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Network Name Topic Users
TechNet #games Type 'quiz' or 'scramble or 'hangman' or 'uno' or 'unocmds' or '8ball something' or 'choose scissor/stone/paper' to start a game. JO to join 9
Libera.Chat #hardfolding Fuck Cancer | The Official Unofficial [H]ard|OCP IRC | http://goo.gl/MhreLL <--requests made here | Folding is not a mandated subject in this channel. If you want exclusive folding talk, go to #fah. <musky> it was actually my fault this time | 08:58 <JoshHuman> my bum is sore 9
EFnet #loadiine Loadiine GX2 v0.3 : http://tinyurl.com/zyw29dz || Guide: http://bit.ly/1kbdvLy || #SwitchHack now open || General WiiU Hacking Guide: https://wiiu.hacks.guide/ 9
Libera.Chat #tryton 9
freenode #qt-creator 9
Undernet #f&f 9
Rizon #libertarian #libertarian, formerly ##libertarian on freenode and libera, with less censorship. we are abolishionists. consentists. | .quote random | .trivia [n] | .help quotes,trivia,internets | today is Riya's 26th birthday! 9
IRCnet #ederlangioki 9
Libera.Chat #linuxdojo Welcome to #linuxdojo | Sssshhhh.... guru training in progress | Linux tutorial - https://rlworkman.net/howtos/rute/ 9
OFTC #ebbr 9
Rizon #chan A psychology student in New York rented out her spare room to a carpenter in order to nag him constantly and study his reactions. After weeks of needling, he snapped and beat her repeatedly with an ax leaving her mentally retarded. 9
Libera.Chat #river-offtopic offtopic channel for #river 9
Rizon #bakabt-support BakaBT support | Please read the rules. | Type '!help' to read instructions. Triggers: rules commands faq wiki warnings login delete pruned | State your BBT username (if different from IRC), Ask your question, WAIT and be patient. | This channel is only to deal with account related issues. (banned, warned, ratio errors etc) | Do NOT query @OPS | NO 9
Libera.Chat #gentoo-ev Offener IRC Kanal des https://gentoo-ev.org/ | Neue Mailingliste: https://gentoo-ev.org/ressourcen/#mailingliste | 2024-10-19 um 20:00 Uhr Gentoo-Workshop https://gentoo-ev.org/ 9
Libera.Chat #gemrb GemRB 0.9.0 | https://gemrb.org | Something wrong? State your exact version and CHECK THE GemRB.log 9
QuakeNet #tpa 9
Libera.Chat #melb-wireless Melbourne Wireless: https://melbournewireless.org.au 9
DALnet #|hax| #|hax| :: #uptime #sweden #staff #sauk #salslair #root #request #nightfly #madina #lovechatpk #idlerpg #high-tech #Gamers-lounge #epicbots #enker #dotbnc #dennis #bouncers #/ :: irc.chatnet.chat 9
EFnet #emuxtras Help EmuXtras stay alive! patreon.com/EmuXtras 9
Libera.Chat #wikivoyage Wikivoyage: the free worldwide travel guide that anyone can edit. | https://www.wikivoyage.org/ 9
IRCnet #acmilan 9
Libera.Chat #cvn-wikidata Wikidata Countervandalism https://www.wikidata.org/ | help & info: #countervandalism | !staff is to call CVN staff | #wikidata-admin for admin coordination (stewards, local and global sysops only) 9
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-zh-meta 維基百科跨群事務群︰與Telegram群 @wikipedia_zh_meta 互聯。 9
Rizon #android 0Sec Android Files| !dupe = Loque's Newest Files | Loque posts Last TOP 5 once an hour | !List WILL GET YOU KICKED! | Clones will get you BANNED! | Updated feed! 9
Undernet #cristianos Bienvenido a Cristianos © Y les dijo: Id por todo el mundo y predicad el evangelio a toda criatura. Marcos 16:15 RVR1960 ( https://radiocristianos.com ) 9
Libera.Chat #haymakers Takeaway beer festival with Benson! https://twitter.com/HaymakersCam/status/1262313660598321152 9
freenode #scala 9
Libera.Chat #coreos 9
Libera.Chat #zaproxy Official ZAP channel: https://www.zaproxy.org 9
SwiftIRC #computertech Welcome to #computertech | moo 9
freenode #midipix our primary presence on IRC is currently over at irc.libera.chat #midipix | irc.oftc.net #slibtool for slibtool 9
freenode ##workingset Tool chain support and discussion for Posix(tm)-like operating systems | We cover the range of development tools (compilers, assemblers, linkers, makefiles, debuggers, developer applications & utilities, etc.) | If you need help ask and WAIT for an answer. | Paste: http://paste.debian.net/ 9
Undernet #clujnapoca Bine Ai Venit!!! ( https://callofduty.ro ) 9
Libera.Chat #lfs-editors Channel for Linux From Scratch editors to communicate (LFS Editors ONLY - if you are not an editor and bypass the ACL, you will be removed) 9
Rizon #pokemon Welcome to #pokemon! The one place to talk about Pokémon and other related things! 9
OFTC #voidlinux-ppc discontinued; superseded by https://chimera-linux.org 9
Undernet #chatterz Welcome to #chatterz - Fun chat for all =) (Respect) 9
Libera.Chat #reddit-buildapc 9
Libera.Chat #dat 9
Undernet #washington ( Welcome ) 9
EFnet #virt-host Virtual Hosting Company | www.Virt-Host.com | For All Of Your Hosting Needs | Website Refresh Coming Soon 9
Undernet #ushuaia -- = Bienvenido a #Ushuaia Argentina Campeones del Mundo 2022 !!! -Messi G.O.A.T.-= -- 9
Libera.Chat #fer2 Dobrodosli na #fer2 ..:: the fun starts here ::.. - || - Abandon all hope, ye who enter here: https://badc0de.net/fer2/m/1 https://badc0de.net/fer2/m/2 https://badc0de.net/fer2/m/3 https://badc0de.net/fer2/m/4 https://badc0de.net/fer2/m/5 https://fer2.badc0de.net/m/6 - || - popis quoteova: https://badc0de.net/fer2/b/quotes - || - quote search: https://badc0de.net/fer2/log/search.php 9
Libera.Chat #txproto txproto - scriptable multimedia framework | https://github.com/cyanreg/txproto | user and development discussions channel 9
Libera.Chat #sailfishos-porters 9
Libera.Chat #beaglev BeagleV RISC-V development https://github.com/beagleboard/beaglev-starlight 9
IRCnet #vantaa 9
OFTC #debian-devel-es debian-devel-spanish -at- lists.debian.org 9