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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #coreos 9
Libera.Chat #slackware-fr Forum francophone de Slackware : https://forum.slackware-fr.eu.org/ | floodez sur http://slackware-fr.pastebin.fr/ et pas sur le canal 9
Libera.Chat #telegram-foss 9
DALnet #bible-study-fellowship The Bible has answers! Study the Scriptures with free articles, maps, timelines and a wide range of unique Biblical resources. To visit our community join #Christian-Chat-Chalice or look at our website for more details https://www.christian-chat-chalice.com 9
OFTC #offtop 9
IRC-nERDs #coders-irc-lounge |§¤*~`~*¤§|§¤*~ -==- [ Welcome to Coders-irc https://www.coders-irc.net/ & https://www.coders-resources.net/ ] -==- ~*¤§|§¤*~`~*¤§| 9
Libera.Chat #fedora-s390x 9
Libera.Chat ##operator873 Hello, and welcome to my dive. Beware the bots. They do bite. 9
OFTC #gnualgol https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Algol68FrontEnd 9
Libera.Chat #edevelop 9
QuakeNet #de_cbble 9
freenode #bitcoin-otc 9
Libera.Chat #osgrid Welcome to OSGrid on Libera.Chat! The OSGrid IRC channel. Grid Status -> https://x.com/osgrid - Stay up to date via [ http://twitter.com/osgrid ] Please use in-world name here! 9
Rizon #bahrain ||||||||| Welcome on #Bahrain ||||||||| 9
Rizon #hongkong '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%%, Welcome to #HongKong '%%,'%%,'%%,'%%,'%% 9
Libera.Chat #rockylinux-ops 9
freenode #scheme 9
Libera.Chat #exherbo-kde KF 5.x tag: 1st saturday, release 2nd saturday, details https://tinyurl.com/kf5-sched | Plasma 5.22.0: 08/06/2021, details: https://tinyurl.com/p5-schedule | KDE Gear 21.04 release: 10/06/2021 details: https://tinyurl.com/2104-shed 9
IRCnet #nachtwaechter 9
Undernet #chiclayo 9
Undernet #f&f 9
Geekshed #lidnet THIS IS NOT THE HOME OF THE FAKEHAM LIDNET - /join #fakehams 9
Rizon #ayylmao Weeaboos live here. | TA 9
Libera.Chat ##meskarune welcome to meskarune's software emporium! https://github.com/meskarune | 🤙🔊 ... 🔟⌛! | http://i.imgur.com/j5tZW71.jpg | http://i.imgur.com/T8MF3VU.gif | You all are wonderful people <3 | It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. | https://youtu.be/RySHDUU2juM | Toward a New Hacker Ethic https://bit.ly/2hLVzac 9
Libera.Chat #tinycorelinux Welcome to the #tinycorelinux IRC Channel | www.tinycorelinux.com | Latest Releases: 15.x | Need help with extensions? Take a look at their .info files, i.e. gcc.tcz.info | Please identify with NickServ to speak: /msg NickServ HELP REGISTER , /msg NickServ HELP IDENTIFY 9
freenode #html 9
Libera.Chat #kroeg 9
Geekshed #pdxlinux Portland Linux/Unix Group - Come for the software, stay for the community - http://pdxlinux.org/ 9
Libera.Chat #archlinux-botabuse 9
QuakeNet #webhallen 9
Libera.Chat #fairphone Unofficial Fairphone community support | Currently squatted by Freso – please reach out if you’re from Fp to have channel transferred to you :) 9
Libera.Chat #sarpi SARPi Project - Slacking on a Raspberry Pi ... using and supporting Slackware Linux 9
DALnet #falkor Falkor's channel - And for all his friends of course - Everyone welcome ^_^ - Happy New Year 2024 9
IRCnet #tammersec 9
freenode ##politics ##Politics Squared[Reddit - /r/WorldNews - New] Putin Promised He Will 'Not Kill' Zelensky; Ukraine Says He's An 'Expert Liar' https://www.ibtimes.com/putin-promised-he-will-not-kill-zelensky-ukraine-says-hes-expert-liar-3664592 2023-02-06T00:46:12 9
QuakeNet #bubble 9
Rizon #batam Welcome to #Batam International City :) 9
QuakeNet #urban_exploration 9
Libera.Chat #shadow https://www.nohello.com/ Shadow development. https://github.com/shadow-maint/shadow 9
Libera.Chat #ocp OpenCubicPlayer :: This is a slow channel, if you ask a question, don't expected immediate answers :: FreeBSD -> audio/ocp :: https://stian.cubic.org/project-ocp.php :: original project -> http://www.cubic.org/player/ 9
Libera.Chat #centos-ci CentOS CI Discussion | Notice an issue? Open a ticket on https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issues 9
EFnet #nullrewted 9
DALnet #dalnetznc Welcome to #DalnetZNC - Customer Service Channel - FREE!! - Service on | ZNC | Contact to ocz - Status: Online!! - Server Trueno: UP!! ::. 9
DALnet #beast <><><>Welcome #beast @ DALnet <><><> | English or Bahasa Indonesia only 9
Undernet #sexart CARPE DIEM! 9
DALnet #chat-zone ●☆● Thanks For Choosing CHAT-ZONE. Any Topic <> Any Time. English Is Preferred. @ps Will Answer Your Questions. Common Courtesy Is Appreciated. Stay SAFE! "Happy & Prosperous New year 2025!” 9
Libera.Chat #haymakers Takeaway beer festival with Benson! https://twitter.com/HaymakersCam/status/1262313660598321152 9
Undernet #ust UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Undernet! FB: https://facebook.com/USTdalnet.official ( http:// 9
EFnet #loadiine Loadiine GX2 v0.3 : http://tinyurl.com/zyw29dz || Guide: http://bit.ly/1kbdvLy || #SwitchHack now open || General WiiU Hacking Guide: https://wiiu.hacks.guide/ 9
DALnet #cafeshells 9