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Network Name Topic Users
Rizon #touhoucjav Welcome to Touhou CJAV Channel. This is a Cosplay Channel focused on Touhou Cosplay. New version of the Cosplay Database will be up soon. Enjoy your stay. 9
OFTC #debian-iot Debian on/for IoT devices | https://salsa.debian.org/debian-iot-team 9
OFTC #skolelinux.de wiki.skolelinux.de not more in use, please have a look at wiki.debian.org 9
Rizon #nameless-crew Welcome to the /Manami & Myne Club!/ Reading is Tanoshii! Kami ni inori wo! Kami ni kansha wo! | The Library: https://repo.mayulive.com/ | Making money whereever whenever however, you can! | NGNL Season 2 followed by super ultra Starship in JULY! | Check that Sanallite cover maybe idk 9
Libera.Chat #nastycode set Welcome to NastyCode help channel. If you have any problems ask and we'll work it out together. Visit us at https://nastycode.com/ 9
Libera.Chat #thesimswiki http://sims.wikia.com | Messages are logged to Discord - https://goo.gl/eQ2BTt - relay is UP | We might actually be migrating off Wikia. https://bit.ly/2UjNmvL | May 26 2021 - freenode hijacked and #wikia-sims is no more. ChatLounge and Libera are our new homes! Migration from freenode is complete. 9
Libera.Chat #tomato Tomato firmware (replaces firmware in a number of router brands with custom unix based OS) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomato_(firmware) 9
OFTC #voidlinux-ppc discontinued; superseded by https://chimera-linux.org 9
Libera.Chat #bitcoin-blocks Bitcoin blocks and fees feed | Source: https://gist.github.com/chris-belcher/61b1abf9f60063aac495a2546876b3e2 | Suggestions/comments to belcher | anyone want to run the bot? my raspberry pi keeps crashing :\ 9
freenode #nvidia 9
Libera.Chat #txproto txproto - scriptable multimedia framework | https://github.com/cyanreg/txproto | user and development discussions channel 9
Rizon #theholyroger Welcome to Rogerland! Home of The Holy Roger, the leading mega super cryptocurrency coin? ® ROGERvision///ROGERradio @ https://tinyurl.com/ROGERvision & https://tinyurl.com/ROGERradio ® DON'T GET SCAMMED! Do not send pizzas/coins to doctors/strangers ® Crypto, bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, blockchain, news, music, streaming, radio, transvestigating Roger Ver, Craig Wright, CSW, autism 9
Libera.Chat #backspace backspace legacy chat - Please use Matrix instead: #bckspc:icbm.codes - More info: https://www.hackerspace-bamberg.de 9
Rizon #meltdown ☢️ Добро пожаловать в реактор номер 4 ☢️ WELCOME TO THE REACTOR NUMBER 4 ☢️ Due to corona virus, reactor 4 has been temporarily deactivated ☢️ 9
HybridIRC #lecturify do you speak English? new feature, if you're interested in translating www.lecturify.net to your language, join #lecturify and write 'start tr' and lbot will provide instructions 9
freenode #card10badge 9
OFTC #debian-arabic Welcome to Debian Arabic Community | مرحباً بكم في مجتمع دبيان العربي 9
Rizon #ayylmao Weeaboos live here. | TA 9
DALnet #kiwi * * #Kiwi * * 9
Libera.Chat #librecast https://librecast.net |Current release [0.8.0] | https://git.sr.ht/~librecast/librecast/refs/v0.8.0 |IPv6 Mirror https://codeberg.org/librecast/librecast/releases/tag/v0.8.0 9
DALnet #cyberseks a★·.·´¯`·.·★ Welcome to Channel CYBERSEKS @ DALnet - Choose your partners for Cs or Ps Wisely:) !!!! ★·.·`¯´·.·★ https://bioskop21.pics/jav/ - https://igobokep.cam/ https://jable.tv/ https://www.rexporn.sex/ 9
QuakeNet #csgo.fr 9
Undernet #ufc 9
Rizon #florida Welcome to the home of Florida Man (and Woman) https://i.imgur.com/kc3VyfL.jpeg - Florida's new state flag 9
Libera.Chat #ansible-meeting Scheduled Ansible community meetings - check https://github.com/ansible/community for schedule and to add items to the agenda 9
DALnet #mirchelp mIRC/Basic IRC/DALnet network help channel - Ask your question in the channel and wait patiently for a reply. Do not message Ops (@) or Voices (+) without permission. https://www.mirc.com/help/mirc.html 9
Libera.Chat #slackware-fr Forum francophone de Slackware : https://forum.slackware-fr.eu.org/ | floodez sur http://slackware-fr.pastebin.fr/ et pas sur le canal 9
OFTC #odamex http://odamex.net || Most activity now happens on the Odamex Discord. Come join us: https://discord.gg/bvvMJMS 9
OFTC #libevent Welcome to #libevent! Latest release are 2.1.11-stable and 2.0.23-beta. https://libevent.org 9
Libera.Chat #euglug St. Alia of the knife is a colonialist stereotype. 9
Libera.Chat ##wordpress 9
freenode ##chat 9
Libera.Chat #rpg-inn Tabletop RPG looking-for-group & (text) game room | See also #rpg 9
Rizon #batam Welcome to #Batam International City :) 9
Undernet #exmeralda 9
Rizon #mushroom https://mushroom.altervista.org/ News! Meteo! Radio! Giochi! Forum! e molto altro.theDUBBER-NFO https://thedubber.altervista.org/thedubber/ Twitter: @theDUBBER_ WebChat: https://tinyurl.com/mushroom-channel 9
freenode #guix 9
Libera.Chat #deno 9
OFTC #irssi http://www.irssi.org | http://irssi.org/documentation/startup 9
Libera.Chat #rpmfusion-admin 9
Undernet #webchat 9
Libera.Chat #opennms Dave's not here, man 9
freenode #kvirc 9
OFTC #test 9
Undernet #4 ? 9
Libera.Chat #openldap-devel 9
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-incubator Incubator - let us all work towards this goodness! || Statistics: [[I:TS]] || Questions about anything even slightly related to Incubator are most welcome. 9
freenode #radare 9
freenode ##reprap 9