] Putin Promised He Will 'Not Kill' Zelensky; Ukraine Says He's An 'Expert Liar' https://www.ibtimes.com/putin-promised-he-will-not-kill-zelensky-ukraine-says-hes-expert-liar-3664592 2023-02-06T00:46:12 9
IRCnet #niceland 9
DALnet ##christian And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 NKJV) / Channel for all group of Themes. https://is.gd/doyouknowhim Our Website: https://www.christian-chat-chalice.com 9
Libera.Chat #gdal GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - https://www.gdal.org - if you don't get an answer, wait for a couple of days or ask on the mailing list: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/gdal-dev 9
DALnet #news [DALnet Global Notice] We're going to be doing some server maintenance, which will involve some brief splits. Apologies for the inconvenience. Thanks for using DALNet :) [No Replies Please] 9
IRC-nERDs #psychology Most psychology-related topic we discuss here is propaganda. 9
DALnet #seattle Welcome to #Seattle The Emerald City 9
Libera.Chat #robinhood-news Robinhood incidents and maintenance alerts updated every minute | No chat. | Alternatives: Fidelity, Alpaca Markets | Source: https://49plxygx5s1k.statuspage.io/ | API: https://49plxygx5s1k.statuspage.io/api/v2/ | Additional filtered feeds: Robinhood blog, Robinhood Engineering blog, Google News, ZeroHedge | Related: #crypto-feed #us-market-news 9
freenode #midipix our primary presence on IRC is currently over at irc.libera.chat #midipix | irc.oftc.net #slibtool for slibtool 9
Libera.Chat #mediawiki-es Canal de soporte en español de MediaWiki: https://mediawiki.org · Bugs: https://bit.ly/wmbugz · FAQ: https://bit.ly/yr0aC · Versiones estables: 1.40.0, 1.39.4 (LTS), 1.35.11 (LTS) · Por favor no haga flood, use: https://dpaste.org/ · Soporte en otros idiomas: #mediawiki - #mediawiki-it · Otros canales: #wikimedia-tech - #wikimedia-operations 9
Libera.Chat ##sysadmin-casual Home of casual chat for sysadmins, discuss anything, home life, lack of sex life - you name it! | NO DOXXING | Patrick sells robust sex toys | @help to get commands | VoIP is shit | Out of context OtD: Go suckstart a shotgun | MikeSpears is banned from talking about IP's or ARIN. 9
Libera.Chat #rpmfusion-admin 9
freenode #roundcube 9
IRCnet #phoenix-shells 9
IRCnet #cappuccino 9