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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
EFnet #coffee 9
QuakeNet #mm-jääkiekko 9
EFnet #update.bots ('< - Bottar! Ankor! - >') 9
Libera.Chat #robinhood-news Robinhood incidents and maintenance alerts updated every minute | No chat. | Alternatives: Fidelity, Alpaca Markets | Source: https://49plxygx5s1k.statuspage.io/ | API: https://49plxygx5s1k.statuspage.io/api/v2/ | Additional filtered feeds: Robinhood blog, Robinhood Engineering blog, Google News, ZeroHedge | Related: #crypto-feed #us-market-news 9
Undernet #peering 9
IRCnet #c++.pl 9
QuakeNet #eswc.csgo 9
Libera.Chat #coinswap Research and development of the CoinSwap concept for bitcoin | Channel logs: http://gnusha.org/coinswap/ | https://github.com/bitcoin-teleport/teleport-transactions | Channel also available anonymously at ncwkrwxpq2ikcngxq3dy2xctuheniggtqeibvgofixpzvrwpa77tozqd.onion:6667 9
Libera.Chat #fedora-s390x 9
Rizon #france ... What Ze Feuk! 9
Libera.Chat #thruk Thruk Monitoring Gui for Naemon, Nagios, Shinken, Icinga - http://thruk.org - Demo: http://demo.thruk.org 9
DALnet #seattle Welcome to #Seattle The Emerald City 9
Rizon #bakabt-support BakaBT support | Please read the rules. | Type '!help' to read instructions. Triggers: rules commands faq wiki warnings login delete pruned | State your BBT username (if different from IRC), Ask your question, WAIT and be patient. | This channel is only to deal with account related issues. (banned, warned, ratio errors etc) | Do NOT query @OPS | NO 9
IRCnet #tempest 9
IRC-nERDs #coders-irc-lounge |§¤*~`~*¤§|§¤*~ -==- [ Welcome to Coders-irc https://www.coders-irc.net/ & https://www.coders-resources.net/ ] -==- ~*¤§|§¤*~`~*¤§| 9
EFnet #xdcc 9
Libera.Chat #slackware-fr Forum francophone de Slackware : https://forum.slackware-fr.eu.org/ | floodez sur http://slackware-fr.pastebin.fr/ et pas sur le canal 9
Libera.Chat #gotosocial 9
Libera.Chat #gemrb GemRB 0.9.0 | https://gemrb.org | Something wrong? State your exact version and CHECK THE GemRB.log 9
Libera.Chat #miraheze-buffalonas The Buffalo NAS wiki, a central place to house information about Buffalo network attached storage devices. | https://buffalonas.miraheze.org | Relayed to our Discord https://discord.gg/2Js7ezAbzm (Channel is publicly logged on Discord) 9
OFTC #test 9
Libera.Chat #ghcjs 9
OFTC #ebbr 9
Libera.Chat #geiser emacs and scheme talk to each other -- http://geiser.nongnu.org 8
DALnet #c++ ISO 14882:2011 | See isocpp.org for more information about C++ | Paste code at: http://codepad.org 8
Libera.Chat ##nba The NBA playoffs are about to start, discuss away 8
OFTC #debian-blends https://www.debian.org/blends/ https://wiki.debian.org/DebianPureBlends https://blends.debian.org/blends/ https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/ https://lists.debian.org/debian-blends/ 8
Libera.Chat #crux-social Offtopic Talks | Project https://crux.nu/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-social/ 8
Libera.Chat #fedora-dotnet https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DotNet 8
DALnet #bbc Welcome to Dalnet's Finest #BBC Channel!! 8
QuakeNet #linux.se 8
DALnet #etznc Free ZNC for DALnet's Network only! | Request your account at https://znc.etnies.pw/request | Please follow our rules! https://znc.etnies.pw/rules 8
DALnet #wixchat Welcome To #Wixchat... Please visit our website https://www.wixchat.org & https://social.wixchat.org 8
DALnet #osaka 8
DALnet #clitremoval 18+, discussion of female genital mods, orgasm denial and clit removal 8
Libera.Chat #gentoo-libressl 8
QuakeNet #bvb09 8
Libera.Chat #prjbureau Microchip (Atmel) ATF15xx CPLD reverse engineering · code https://github.com/whitequark/prjbureau · docs https://whitequark.github.io/prjbureau/ · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/prjbureau · Matrix #prjbureau:matrix.org 8
DALnet #grumpyoldmen Ice Storm 6; Gravity 2; ^^Kilroy 0 - Sharp Objects 6, Wind 7, Power Outages 1; Ziggy 0 - Vehicles 29,045, Body-Enjoying Picard 1; Pika 0 - Alcohol 1; Fire 1; Nvidiot 0 | Boobs needed, apply within! 8
QuakeNet #gpclan 8
DALnet #canadian Welcome to #Canadian all the canadians' home! English please 8
freenode #vbox-spam 8
DALnet #isabela 8
DALnet #firebugs Happy Friday 8
IRCnet #gejowo https://wykop.pl/cdn/c3201142/94e181bc6597a3e0df4f4951d089c16f321102b2c0bdab1c87ee87b4975290c3,w400.jpg 8
DALnet #christianity And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 NKJV) / Channel for all group of Themes. https://is.gd/doyouknowhim Our Website: https://www.christian-chat-chalice.com 8
QuakeNet #freebsd 8
Libera.Chat #usrp Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) 8