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Network Name Topic Users
Rizon #hongkong '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%, Welcome to #HongKong '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%% 9
Libera.Chat #rockylinux-ops 9
QuakeNet #z 9
Libera.Chat #coinswap Research and development of the CoinSwap concept for bitcoin | Channel logs: http://gnusha.org/coinswap/ | https://github.com/bitcoin-teleport/teleport-transactions | Channel also available anonymously at ncwkrwxpq2ikcngxq3dy2xctuheniggtqeibvgofixpzvrwpa77tozqd.onion:6667 9
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-zh-cs 維基百科電腦/計算機科學群︰與Telegram群 @wikipedia_zh_cs 及Discord群77n7vnu (https://discord.gg/77n7vnu)互聯。 9
EFnet #berkeley 9
Undernet #superman Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man. ( So long CuteBunny https://youtu.be/cHcunREYzNY ) 9
EFnet #emuxtras Help EmuXtras stay alive! patreon.com/EmuXtras 9
Libera.Chat #svn-dev Development of Apache® Subversion® (https://subversion.apache.org/) | This channel has limited use, if you have questions please ask on the mailing list https://subversion.apache.org/mailing-lists#dev-ml 9
Libera.Chat #miraheze-testwiki Welcome to the PublicTestWiki.com IRC Channel | Status: See #miraheze | RecentChanges: #miraheze-feed-test | Request permissions: https://publictestwiki.com/m/Xd | Consuls are Voiced | Donate to the people behind TestWiki today! TestWiki (domain): https://paypal.me/Justin22622 Miraheze (our hosts): https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=Q8ZN29LJVXP7L 9
Libera.Chat #lugos Uraden kanal za LUGOS – Društvo uporabnikov Linuxa Slovenije | vse na temo Linux, FOSS in društvene zadeve dobrodošle :) Kanal bridgan na: https://matrix.to/#/#Lugos:matrix.org 9
Rizon #sabah Welcome to Sabah@Rizon - Enjoy your chatting & Please obey the rules - Game : .trivia 9
Rizon #infernet Welcome to the #infernetsplit ! | <BaBe> Irc is hard yo. 9
DALnet #metal Welcome to #Metal | ENGLISH ONLY! | Don't annoy the op's, no douche baggery | R.I.P. Joey Jordison & Mike Howe | 9
QuakeNet #psyx Psychos of Xonotic IRC channel - it's dead, if you want to stay in touch with us, you can request an invite to our Telegram group. 9
Libera.Chat #synergy Synergy upstream is now Deskflow, join us: #deskflow 9
IRCnet #hehehe 9
QuakeNet #3.liga 9
Libera.Chat #wikivoyage Wikivoyage: the free worldwide travel guide that anyone can edit. | https://www.wikivoyage.org/ 9
DALnet #kewel Welcome to #India Wishing everybody an advance New Year filled with new achievements, exciting challenges N great moments with your loved ones. For Help Join # 9
DALnet #blackjack Welcome to #blackjack! to start a game type .start | to join a game type .sit | to leave a game type .stand | to buy type .buy 500 - to hit type h - to stay type s | for more help please ask users or visit http://i.imgur.com/Sc5kLof.png?1 9
DALnet #winsock 9
Undernet #arab 9
Libera.Chat ##wordpress 9
Libera.Chat #util-linux 9
IRCnet #sand13 9
Rizon #france ... What Ze Feuk! 9
Libera.Chat #drawpile Chat for Drawpile, the collaborative drawing program. You can ask for help here, someone will respond when they got time! Try to stick around, we can't reply if you leave. Use imgur or something for screenshots, pastebin for long texts. DrawpileRelay relays between here and Discord. For other ways to get help, check out https://drawpile.net/help/ 9
Undernet #chisinau Welcome to Chisinau (capital of Moldova) Undernet iRC Channel. 9
OFTC #i2p-chat I2P community off topic chatter and deep sleep chamber | I2P 0.9.23 released! | Multi-line pastes to http://pastethis.i2p | Report bugs at trac.i2p2.i2p | Other sites of interest: forum.i2p, plugins.i2p, id3nt.i2p 9
Libera.Chat #amdgpu 9
EFnet #hell The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. 9
Undernet #ilocos Manager has logged back in. Channel unlocked. Please login regularly to avoid channel getting purged 9
OFTC #pitivi 9
Libera.Chat #libav-travel #libav-bored 9
DALnet #bolivia Bienvenido(a) a .:: #BOLIVIA ::. | Gobierno: https://bolivia.gob.bo/ | +Info: https://www.bolivia.com/ | FBF: http://www.fbf.com.bo/ | RADIO: https://ondamix.listen2myshow.com/ 9
IRCnet #caserta 9
Undernet #tv 9
freenode #roundcube 9
IRCnet #calabria 9
SkyChatz #usm Welcome to #USM - Universiti Sains Malaysia - 9
Libera.Chat #exherbo-bots Exherbo bot announcements 9
Libera.Chat #edubuntu Do not expect a response here, moved to https://matrix.to/#/#edubuntu:ubuntu.com | Former Edubuntu Support, Development, and Discussion | 24.10 is out! | Supported: 24.10, 24.04 LTS 9
Libera.Chat #fer2 Dobrodosli na #fer2 ..:: the fun starts here ::.. - || - Abandon all hope, ye who enter here: https://badc0de.net/fer2/m/1 https://badc0de.net/fer2/m/2 https://badc0de.net/fer2/m/3 https://badc0de.net/fer2/m/4 https://badc0de.net/fer2/m/5 https://fer2.badc0de.net/m/6 - || - popis quoteova: https://badc0de.net/fer2/b/quotes - || - quote search: https://badc0de.net/fer2/log/search.php 9
Rizon #smashbros Rules/FAQs https://tinyurl.com/smashIRCfaq | maximum potato 9
IRCnet #shellcode 9
OFTC #gnualgol https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Algol68FrontEnd 9
freenode ##github 9
IRCnet #vantaa 9