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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #libgit2 libgit2: a linkable library for Git http://libgit2.github.com | latest release 1.6.4 | get a slack invite at slack.libgit2.org 9
freenode ##apple 9
Undernet #elite elite 9
DALnet #tor Welcome to #tor - Tor, short for The Onion Router, is free and open-source software for enabling anonymous communication. Download Tor browser here https://www.torproject.org/download/ - Protect your privacy and anonymity online. 9
DALnet #legend A lot of legends, a lot of people, have come before me. But this is my time. 9
EFnet #1972 9
OFTC #debian-wsl Debian on Windows via WSL - Wiki: https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/Microsoft/Windows/SubsystemForLinux 9
DALnet #kiwi * * #Kiwi * * 9
OFTC #qemu-rust Discussion about QEMU development with the Rust language. https://wiki.qemu.org/RustInQemu 9
Libera.Chat #openmandriva Welcome to old OpenMandriva IRC channel. Libera.chat is unable to bridge with Matrix at this time. Since most OM folks are at Matrix you won't get an answer here. We are working on a solution. You can contact us here https://wiki.openmandriva.org/en/team/chat for now. 9
Libera.Chat #dat 9
OFTC #why2025-warehouse 9
freenode #guix 9
QuakeNet #dwgames 9
IRCnet #tarnow 9
DALnet #bharat Welcome to #Bharat Official Channel Games Of #India For Trivia-Scrabble-Kaos Type !start !stop (trivia), type !Kaos !quit (Kaos), type !Scrabble !scrabble stop😉 Enjoy your stay. JaiHind🇮🇳 9
QuakeNet #overgame 9
Libera.Chat #radiogeek Hello Radio! 9
Libera.Chat #backspace backspace legacy chat - Please use Matrix instead: #bckspc:icbm.codes - More info: https://www.hackerspace-bamberg.de 9
EFnet #binarywizards 9
Libera.Chat #ipv6-ru 9
OFTC #qcom-camss 9
Libera.Chat #darthdux This channel is NOT going to cure your depression but it might make you smile a little. 9
DALnet #cyberfriends ๑۩۞۩๑ ωєℓ¢σмє тσ #CyberFriends ๑۩۞۩๑... | Welcome... enjoy your stay with a nice chat.. 9
Rizon #msxdev MSX development & chat since 2002 - Type !help for commands - Please register for posting rights and other benefits 9
Rizon #oman ||||||||| Ahlan wa sahlan brother on #OMAN ||||||||| 9
Libera.Chat ##astrophysics An open discussion forum for uncensored chats or debates about astronomy and physics. Special topics of interest include cosmology, theoretical physics, black holes. quantum mechanics, general relativity, the holographic principle, the simulation hypothesis, the many worlds hypothesis, exoplanets, and astrobiology. 9
Libera.Chat ##smt This channel is sometimes about SAT and SMT solving, applications and implementations. | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satisfiability_Modulo_Theories https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propositional_satisfiability 9
Libera.Chat #clcs Common Lisp Community Scribes - for discussing all the Common Lisp media that was, is, or shall be created. 9
Libera.Chat #chickadee 9
Libera.Chat #debxp Curso Shell GNU/Linux • Aula #20 | Terça, 7 de novembro • 20h UTC-3 | https://youtube.com/live/xpQ9uXPpej0 9
IRCnet #calabria 9
Rizon #touhoucjav Welcome to Touhou CJAV Channel. This is a Cosplay Channel focused on Touhou Cosplay. New version of the Cosplay Database will be up soon. Enjoy your stay. 9
IRCnet #caserta 9
OFTC #alpine-zh 9
EFnet #gba 9
IRC-nERDs # Come one, come all. Nothing to do, nothing to see, lets all I2P 9
DALnet #winsock 9
DALnet #marikina Welcome to #Marikina..."In Light, Harmony and Truth" - 9
Libera.Chat ##huffaz IaaaS (Inhalant Abuse as a Service) | “yo, got drogz?” 9
Libera.Chat #libre.fm 9
Libera.Chat #pwning 9
Rizon #kkg [Please share /h/ content through litterbox, uguu.se or cockfile!] - (●'◡'●) 9
IRC-nERDs #psychology Most psychology-related topic we discuss here is propaganda. 9
Libera.Chat #sel4 9
Libera.Chat ##neddyseagoon eccles has been replaced by henrycrunn has been replaced by grytpype-thynne has been replaced by grytpype-thynne KVM - everything should justwork(tm) 9
Libera.Chat ##officeofthemayor Welcome to ##OfficeOfTheMayor ++LGBTQ Friendly - Be Excellent to Everyone - Invite your Friends 9
IRC-nERDs #vps [Official Network Sponsors: XtremeProvider (https://xp.irc-nerds.net) & Hostsailor] Looking for a good stable vps provider? Check out some of these VPS companies, be sure to use our links and help fund irc-nerds... https://hosting.irc-nerds.net for a list of VPS providers. 9
Libera.Chat #plugfr Prochaine réunion : vendredi 7 février 19h à La Base (3 r Pierre Roche 13004) 9