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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #tryton 9
Libera.Chat #bitcoin-blocks Bitcoin blocks and fees feed | Source: https://gist.github.com/chris-belcher/61b1abf9f60063aac495a2546876b3e2 | Suggestions/comments to belcher | anyone want to run the bot? my raspberry pi keeps crashing :\ 9
Libera.Chat ##overflow 9
OFTC #qcom-camss 9
IRCnet #negerno 9
Libera.Chat #katia 9
Libera.Chat #libreoffice-fr #libreoffice-fr Bienvenue sur le canal francophone de LibreOffice ! 9
Libera.Chat ##filosofi New home of #philosophy. 9
Libera.Chat #emacs-berlin Welcome to EmacsBerlin, if you have questions stick around for a bit. You can also ask them on our mailing list, details can be found here: https://emacs-berlin.org/ 9
DALnet #666 Six-six-six - the mark we wear, Satan reigns; his lust we share. 9
CyberIRC #irchub Welcome to IRChub's general chat channel. We're not a help channel, for help try #help http://www.IRChub.org This is the room where opers and admins, past and present, come to idle. 9
Libera.Chat #libgit2 libgit2: a linkable library for Git http://libgit2.github.com | latest release 1.6.4 | get a slack invite at slack.libgit2.org 9
Libera.Chat #fedora-websites 9
OFTC #ebbr 9
freenode ##reprap-offtopic 9
IRCnet #caserta 9
IRCnet #calabria 9
OFTC #gccbpf BPF GCC backend development - https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/BPFBackEnd 9
Libera.Chat #anarchism Anarchism | ancaps fuck off 9
EFnet #emuxtras Help EmuXtras stay alive! patreon.com/EmuXtras 9
Libera.Chat #informatik.lmu 9
Libera.Chat #music-makers The channel for music makers! | What are you working on today? | All sorts of traditional and digital composition and recording are welcome! | Channel Info: http://bit.ly/libera-music 9
freenode #theforeman 9
Libera.Chat ##veremitz All the Things... so Many things .. 9
Libera.Chat #cobug Colorado BSD Users Group | https://cobug.org | https://github.com/CoBUG https://twitter.com/cobsdug | T-Shirts!! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L2TR7LK 9
Libera.Chat #cs Computer Science & Discrete Math | For math: ##math, stats: ##statistics | CS StackExchange: http://cs.stackexchange.com/ CS Research: http://cstheory.stackexchange.com/ | Algorithm of the $(TIME): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shor%27s_algorithm 9
Undernet #vbots 9
Undernet #colentina 9
TechNet #games Type 'quiz' or 'scramble or 'hangman' or 'uno' or 'unocmds' or '8ball something' or 'choose scissor/stone/paper' to start a game. JO to join 9
Libera.Chat ##alpine This is not #alpine-linux | Alpine email client, Debian packaging | Alpine: https://alpineapp.email/ | Git: http://repo.or.cz/alpine.git | Packaging: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/alpine | list: http://mailman12.u.washington.edu/pipermail/alpine-info/ 9
EFnet #virt-host Virtual Hosting Company | www.Virt-Host.com | For All Of Your Hosting Needs | Website Refresh Coming Soon 9
Undernet #darknet 9
Libera.Chat #platformio https://platformio.org - Professional collaborative platform for embedded development 9
DALnet #laguna Welcome to #Laguna - A place where people meet, make friends and stay on a relationship! | Looking for my PrInSeSa^MoH <3 9
Libera.Chat #bioinfo-fr Bienvenue sur le salon officiel des bioinformaticien·ne·s francophones ! | --> https://www.bioinfo-fr.net/ <-- | Pour devenir contributeur du blog : contribuer[AT]bioinfo-fr.net | Trolls, merci de passer votre chemin | Salon Discord : https://discord.gg/rETCvGftJK | Espace Matrix/Element : https://matrix.to/#/!XdgjMQYnOBCYrHVYSV:matrix.org?via=matrix.org 9
DarkWorld #unity Welcome to #unity, We basically offers hosts for regular users hosts are @Unity-Team.Darkworld.Network 9
Libera.Chat #xda-devs 9
Libera.Chat ##bsd.se Can the real #freebsd.se please stand up | <@tvaalen> I år kommer allt bli bra. | <@bzlm> oppy poppy friday | 13:38 <@tvaalen> 1337'o'clock. | 13:38 <@tvaalen> HELVETE! 9
Libera.Chat #clonezilla 9
OFTC #irssi http://www.irssi.org | http://irssi.org/documentation/startup 9
Rizon #rb1_vn https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SHgtstVSVHMWLJrWDApRjH7CDzpeg-ZAxkYaEbB3Mqg https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SKSr5_xY4EnLP_QgLs--WQL6XeLZ7K8VZh4bIVOee-E/edit?usp=drivesdk 9
Libera.Chat #chatons Espace possible d'échange des C.H.A.T.O.N.S. >>Canal non principal<< Privilégier le Forum officiel : https://forum.chatons.org/ | Mastodon: https://framapiaf.org/@ChatonsOrg | Mobilizon: https://mobilizon.fr/@chatons 9
Libera.Chat ##coronavirus-vox The official off-topic chat channel for the ##coronavirus community | We used to cough to hide our farts, now we fart to hide our coughs | SHOCK STUDY SMASHES VAX CONSPIRACY WIDE OPEN https://0x0.st/oHbK.png 9
IRCnet #irssi.pl 9
Libera.Chat ##wordpress 9
IRCnet #c++.pl 9
Rizon #israel 😶‍🌫️👌🏻💯 | https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/17/world/middleeast/yahya-sinwar-dead.html | 🏕️🍋🌴 9
IRC-nERDs #vps [Official Network Sponsors: XtremeProvider (https://xp.irc-nerds.net) & Hostsailor] Looking for a good stable vps provider? Check out some of these VPS companies, be sure to use our links and help fund irc-nerds... https://hosting.irc-nerds.net for a list of VPS providers. 9
Libera.Chat #linuxhelp Welcome to ##Linux-Help | We're here to help with Linux in a friendly environment. Please respect each other and enjoy your stay! | https://linux-help.org/ | Also join us in Discord https://discord.gg/ANmuR8zWTt 9
Rizon #aasupport »ArtificialAiming Support« [Questions only related to ArtificialAiming cheats] DON'T PRIVATE MESSAGE THE STAFF [Please don't ask if we are here just state your issue and wait patiently] No HWID resets here, please post in the appropriate forum topic. - [We will never ask you for a password][For AA ban appeals join #BanAppeals ] 9