QuakeNet |
#webhallen |
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#debian-wsl |
Debian on Windows via WSL - Wiki: https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/Microsoft/Windows/SubsystemForLinux |
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freenode |
#libreelec |
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Libera.Chat |
#linuxdojo |
Welcome to #linuxdojo | Sssshhhh.... guru training in progress | Linux tutorial - https://rlworkman.net/howtos/rute/ |
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Libera.Chat |
##ob |
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IRCnet |
#vantaa |
9 |
QuakeNet |
#finalfantasy |
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Rizon |
#animefn |
Welcome to AnimeFN IRC Channel | Site: UP | XDCC: UP | XDCC Triggers: !new @find | Web Packlist: https://xdcc.animefn.com |
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Rizon |
#efz |
Efz Revival 1.02e! Get it at http://www.mediafire.com/file/vbvgbxmpmu8rtlo/EfzRevival_102e.zip/file | FAQ http://pastebin.com/GqUpA0A7 | Discord: https://discord.gg/aUgqXAt | This channel is for on-topic EFZ discussion. If you want to talk off-topic, join the Discord. Rules: Be on topic, don't be an ass. |
9 |
DALnet |
#penampang |
Selamat Datang ke #Penampang. Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan Kareem |
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QuakeNet |
#play.hard.go.pro |
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Geekshed |
#cooldude13233 |
Cooldude being Cooldude / cooldude13233 (Jordie) is probably here or not (check the User List or read my Social networks ;p) / Welcome to #cooldude13233! Feel free to add this chan to your auto join and idle here / #cooldude13233 is NOT a place for drama' |
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Undernet |
#xps |
Welcome to #XPS the master bot XPS |
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Rizon |
#casino |
♥♦♣♠ Welcome to #Casino! Slots, Blackjack, coin, and dice are played here through Murasa. Everyone gets money at start, and $10000 an hour after you lose everything. || For help: @help blackjack | @help slots | @help dice To check your balance: @casino balance || Not bug-free yet. || have fun and enjoy your stay! ♠♣4 |
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freenode |
#scheme |
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DALnet |
#allstar |
Welcome to #AllStar... have a nice day! |
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QuakeNet |
#steam |
-- #1337 ** |
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Rizon |
#theholyroger |
Welcome to Rogerland! Home of The Holy Roger, the leading mega super cryptocurrency coin? ® ROGERvision///ROGERradio @ https://tinyurl.com/ROGERvision & https://tinyurl.com/ROGERradio ® DON'T GET SCAMMED! Do not send pizzas/coins to doctors/strangers ® Crypto, bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, blockchain, news, music, streaming, radio, transvestigating Roger Ver, Craig Wright, CSW, autism |
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DALnet |
#keningau |
Welcome to #Keningau@DALnet. Stay tuned here, happy chat. |
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DALnet |
#android |
Welcome to #Android - Enjoy your stay and have a nice chat! |
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DALnet |
#wixchat |
Welcome To #Wixchat... Please visit our website https://www.wixchat.org & https://social.wixchat.org |
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Libera.Chat |
#nastycode |
set Welcome to NastyCode help channel. If you have any problems ask and we'll work it out together. Visit us at https://nastycode.com/ |
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Rizon |
#hunter |
¡|||[Bienvenido a #Hunter channel friends lovels || Se busca a Regina por Amor "Sabes un dia buscando un lugar turistico llamado boca del sapo" I Love You Regina || Fue muy lindo estar contigo ese dia , donde estar amor , te extraño mucho ya pasaron muchos años, cuanto daria por volverte a ver :( tkm || tranks you visit]|||! |
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Rizon |
#some-stuffs |
: ★ WE ARE NOW CURRENTLY MOST ACTIVE ON DISCORD ★ www.some-stuffs.com ★ Don't spoil shit (Jojo and Drifters spoilers = ban) ★ Bot Packlist: https://goo.gl/7lRfHv ★ DDL: https://goo.gl/RpV0Uc ★ Twitter: https://goo.gl/ycTe90 ★ Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/pFSmh2g |
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Rizon |
#centos |
CentOS The Community ENTerprise Operating System! |
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Rizon |
#erai-raws |
Official channel for https://erai-raws.info | Join us in our Discord or Telegram channel to know all the new releases of the team or follow us on Facebook or Twitter. | www.facebook.com/Erai.raws | twitter.com/Erai_raws | t.me/Erai_raws | discord.gg/UgXGsS | |
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freenode |
#hack |
Home for the ESPhack IRC BOT (BETA), type !help for a list of commands, type !source for source code | Need network/client help? try #help | Need iOS or Jailbreak help? try #jailbreak | ( NO Chat Rules Here ) Please report any issues and problems to the Proprietor... |
9 |
Rizon |
#final8 |
Welcome to Final8! | Visit site at http://final8.yolasite.com | Released - Break Blade 1-12, Gen'ei wo Kakeru 1-14, Outbreak Company 1-12, Scryed Alt. Tao & Quan, Mushibugyou 1-26, Coppelion 1-13, Serv x Serv 1-13, Otome wa Boku OVA 1-3, Senyuu 1-26, Suisei no Gargantia 1-15, Haiyore II 1-12, Natsuiro Kiseki 1-12 | XDCC Bot:[Final8]Ultima |
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freenode |
#inkscape |
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EvilNET |
#/ |
#slash :: #computertech #dallas #evilnet #root :: <your channel here> |
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Libera.Chat |
##neuroscience |
Web: neurosci.wikidot.com | All aspects of neuroscience | No medical advice | Slow Motion: ask question, then wait | LaTeX pastebin: mathbin.net | New users please register at neurosci.wikidot.com/interest |
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Rizon |
#amor |
Bienvenidos a #amor tu canal de pasión romance y amistad , Feliz Año Nuevo 2014 |
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#debian-suedwest |
Debian in Deutsch-Südwest || https://wiki.debian.org/LocalGroups/Karlsruhe |
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freenode |
#theforeman |
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freenode |
#canada |
Welcome! Pull up a chair, park it, and hang out! Enjoy your stay! |
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Libera.Chat |
#sel4 |
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QuakeNet |
#urban_exploration |
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Geekshed |
#lidnet |
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Libera.Chat |
#wikipedia-fi |
Suomenkielisen Wikipedian IRC-kanava | http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:IRC |
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Libera.Chat |
#qt-chat |
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Rizon |
#/sdg/ |
Stable Diffusion General! | Quick Start Guide: https://rentry.org/voldy | What Card to Get?: https://files.catbox.moe/wseg1y.png | Cute Anime Girls Welcome! |
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Libera.Chat |
#archlinux-cn-game |
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freenode |
#crystal-lang |
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Libera.Chat |
#chrome |
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Libera.Chat |
#phreaknet |
PhreakNet (https://phreaknet.org) -=- Telephony talk of all kinds -=- Code of Conduct: https://portal.phreaknet.org/guidelines |
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Rizon |
#mushroom |
https://mushroom.altervista.org/ News! Meteo! Radio! Giochi! Forum! e molto altro.theDUBBER-NFO https://thedubber.altervista.org/thedubber/ Twitter: @theDUBBER_ WebChat: https://tinyurl.com/mushroom-channel |
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Rizon |
#florida |
Welcome to the home of Florida Man (and Woman) https://i.imgur.com/kc3VyfL.jpeg - Florida's new state flag |
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DALnet |
#philosophy |
Forum: https://www.facebook.com/groups/philosophywayoflife & https://www.facebook.com/philosophydalnet/ | Today: Do we have free will? https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/freewill/ |
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Rizon |
#/g/gedg |
Go To #/g/chad for an active programming channel | /gedg/ - Game and Engine Development General | https://4chan.org/g/gedg | https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Gedg | Froggy can't into IRC |
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Libera.Chat |
#linaro-lkft |
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