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Network Name Topic Users
Rizon #anime-planet.com Visit the Official Anime-Planet Discord chat at https://discord.gg/XybDbD9. Please read the rules to ensure an enjoyable chat: http://bit.ly/1L1tnfV There is zero tolerance for spoiling, you will be banned. This is a NO PANTS zone! 10
Libera.Chat #ghostbsd Welcome to the GhostBSD community. Our community is built around discussions and collaboration on GhostBSD and its ecosystem. These guidelines apply to all our communication platforms. https://forums.ghostbsd.org/d/138-ghostbsd-community-guidelines GhostBSD Documentation: https://ghostbsd-documentation-portal.readthedocs.io. 10
EFnet #bbs2000 Yes, thar be BBSes still! 10
OFTC #mch2022-roc MCH2022 Radio Operations Centre | roc@lists.mch2022.org | https://wiki.mch2022.org/Team:ROC 10
EFnet #macbook 10
Libera.Chat #ccmp no stranger to mental issues, but at least I flush the damn toilet 10
Libera.Chat #kde-in 10
Libera.Chat #symbollox <moparisthebest> wtf I love the feds now? 10
Libera.Chat #ugov.be Ugov - actiever dan ooit! -- activiteit is overrated, geef mij maar passiviteit! | Insanity is trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results 9
Libera.Chat #perlbot Official IRC home of the perlbot project. https://perlbot.github.io/page/libera_project.html | pastebin https://l.perl.bot/#perlbot https://github.com/perlbot/ | Cloaks available now! 9
QuakeNet #freebsd 9
DALnet #penampang Selamat Datang ke #Penampang.​ Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan Kareem 9
Undernet #class Welcome to #class Ask anything you like, just use common sense ;-) ( For more info see #Help) ( For more info see #userguide ) 9
Libera.Chat #osgrid Welcome to OSGrid on Libera.Chat! The OSGrid IRC channel. Grid Status -> https://x.com/osgrid - Stay up to date via [ http://twitter.com/osgrid ] Please use in-world name here! 9
Undernet #50cent welcome. now fuck off. 9
freenode ##linux-overflow 9
Undernet #silliman #Silliman Welcome to Silliman! ( http://v3.su.edu.ph/ ) 9
Libera.Chat ##optics ping superkuh when freenode ops arrive, I'll op them and de-op myself 9
Libera.Chat #telegram-foss 9
Libera.Chat #krbdev MIT Kerberos development | https://k5wiki.kerberos.org/ | https://web.mit.edu/kerberos/ | logs at https://colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/krbdev 9
OFTC #debian-iot Debian on/for IoT devices | https://salsa.debian.org/debian-iot-team 9
DALnet #whorehouse Welcome to #Whorehouse. 18+ only. 9
Libera.Chat #rogerradio ROGERradio///ROGERvision ® 24/7 Radio/Video Stream ® 320k/128k/64k Shoutcast @ https://tinyurl.com/ROGERradio ® ODYSEE stream @ https://tinyurl.com/ROGERvision ® Request Line !OPEN! ® Type $help for more information ® Powered by Super Sexy Roger brand DSP ® electronic, hiphop, chiptunes, drumnbass, metal, indie, music, radio, video, streaming, cryptocurrency, gambling 9
Libera.Chat #bcfg2 9
Libera.Chat #plugfr Prochaine réunion : vendredi 7 février 19h à La Base (3 r Pierre Roche 13004) 9
OFTC #libevent Welcome to #libevent! Latest release are 2.1.11-stable and 2.0.23-beta. https://libevent.org 9
Libera.Chat #ibus IBus - It may take one day to reply your question after ooo 9
Libera.Chat #thesimswiki http://sims.wikia.com | Messages are logged to Discord - https://goo.gl/eQ2BTt - relay is UP | We might actually be migrating off Wikia. https://bit.ly/2UjNmvL | May 26 2021 - freenode hijacked and #wikia-sims is no more. ChatLounge and Libera are our new homes! Migration from freenode is complete. 9
OFTC #test 9
QuakeNet #blazed 9
UnifiedChat #worldchat .::[ Welcome To #Worldchat ]::. ;-D InterNetworking Linking Project #2, Channel Relayed over Various Networks 9
Libera.Chat #libreplanet-room-jupiter 9
Libera.Chat #mecrisp Mecrisp -- native code Forth for various architectures | http://mecrisp.sourceforge.net | also visit us on hackint #mecrisp 9
Libera.Chat #bitcoin-blocks Bitcoin blocks and fees feed | Source: https://gist.github.com/chris-belcher/61b1abf9f60063aac495a2546876b3e2 | Suggestions/comments to belcher | anyone want to run the bot? my raspberry pi keeps crashing :\ 9
Libera.Chat #monero-outreach 9
Libera.Chat #bible For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. -- 2Corinthians 4.6 | One of these channels is not like the others. 9
Libera.Chat #pwning 9
freenode #openindiana 9
Rizon #casino ♥♦♣♠ Welcome to #Casino! Slots, Blackjack, coin, and dice are played here through Murasa. Everyone gets money at start, and $10000 an hour after you lose everything. || For help: @help blackjack | @help slots | @help dice To check your balance: @casino balance || Not bug-free yet. || have fun and enjoy your stay! ♠♣4 9
Libera.Chat #chickadee 9
Rizon #? never stop asking questions 9
SkyChatz #kelate |[ Welcome ]| to #Kelate @ SkyChatz.Org - Respect Operators & Users - Fantasy : !CMD !HELP - Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/skychatz - Web Services : https://services.skychatz.org - Enjoy Your Stay , Thanks! 9
SkyChatz #chat ..::@@@@ Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri Maaf Zahir & Batin @@@@::.. 9
SkyChatz #jb (*|||||| Welcome To JB@SkyChatz 9
OFTC #skolelinux.de wiki.skolelinux.de not more in use, please have a look at wiki.debian.org 9
Libera.Chat ##nethack-discord This is a bridge to the roguelikes Discord server's #nethack channel. Link: https://discord.gg/vg9WWf2 | If you're here on IRC, see also #nethack, #nethack-dev, and #hardfought. For variants, see ##nethack-variants. 9
OFTC #debian.or.at http://debienna.at/minidebconf_vie2016/ videos: http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2016/mini-debconf-vienna/webm/ | Subscribe: https://lists.debienna.at/wws/subscribe/debienna 9
IRCnet #tarnow 9
Libera.Chat #synergy Synergy upstream is now Deskflow, join us: #deskflow 9
IRC-nERDs # Come one, come all. Nothing to do, nothing to see, lets all I2P 9