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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #ldap 10
IRCMX #laredos 10
IRCnet #openbsd.pl Libera -> #openbsd-pl 10
freenode #freebasic (we are LINKED to other servers!) FreeBASIC Channel || Latest version: 1.10.1 @ http://freebasic.net || Think before you paste: http://pastebin.com/ || we also support other BASICs (except QB64), so we raise a stronger basic community! 10
Libera.Chat #takt 10
Libera.Chat #yunohost-apps 10
Libera.Chat #hambsd Hamateur Radio for OpenBSD (and other BSDs, I guess, if you like) :: https://hambsd.org/ 10
OFTC #debian-contributors Channel for discussion about contributors.debian.org | https://wiki.debian.org/DebianContributors 10
Libera.Chat #kroeg 10
IRCnet #club40+ 10
Libera.Chat ##emudev Emulator Development discussion | Want to write an emulator? Doesn’t everyone at one point? | Discord: https://discord.gg/dkmJAes 10
Libera.Chat #tari 10
DALnet #0!!!!!!femrapetorture&brutality Welcome to FRTB, one of the oldest adult sex and BDSM channels on DALnet! 10
Libera.Chat #kde-quality KDE Quality: please join our mailing list: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-testing | Wiki for testers: http://community.kde.org/Getinvolved/Testing | Brainstorming: http://community.kde.org/Getinvolved/Testing/Brainstorming 10
SuperNETs #blackhole E N T E R T H E V O I D | The channel(s) you are trying to join are either in defcon mode or you are banned. Please wait to rejoin later or PM a channel operator. 10
Libera.Chat #linux-wpan linux-wpan | https://linux-wpan.org 10
Libera.Chat #monero-outreach 10
QuakeNet #overgame www.overGame.org e-Sports club since 2006 :: CS:GO/LoL :: Powered by: Telepizza, Nacon, plantronics 10
Libera.Chat #tremulous Welcome to #tremulous on Libera || http://tremulous.net 10
Libera.Chat #frhack « Le train de tes injures roule sur le rail de mon indifférence. » 10
Undernet #gayphonesex 10
QuakeNet #openarena 10
Libera.Chat #smf Simple Machines Forum (SMF) official IRC channel! || SMF 2.1.4 Released! https://bit.ly/3XxgaDt || SMF 2.0.19 - https://bit.ly/3HM1gkc || Visit us at https://www.simplemachines.org/ || Online manual: https://bit.ly/I2PEnF || Looking for support? https://bit.ly/1aoqWwZ 10
DALnet #murree Happy hunting!!! 10
Libera.Chat #knightos https://knightos.org | Open source calculator firmware and related projects | Please be patient, it may take some time for someone to see your questions 10
freenode #lxcontainers 10
IRCMX #linux 10
IRCnet #vag 10
Rizon #infidel \/\/e|c0me to # | |\| F | [) E |_ «««|»»» Open 24/7 «««|»»» Files $5.00 each!!! (I'm Serious) ...nobody is paying «««|»»» Please join #infidel-chat #Spit «««|»»» (^^)y-~~~ «««|»»» (- -) Zzzzz 10
Libera.Chat #htop htop developers channel | https://htop.dev/ | https://github.com/htop-dev 10
QuakeNet #tcl http://tclhelp.net ** Pastebin with fancy features (syntaxcheck, syntaxhighlight, autoindent, ...) http://paste.tclhelp.net ** Just state your question! Patience is a virtue. Obey our rules or be tickled to death. 10
EFnet #suceava 10
freenode ##english 10
Libera.Chat #midnight-pub https://midnight.pub - small alley off mainstreet 10
QuakeNet #cpmpickup 10
Rizon #world-uno #1 Truevixen 4657 #2 He-Man 2426 #3 SonnyBonds 2115 #4 Sindibad 2033 #5 KONG 1557 #6 Sonny 1103 #7 cringer 101 #8 RoboCop 31 10
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-za Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | pastebin: https://bin.snyman.info | picpaste: http://pasteboard.co 10
freenode ##go-nuts 10
Libera.Chat #talos-cooking Pancakes, cakes, rum and more! Please don't fry eggs on your CPU though! xD 10
IRCnet #lubin IRC is not dead 10
Undernet #singapore Welcome to #Singapore - Singapore.SG.AS.Undernet.Org 10
DareNET #help DareNET's official help channel - Please ask all questions in the channel 10
freenode #nmap 10
SwiftIRC #space Crew-5 Blog https://blogs.nasa.gov/crew-5/ 10
Rizon #bakabt-support BakaBT support | Please read the rules. | Type '!help' to read instructions. Triggers: rules commands faq wiki warnings login delete pruned | State your BBT username (if different from IRC), Ask your question, WAIT and be patient. | This channel is only to deal with account related issues. (banned, warned, ratio errors etc) | Do NOT query @OPS | NO 10
OFTC #bitrig All hope abandon ye who enter here. 10
Libera.Chat #fuchsia Pink + Purple == Fuchsia (a new Operating System); https://fuchsia.dev/ | moved to irc.oftc.net #fuchsia - please join us there! | Code of Conduct: https://fuchsia.dev/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 10
EFnet #minetest Join us on Pernia @ PlayMinetest.com 10
EFnet #buzau 10
Libera.Chat #lunar [ Lunar-Linux - It's out of this world! https://lunar-linux.org/ ] 10