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Network Name Topic Users
EFnet #programming https://www.thenewboston.com/videos.php || http://www.codeproject.com || Sun Mar 29 07:57:26 2015 9
Undernet #hosting WE HOST YOUR DREAMS! ( web: https://www.atw.hu [HU/EN] - https://www.hostsailor.com [EN] - https://www.sharktech.net [EN] ) 9
Libera.Chat ##docker this isn't the #docker you're looking for 👀 9
FreshChat #australia [>|<* *,*]Welcome to #Australia! We talk about all sorts of topics with people from all around the world. NSFW (sometimes) 9
Libera.Chat #bible For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. -- 2Corinthians 4.6 | One of these channels is not like the others. 9
freenode #qt-creator 9
Libera.Chat #quantumcomputing 9
Libera.Chat #libreplanet-room-jupiter 9
Libera.Chat #lugos Uraden kanal za LUGOS – Društvo uporabnikov Linuxa Slovenije | vse na temo Linux, FOSS in društvene zadeve dobrodošle :) Kanal bridgan na: https://matrix.to/#/#Lugos:matrix.org 9
Libera.Chat #netbsd-agm The NetBSD Foundation Annual General Meeting - next one: May 2025 9
Undernet #urlati Welcome to #URLATI - The URLATI.ro Facebook Page is now connected to the @urlati.ro Instagram account. ( www.URLATI.ro ) 9
Libera.Chat #gaygeeks-fr Salon francophone des geek{ette,}s LGBTQI | UTF-8 | Merci de faire précéder vos liens sensibles par l'étiquette [NSFW] 9
IRCnet #trivia.hu Trivia jatek elerheto. Csatorna parancsok listaja /msg Grga help PUBCMDS . Privat parancsok listaja /msg Grga help 9
Libera.Chat #mediawiki-feed Welcome. This is a channel for bots to spout noise. Discussion should go in #mediawiki. 9
IRCnet #fauifsi-lip 9
DALnet #n.a.s.a (- Welcome to #n.a.s.a ! Español & English ONLY ! -) 9
Libera.Chat #rogerradio ROGERradio///ROGERvision ® 24/7 Radio/Video Stream ® 320k/128k/64k Shoutcast @ https://tinyurl.com/ROGERradio ® ODYSEE stream @ https://tinyurl.com/ROGERvision ® Request Line !OPEN! ® Type $help for more information ® Powered by Super Sexy Roger brand DSP ® electronic, hiphop, chiptunes, drumnbass, metal, indie, music, radio, video, streaming, cryptocurrency, gambling 9
Libera.Chat ##huffaz IaaaS (Inhalant Abuse as a Service) | “yo, got drogz?” 9
DALnet #rpblc 2A4162Welcome to RPBLC.net! SSH Accounts, Web/DNS/Email/SQL Hosting, IRC Bouncer, Webmail and data Backups!| Official at Network IRC.rpblc.net 9
Libera.Chat #telegram-foss 9
freenode #canada Welcome! Pull up a chair, park it, and hang out! Enjoy your stay! 9
freenode #inkscape 9
DALnet #beast <><><>Welcome #beast @ DALnet <><><> | English or Bahasa Indonesia only 9
Geekshed #unfilter Invite your friends to join in discussion: irc.geekshed.net #unfilter Check out more Unfilter here: http://bit.ly/Unfilter 9
IRCnet #mirc 9
Rizon #eggchan 02:11 <+kori> what should I call my booru / 02:12 <+LambdaComplex> kori: jackie chan 9
Rizon #lrh welcome to the Rizon outpost of the l0de radio hour 9
QuakeNet #openarena 9
Undernet #class Welcome to #class Ask anything you like, just use common sense ;-) ( For more info see #Help) ( For more info see #userguide ) 9
Undernet #xps Welcome to #XPS the master bot XPS 9
QuakeNet #gg 9
DALnet #philosophy Forum: https://www.facebook.com/groups/philosophywayoflife & https://www.facebook.com/philosophydalnet/ | Today: Do we have free will? https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/freewill/ 9
Libera.Chat #perlbot Official IRC home of the perlbot project. https://perlbot.github.io/page/libera_project.html | pastebin https://l.perl.bot/#perlbot https://github.com/perlbot/ | Cloaks available now! 9
OFTC #qcom-camss 9
Libera.Chat #aosc-retro AOSC dedicated discussion group for Retro Computing | https://aosc.io 9
Rizon #rp 9
Undernet #sexart CARPE DIEM! 9
Libera.Chat #thesimswiki http://sims.wikia.com | Messages are logged to Discord - https://goo.gl/eQ2BTt - relay is UP | We might actually be migrating off Wikia. https://bit.ly/2UjNmvL | May 26 2021 - freenode hijacked and #wikia-sims is no more. ChatLounge and Libera are our new homes! Migration from freenode is complete. 9
Libera.Chat #red Red ORM for the Raku language - #red logs are going to be saved on logs.liz.nl, and later logs.raku.org 9
SkyChatz #7crew 9
freenode ##reprap-offtopic 9
Libera.Chat #periperi falcon-jp lock = none, falcon-uk lock = none, spider lock = none 9
QuakeNet #play.hard.go.pro 9
OFTC #skolelinux.de wiki.skolelinux.de not more in use, please have a look at wiki.debian.org 9
Libera.Chat #typst Typst https://typst.app/ https://github.com/typst/typst | Latest Version: 0.13.0 | unofficial irc community 9
Libera.Chat #ypn 9
Undernet #virus 9
IRCnet #mud mud.elveszettvilag.hu 6666 9
Libera.Chat #haveno-development Haveno development coordination and updates. Are you a Java dev? We need your help! | Repositories: https://github.com/Haveno-Dex 9
IRCnet #miskolc 9