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    #undernet (263)
  • Last Indexed: 4 days, 10 hours ago
  • The Undernet is one of the largest realtime chat networks in the world, with approximately 40 servers connecting people world wide.
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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #odoo 9
Libera.Chat #libera-sax-dungeon 9
Libera.Chat #fzf unofficial chat for fzf https://junegunn.github.io/fzf/getting-started | share tips and tricks | ask a question and hang around for an answer | latest release 0.57.0 https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/releases/tag/v0.57.0 9
Libera.Chat #luna-usb 9
Libera.Chat #xorg-devel Moved to OFTC: please join #xorg-devel on irc.oftc.net 9
Libera.Chat #abcl 9
Libera.Chat ##chatlibre Bienvenidos a ChatLibre, hogar de chat offtopic en español o cualquier idioma | Está prohibido hablar de política. | POR FAVOR, sea paciente y ESPERE unos minutos a que alguien te conteste, No Estamos Muertos. 9
Libera.Chat ##feelings Henry come on 9
Libera.Chat ##neddyseagoon eccles has been replaced by henrycrunn has been replaced by grytpype-thynne has been replaced by grytpype-thynne KVM - everything should justwork(tm) 9
Libera.Chat ##vermont 9
Libera.Chat #dn 9
Libera.Chat #thruk Thruk Monitoring Gui for Naemon, Nagios, Shinken, Icinga - http://thruk.org - Demo: http://demo.thruk.org 9
FreshChat #philippines Welcome to FreshChat Net. #Philippines Lets speak English & Tagalog in main channel. Have fun & Enjoy your Stay here Mabuhay every1!! Have a GREAT Day ALL! 9
Libera.Chat #libreoffice-nlp Welcome to the Native Language Projects and L10n channel! 9
Libera.Chat #osgrid Welcome to OSGrid on Libera.Chat! The OSGrid IRC channel. Grid Status -> https://x.com/osgrid - Stay up to date via [ http://twitter.com/osgrid ] Please use in-world name here! 9
Libera.Chat #rogerradio Roger Radio ® 24/7 User Request Driven Community Radio Stream ® 320k/128k/8k ® https://radio.theholyroger.com ® Request Line !OPEN! ® Type $help play for more information ® Powered by Super Sexy Roger brand DSP ® ODYSEE STREAM UP! https://odysee.com/@RogerRadio:f/LIVE:922 ® #electronic #hiphop #chiptunes #drumnbass #metal #indie #music #cryptocurrency #radio #casino 9
Libera.Chat #mupen64plus Mupen64Plus | LATEST VERSION: 2.5.9 | Homepage: http://mupen64plus.org | Discussion: http://www.emutalk.net/forums/113-Mupen64Plus | Repositories: https://github.com/mupen64plus/ 9
Libera.Chat #solarpunk 9
Libera.Chat #thesimswiki http://sims.wikia.com | Messages are logged to Discord - https://goo.gl/eQ2BTt - relay is UP | We might actually be migrating off Wikia. https://bit.ly/2UjNmvL | May 26 2021 - freenode hijacked and #wikia-sims is no more. ChatLounge and Libera are our new homes! Migration from freenode is complete. 9
Libera.Chat #transadvice Welcome To TransAdvice! Trans*/Non-binary/Transgender/Questioning and Allies welcome! This is a safe space - Code of Conduct: https://transadvice.org/aup 9
Libera.Chat #beaglev BeagleV RISC-V development https://github.com/beagleboard/beaglev-starlight 9
Libera.Chat #hardwaresupport Welcome To HardwareSupport... Dalnet & Freenode&Hardware Refugees Welcome !!! All BS Stop's When You Enter The Room...A Peoples Channel Run By The People !! 9
KampungChat #subangjaya 🇲🇾 Welcome to #SubangJaya. Feel free to hang around. Budak Subang memang ada gaya! ✌🏻 9
Libera.Chat #linuxdojo Welcome to #linuxdojo | Sssshhhh.... guru training in progress | Linux tutorial - https://rlworkman.net/howtos/rute/ 9
Libera.Chat #cataclysmdda-dev Bridged to the development channel of the official discord server: https://discord.gg/jFEc7Yp | RULES: https://gist.github.com/KorGgenT/af79e613e4dabd8fa137ada55895420c 9
Libera.Chat #fpc-alt Ontopic list for Free Pascal. Offtopic channel is ##fpc-alt. Rules: Treat your fellow channel inhabitants like you'd like to be treated. 9
Libera.Chat #grapheneos-releases Bridged to #releases:grapheneos.org on Matrix (main platform). GrapheneOS IRC channels: #grapheneos, #grapheneos-offtopic, #grapheneos-testing, #grapheneos-dev, #grapheneos-infra, #grapheneos-media and #grapheneos-releases. 9
Libera.Chat ##piano Piano is fun. Why are you on IRC, you could practice!!1 9
TechNet #ircdriven IRC Driven :: https://www.ircdriven.com :: The website is considered out of beta status at this time as most features have been built :: Seeking networks and assistance with Python development :: IRC Driven is 17 years old! 9
Libera.Chat #oslandia-qompligis 9
Libera.Chat #pydata-news PyData news feeds | Rules: Identify with nickserv. Stay on topic. No public logging. | Affiliated: #aws-news #blockchain ##machinelearning #ml-news #trading 9
Libera.Chat ##portugues Seja bem-vindo ao canal português, onde você pode falar e aprender a língua | Tradução / Translate: .tl <de/from> <para/to> <texto/text> | Discord: https://discord.gg/5kmatqaYn9 9
Libera.Chat #devuan-bridge #devuan-bridge The bridge/gateway channel to Devuan's TELEGRAM presence https://t.me/devuanorg | https://xkcd.com/1782/ 9
Libera.Chat #hackerbeach January 2025, Bocas del Toro, Panama ~ https://hackerbeach.org ~ Chat logs: https://waves.kosmos.org/logs/irc.libera.chat/hackerbeach/today 9
Libera.Chat ##virology [VIROLOGY] news and chat about scientific study of viruses [Intro] https://bit.ly/3u4Ncul [Blog] https://www.virology.ws [Journals] https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/virology [Bridged] #virology:matrix.org [Pandemic] SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19 [Related] ##biology ##bioinformatics ##biophysics ##science ##covid-19 ##coronavirus 9
Libera.Chat #gnulinuxindia Welcome to GLI! Read more: https://gnulinuxindia.sh 9
Libera.Chat #libera-newyears IT IS A NEW YEAR. 9
Libera.Chat #zlomformatyk Kanał o komputerach i jaraniu się Japonią. / Regulamin: http://zlomformatyk.junkcc.net/czat / To Be Filled By O.E.M. / https://tiny.pl/cftzc / <millie> jak moge spatchowac os/2 warp pod toshibe satelite pro 440cdx 9
Libera.Chat #vault-tool HashiCorp Vault: https://www.vaultproject.io/ 9
Libera.Chat #ruslug 9
Libera.Chat #twomoretimes 1. Iteration https://cho.si/archive/gallery-old.html | aktuell https://cho.si/archive/gallery.html usage wer:/wat: prompt 9
Libera.Chat #hut A CLI tool for sr.ht - https://sr.ht/~xenrox/hut - v0.6.0 9
Libera.Chat #wordle Welcome to #Wordle | Begin game: `!wordle start` or `!ws` | Guess word: `!guess <word>` or `!gs <word>` | See `!wordle` for more options, including word-lengths and alternative languages 9
Libera.Chat #geiser emacs and scheme talk to each other -- http://geiser.nongnu.org 9
Libera.Chat #katia 9
Libera.Chat #slic3r Current: 1.3.0 | Development: 1.3.1 | Slic3r is an open source toolpath generator for 3D printers | https://slic3r.org/ | https://manual.slic3r.org/ | Automated 1.3.1-dev builds: https://dl.slic3r.org/dev/ | GSoC students: ask and wait. | There's no place like G28. 9
Libera.Chat #gentoo-ml Gentoo's ML project! | "Ada, C and Scheme devs try to figure out how ML works" | https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:ML 9
Libera.Chat #darthdux Here we have actual conversations not just look shit up so if you don't want to have one don't bother coming in thanks =) 9
Libera.Chat #hamchallenge 9
KampungChat #kuching Welcome to #kuc,00hin,00g,00 K,00a,00mpungChat Serv,00er |,00 ,00C,00ity of,00 Kuchin,00g ,00|,00 Le,00t,00 u,00s,00 be united against RACISM!! | HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 9