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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat ##alpine This is not #alpine-linux | Alpine email client, Debian packaging | Alpine: https://alpineapp.email/ | Git: http://repo.or.cz/alpine.git | Packaging: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/alpine | list: http://mailman12.u.washington.edu/pipermail/alpine-info/ 9
Libera.Chat #archhurd A port of The Hurd to the pacman package manager || https://archhurd.org || Please direct general Hurd questions to #hurd 9
Libera.Chat #aggeris Aggeris IRC RPG - “There are many excellent reasons to be afraid of the ocean.” - https://sortie.sortix.org/aggeris/aggeris-flag.png - https://sortie.sortix.org/aggeris/tapark.jpg 9
Libera.Chat #rpg-inn Tabletop RPG looking-for-group & (text) game room | See also #rpg 9
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-actualidad Canal para gestionar la revisión de fallecimientos recientes. Procedimiento: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiproyecto:Actualidad/Revisión_de_fallecidos_recientes 9
Libera.Chat ##flights Type %flight <callsign> or %flight <icao-number> to get information on a flight. Flights squawking emergency and some key flights around the Ukraine and Israel situations are being tracked automatically. Maps: https://paste.ee/p/CYQth 9
Libera.Chat #fedora-pl Fedora 40 wydana | Wsparcie dla: Fedora Linux 40, 39 | Pobierz: https://fedoraproject.org/pl/ | https://www.fedora.pl | Oficjalny pokój Matrix: [#pl:fedoraproject.org](https://matrix.to/#/%23pl%3Afedoraproject.org) 9
Libera.Chat #rockylinux-docs Welcome to Rocky Linux Documentation Channel | Docs, writing, and pedantry | [chat.rockylinux.org:~Documentation] | Wiki - https://wiki.rockylinux.org/team/documentation | Github - https://github.com/rocky-linux/documentation | Signup Form - https://forms.gle/cyEEaw3izfc8qhR76 | Past Meeting Notes - https://github.com/rocky-linux/notes/tree/main/meetings/documentation 9
Libera.Chat #nethackscoreboard https://nethackscoreboard.org/https://github.com/nethackscoreboard-org/ • End ascension privilege today! 9
Libera.Chat #mercury Mercury, the statically typed and moded, pure/declarative, logic and functional programming language | https://mercurylang.org 9
Libera.Chat #home-automation Welcome to home-automation. Anything related to automating your systems in a home environment is welcome here. Not intended for industrial or commercial scale projects. Official channel language is English only. 9
Libera.Chat #rpmfusion-admin 9
Libera.Chat #gstreamer Moved to OFTC: please join #gstreamer on irc.oftc.net 9
Libera.Chat #scalaz "Welcome to the ivory tower, download Scalaz 10 at https://www.haskell.org/. No, Scala 3 does not have dependent types" 9
Libera.Chat #gentoo-doc 9
Libera.Chat #python-dev-notifs 9
KampungChat #desa |||||||||||||||| Buatlah orang lain gembira maka Allah akan gembirakan kita dengan perkara yang tak disangka sangka. http://acescripters.blogspot.com |||||||||||||9, 9
Libera.Chat #fedora-devel-fr Bienvenue sur le canal francophone de développement de Fedora | Site : https://fedora-fr.org | Pour obtenir du support au sujet de Fedora : #fedora-fr | Une envie d'aider le projet Fedora ? Vous êtes au bon endroit ! 9
Libera.Chat ##veremitz All the Things... so Many things .. 9
Libera.Chat #smalltalk 9
Libera.Chat #linuxhelp Welcome to ##Linux-Help | We're here to help with Linux in a friendly environment. Please respect each other and enjoy your stay! | https://linux-help.org/ | Also join us in Discord https://discord.gg/ANmuR8zWTt 9
Libera.Chat #phh-treble 9
Libera.Chat ##ohio Ohio social channel | All Things Ohio | News Feed Channel: ##ohio-news | Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and: Akron, Alliance, Ashland, Athens, Canton, Chillicothe, Cuyahoga Falls, Dayton, Delaware, Dublin, Euclid, Findlay, Hamilton, Kent, Lorain, Mansfield, Parma, Toledo, Warren, Youngstown, Zanesville 9
Libera.Chat ##altarius ,vote keveloper kermit || ,vote keveloper elmo 9
Libera.Chat #powervr 9
Libera.Chat #satnogs-dev SatNOGS Developers' Channel | https://wiki.satnogs.org/Software_contribution | Operators' channel: #satnogs 9
Libera.Chat #gah welcome! 9
Libera.Chat #ubuntuusers Herzlich willkommen bei #ubuntuusers | Support gibt es ausschliesslich in #ubuntu-de, vorher bitte http://tinyurl.com/Channelregeln lesen | Zum sozialen Quatschen gibt es #ubuntu-de-offtopic | Anfragen zum Portal ubuntuusers gehören hier hin | Viel Spass und Erfolg! 9
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-meeting-2 9
Libera.Chat ##smt This channel is sometimes about SAT and SMT solving, applications and implementations. | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satisfiability_Modulo_Theories https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propositional_satisfiability 9
Libera.Chat #n-o-d-e The Official IRC Channel for NODE | https://n-o-d-e.net | Matrix bridge at #n-o-d-e:matrix.org | Code of conduct: https://github.com/nodechan/coc | Are you hacking to improve society? | Black Lives Matter | Computers are a fuck 9
Libera.Chat #plugfr Prochaine réunion : vendredi 3 janvier 19h à La Base (3 r Pierre Roche 13004) 9
Libera.Chat #uncensoreddns DNS-over-TLS (rfc7858), DNS-over-HTTPS (rfc8484), DNS-over-QUIC (rfc9250) servers, pins in TLSA records and on https://blog.uncensoreddns.org/dns-servers/ ! :: https://blog.uncensoreddns.org :: https://twitter.com/censurfridns :: Please highlight Tykling for assistance! :) :: #censurfridns for danish speakers 9
Libera.Chat #df3120 Still hacking the Parrot DF3120 picture frame | the P2 Pro chat | CANBUS hacking week now 9
Libera.Chat #peewee http://docs.peewee-orm.com/ -- Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you 9
Libera.Chat ##oscon crep • MANGO 9
Libera.Chat #numerical-haskell the irc channel for the larger numerical haskell community. All topics regarding computational/applied mathematics are welcome. core numerical-haskell package is https://github.com/wellposed/numerical current docs at http://bit.ly/prealphadocs — BLAS LAPACK binding at github.com/wellposed/hblas — The mailing list is bit.ly/1jGLGnq 9
Libera.Chat ##politics-appeals ##politics appeals | catties' office hours: 11 AM to 9 PM UTC-4, all rulings final | channel policies: https://bit.ly/3I2DwLz 9
Libera.Chat #lqdn-travail Canal de travail de La Quadrature du Net — On fait 1/ au mieux 2/ ce qu'on peut 3/ avec ce qu'on a. Notre chance de réussite est directement proportionnelle à l'énergie que nous investissons. 9
Libera.Chat #vlc-gsoc 9
Libera.Chat ##ob 9
Libera.Chat #hellosystem 9
Libera.Chat #haskell-stack 9
Libera.Chat #nastycode set Welcome to NastyCode help channel. If you have any problems ask and we'll work it out together. Visit us at https://nastycode.com/ 9
Libera.Chat #check_mk 9
Libera.Chat #compsoc-uk 9
Libera.Chat ##homebrewcpu Discussion of homemade CPUs, minicomputers, microcomputers, and related topics. 9
Libera.Chat #linaro-lkft 9
Libera.Chat #cryptopartydk Snak om beskyttelse af privatliv med bl.a. kryptering | Cryptohagen sidste søndag hver måned kl 13-17 på Café Mellemrummet https://cryptohagen.dk | CryptoAarhus anden lørdag hver måned kl 13-17 på FairBar https://cryptoaarhus.dk 9
Libera.Chat #isabelle Unofficial channel for the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/hvg/Isabelle/index.html || isabelle_zulip bridges to https://isabelle.zulipchat.com/ which keeps logs. 9