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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
IRCnet #acmilan 9
Libera.Chat #mattermost 9
Libera.Chat #swagger 9
Libera.Chat #kde-commits KDE commit notifications 9
Libera.Chat #steam 9
Libera.Chat #devuan-wiki #devuan-wiki This channel is about https://wiki.devuan.org/ 9
freenode #d 9
IRCnet #niceland 9
Libera.Chat #robinhood-news Robinhood incidents and maintenance alerts updated every minute | No chat. | Alternatives: Fidelity, Alpaca Markets | Source: https://49plxygx5s1k.statuspage.io/ | API: https://49plxygx5s1k.statuspage.io/api/v2/ | Additional filtered feeds: Robinhood blog, Robinhood Engineering blog, Google News, ZeroHedge | Related: #crypto-feed #us-market-news 9
Libera.Chat ##regex Welcome! To get started with some regex help please post your https://regex101.com link and describe the results you’re after 9
Libera.Chat #rebar not an official channel yet 9
Libera.Chat #systemdsucks Tentative agenda: https://gist.github.com/systemdsucks/a582833757cf31fd2b1b975a11a1a8f8 9
Libera.Chat #mediawiki-feed Welcome. This is a channel for bots to spout noise. Discussion should go in #mediawiki. 9
IRCnet #ederlangioki 9
IRCnet #sasl 9
Libera.Chat ##bicycling You'll find us on #bicycling on Snoonet for the (hopefully) foreseeable future 9
freenode #midipix our primary presence on IRC is currently over at irc.libera.chat #midipix | irc.oftc.net #slibtool for slibtool 9
Libera.Chat ##coronavirus-vox The official off-topic chat channel for the ##coronavirus community | We used to cough to hide our farts, now we fart to hide our coughs | SHOCK STUDY SMASHES VAX CONSPIRACY WIDE OPEN https://0x0.st/oHbK.png 9
IRCnet #sontra 9
Libera.Chat #gaygeeks-fr Salon francophone des geek{ette,}s LGBTQI | UTF-8 | Merci de faire précéder vos liens sensibles par l'étiquette [NSFW] 9
Libera.Chat #libgit2 libgit2: a linkable library for Git http://libgit2.github.com | latest release 1.6.4 | get a slack invite at slack.libgit2.org 9
Libera.Chat #aosc-retro AOSC dedicated discussion group for Retro Computing | https://aosc.io 9
Libera.Chat #ypn 9
Libera.Chat #quay https://quay.io :: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/quay-sig :: https://docs.projectquay.io/welcome.html 9
Libera.Chat #chickadee 9
Libera.Chat #mecrisp Mecrisp -- native code Forth for various architectures | http://mecrisp.sourceforge.net | also visit us on hackint #mecrisp 9
Libera.Chat #yoctobinaryreference 9
IRCnet #gejowo https://wykop.pl/cdn/c3201142/94e181bc6597a3e0df4f4951d089c16f321102b2c0bdab1c87ee87b4975290c3,w400.jpg 9
Libera.Chat #gentoo-amd64 Moved to #gentoo. 9
Libera.Chat #marpa Marpa http://savage.net.au/Marpa.html | Logs http://colabti.org/ircloggy/marpa/last 9
IRCnet #almafa Shokey (hawer, haver) a pedofil b*zi (szereti benyelni tovig) jelenleg frontin nick 9
IRCnet #cappuccino Egy osregi csatorna, mely regen a nagyok kozze tartozott 9
Libera.Chat #momw Welcome to the official IRC channel for the Modding-OpenMW.com website! Please note that I'm in the USA and may not respond right away, but I will try to respond as soon as possible. Please note that this channel is bridged to Discord! 9
IRCnet #miskolc 9
IRCnet #mud mud.elveszettvilag.hu 6666 9
Libera.Chat #fsmg Free Software Mirror Group :: https://fsmg.org.nz/pages/code-of-conduct.html :: https://status.fsmg.org.nz 9
Libera.Chat ##optics ping superkuh when freenode ops arrive, I'll op them and de-op myself 9
Libera.Chat #perlbot Official IRC home of the perlbot project. https://perlbot.github.io/page/libera_project.html | pastebin https://l.perl.bot/#perlbot https://github.com/perlbot/ | Cloaks available now! 9
Libera.Chat #ugov.be Ugov - actiever dan ooit! -- activiteit is overrated, geef mij maar passiviteit! | Insanity is trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results 9
Libera.Chat #wikidata-spam SWMT's spam monitoring channel for Wikidata | 831 wikis watched by the linkwatchers: http://enwp.org/m:SWMT/IRC#The_LinkWatchers | COIBots watching the linkwatchers and big wikis, see http://enwp.org/m:SWMT/IRC#COIBots | Please help whitelisting good domains on the Linkwatchers: e.g. "clear <domain>" for good domains, ´do not count <domain>´ for questionable domains 9
UnifiedChat #worldchat .::[ Welcome To #Worldchat ]::. ;-D InterNetworking Linking Project #2, Channel Relayed over Various Networks 9
IRCnet #trivia.hu Trivia jatek elerheto. Csatorna parancsok listaja /msg Grga help PUBCMDS . Privat parancsok listaja /msg Grga help 9
Libera.Chat #flipdot [ flipdot | Forum: https://forum.flipdot.org | Wiki: https://flipdot.org/wiki | Stats: https://stats.flipdot.org | Spacephone: 0561-47395848 ] 9
Libera.Chat #pastaga #pastagay, le channel des cancres, des éclopés, et des illetres, des saints, des immigrés -- et de l'armee brésilienne aussi 9
Libera.Chat #xda-devs 9
Libera.Chat #bioinfo-fr Bienvenue sur le salon officiel des bioinformaticien·ne·s francophones ! | --> https://www.bioinfo-fr.net/ <-- | Pour devenir contributeur du blog : contribuer[AT]bioinfo-fr.net | Trolls, merci de passer votre chemin | Salon Discord : https://discord.gg/rETCvGftJK | Espace Matrix/Element : https://matrix.to/#/!XdgjMQYnOBCYrHVYSV:matrix.org?via=matrix.org 9
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-zh-cs 維基百科電腦/計算機科學群︰與Telegram群 @wikipedia_zh_cs 及Discord群77n7vnu (https://discord.gg/77n7vnu)互聯。 9
Libera.Chat ##uiuc <Sentinel> murph: I demand a topic for this channel 9
Libera.Chat #fusiondirectory "Welcome to the new home of the FusionDirectory project" 9
Abandoned-IRC #vhost Get your Vhost here.. command: !vhost the.one.you.want (1102 Vhost's Set!) 9