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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
IRCnet #covid-19 10
EFnet #moncton 10
freenode #quasseldroid 10
LibertaCasa #linux Linux-related news feed 10
Undernet #nato 10
Libera.Chat #perl-cats 10
OFTC #odamex http://odamex.net || Most activity now happens on the Odamex Discord. Come join us: https://discord.gg/bvvMJMS 10
Undernet #overclockers 10
Libera.Chat #chickadee 10
Libera.Chat #cedarlug 10
OFTC #fltk http://www.FLTK.org | LinkedIn FLTK group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4440082/ 10
QuakeNet ##christian 10
IRCnet #thedonald The Trump wave is clear and overpowering, if someone puts up a block, they clearly have something to hide. 10
freenode #offsec 10
Libera.Chat #exploiteers 10
Undernet #gayslavemarket 10
EFnet #1972 10
Undernet #teen * STAY ON IRC, DONT GET OUT !!! ( www.jelna.ro ) 10
OFTC #mch2022-warehouse https://pad.pixie.town/MCH-Logistics 10
Undernet #2600 10
Libera.Chat #edevelop 10
Rizon #/vr/doom Welcome to #/vr/doom - Doom and id Software games | https://www.doomworld.com/24years/ 10
Rizon ##aussies Welcome to: ##aussies (The Fart Zone) | Topic: solar | WWW.DARTMUD.COM |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bODKyDvEP80 | Making my wife a topic instant kick ##Shed_Zero :: Channel to Look into real carbon reduction targets. |- D A R T M U D - || https://i.imgur.com/ncODnc3.jpeg :: WE ARE WOKE DEAL WITH IT :: fart :: 10
Undernet #acasa 10
Libera.Chat #magiclantern 10
Rizon #android 0Sec Android Files| !dupe = Loque's Newest Files | Loque posts Last TOP 5 once an hour | !List WILL GET YOU KICKED! | Clones will get you BANNED! | Updated feed! 10
QuakeNet #highskilled.fr « HighSkilled.Fr since 2007 - https://discord.gg/M5paze4 » 10
EFnet #pi 10
Libera.Chat #gridtracker Welcome to GridTracker on IRC, this is the place to get support and discuss the GridTracker application for amateur radio. We're also on Discord https://discord.gg/j9Cv9XU and Groups.IO https://groups.io/g/GridTrackerApp. The latest version is v1.24.0104 and is available at https://gridtracker.org/downloads/. 10
EFnet #binarywizards 10
Undernet #xtradio XTRadio - We Love Music! Do U?! ( Web : https://xtradio.org | Youtube : https://youtube.com/xtradioorg/live ) 10
Undernet #radioklass Bine Ai Venit ( Te astept si pe /server -m irc.radioklass.eu ) 10
Libera.Chat #shadowempire The Shadow Empire || Server address: mc.shadowempire.in || Current version: 1.18 - 1.20.2 || Website: http://shadowempire.in/ || Dynmap: http://dynmap.shadowempire.in/ || Rules: http://shadowempire.in/rules || Make love, not drama! || Relayed to Discord: https://discord.gg/q7GUDgWR 10
Libera.Chat ##nethack-discord This is a bridge to the roguelikes Discord server's #nethack channel. Link: https://discord.gg/vg9WWf2 | If you're here on IRC, see also #nethack, #nethack-dev, and #hardfought. For variants, see ##nethack-variants. 10
freenode #cafeteria Welcome to #cafeteria | English is preferred, all languages are allowed though | Other channels: #espanol - #francais | Discord: https://discord.gg/5kmatqaYn9 10
OFTC #supybot gribble's prefix character is &; he does not reply when addressed by nick. || Try #supybot-bots for your bot-testing purposes! || IRC logs: http://echelog.matzon.dk/ || http://supybook.fealdia.org/ || Let 2009-11-24 be a lesson to you: turn *on* supybot.plugins.Relay.punishOtherRelayBots. 10
IRCnet #gnosis ☉Jnana #Yoga ,Mandaiuta/Pythagorean/Platonic #philalethia , Gnosis, Hermetism, German Idealism| www.mathematicon.com gnosis.org alt.religion.gnostic 10
Libera.Chat #freebsd-nix 10
Newnet #cybernews Welcome to #cybernews 📰 - CyberNews - https://cybernews.com | Also check out Cyber Security News - https://cybersecuritynews.com | And The Hacker News - https://thehackernews.com | No blackhattery in this chan please. Enjoy your stay right here @ #cybernews :-) 10
Rizon #robz Welcome TO #Robz we now have a website go to https://therisingsun.yooco.org 10
Libera.Chat #widelands Widelands - OpenSource RTS game | http://wl.widelands.org/ | Widelands 1.2.1 | german channel: #widelands-de | feeds: #widelands-news 10
IRCnet #as__roma 10
Rizon #real The room dedicated to current events, politics, science, cryptocurrency, economics, entertainment, history, religion, philosophy, nutrition, technology, or any other type of knowledgeable discussion. 10
OFTC #multiarch next multiarch hack session: here and now | RFC: http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation | Wiki: http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch 10
OFTC #buddhism #Buddhism 10
freenode #kubuntu 10
freenode #nerds [420] Welcome to the nerd dungeon. Social chat for nerds. Talk about anything you want (as long as it isnt drama or deep into political speech), from tech to tv shows, to how your life is going. Nerds Unite! Nerd Power! 10
Libera.Chat #openrisc 10
EFnet #arad 10
Libera.Chat #jenkins-infra Moved to matrix https://app.gitter.im/#/room/#jenkins-infra:matrix.org 10