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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #libregaming-organization libregaming.org Meta channel for discussing the project itself | Tell us who you are https://md.roflcopter.fr/oFeu6XXoRNqGeEZvYhhjOQ?both | This channel is publicly logged on Matrix 8
Rizon #/vr/doom Welcome to #/vr/doom - Doom and id Software games | https://www.doomworld.com/24years/ 8
OFTC #nixos 8
Undernet #hot 8
Libera.Chat #osbuild 💿🔨 8
Rizon #glue Welcome to Glue | https://discord.gg/eEFjfer | Winter 2018: Darling in the FranXX & BDs | Spring 2018: Golden Kamuy | Summer 2018: Planet With 8
Undernet #zamboanga Welcome to #Zamboanga Undernet!! in Light, Truth and Harmony, IOFG 1676 8
Libera.Chat #pagure Welcome to #pagure, the IRC channel about https://pagure.io/pagure 8
Libera.Chat ##slackware-es Bienvenido a ##slackware-es | Versión estable: Slackware 15 | Descargas: http://slackware.osuosl.org/ | Información y ayuda (en ingles): ##slackware-help | SlackBuilds.org IRC Channel: #slackbuilds 8
Rizon #gray_phantom URL: http://grayphantom.wordpress.com Latest: Giant Robo 1080p & 720p (torrent)||Zeorymer 1080p & 720p (torrent) || Ongoing projects: http://grayphantom.wordpress.com/2-ongoing-projects Packlists: No bots anymore [TRANSLATORS WANTED4] 8
RetroNode #basic All about BASIC programming language and dialects | Sinclair BASIC, MSX-BASIC, GW-BASIC, QBasic/QuickBASIC, Turbo Basic/PowerBASIC, FreeBASIC, Visual Basic | Popular myths debunked: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1204497/The-Myth-about-BASIC-part | Best QB tutorials: http://petesqbsite.com/ 8
Undernet #mp3francais 8
EFnet #emirp 8
Libera.Chat #raku-land 8
QuakeNet #quakecon 8
Libera.Chat #prjbureau Microchip (Atmel) ATF15xx CPLD reverse engineering · code https://github.com/whitequark/prjbureau · docs https://whitequark.github.io/prjbureau/ · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/prjbureau · Matrix #prjbureau:matrix.org 8
OFTC #docker 8
EFnet #safespace You're welcome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXQkXXBqj_U 8
Undernet #techsupport Squeeze Tested Fresh delicious Fuvie strapped over chair with a bun, 5$. 1$ extra for the squishing. 8
Undernet #webchat 8
Libera.Chat ##zoomers IRC chat for young people [oxymoron]. | Be kind and respectful to your fellow youths. | #PokemonGoToThePolls #HowDoYouDoFellowKids | The trucks will arrive shortly. >:) | Happy Friday! 8
Libera.Chat #politique Canal francophone de discussions politiques et actualités 8
Libera.Chat #newpipe-ev Main channel of NewPipe e.V. -- Note: this channel *will* contain a lot of German! https://authentik.newpipe-ev.de/if/flow/enrollment-invitation/?itoken=b2f7618e-17b1-41cd-a756-013a2968af8a -- polls: https://framadate.org/2glcAWLn88M8n46c & https://framadate.org/mQZb8JHlqs9dWzDk 8
Rizon #archlinux Why compile when you can just Arch?! -=|=- www.archlinux.org -=|=- wiki.archlinux.org -=|=- bbs.archlinux.org -=|=- aur.archlinux.org -=|=- 8
Libera.Chat ##planetmofo Planet MoFo: Noobs pwned while you wait.|| http://www.goforumyourself.com || http://planetmofo.pastebin.com/ || This Space For Rent || Like someone left the beans out for a week before they were eaten. 8
Libera.Chat #sauerbraten Consolidated Sauerbraten IRC 8
Undernet #cafeclub 8
Libera.Chat ##thinkpad For discussion of all Thinkpads, Lenovo included 8
freenode #cyanogenmod 8
Libera.Chat #fedora-dotnet https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DotNet 8
IRCnet #danubiusradio 8
Libera.Chat ##altarius veam is a stale potato chip 8
DALnet #germany Paris ist eine Reise wert. 8
OFTC #debian-mia MIA private channel 8
EFnet #sargassosea Hoist the FLAG #SARGASSOSEA Home to Pirates and Sailors and Pi for the taking 8
EFnet #tea 8
IRCnet #radio1 8
Libera.Chat #lw-overflow 8
Libera.Chat #lawrencelug Lawrence KS LUG | Website: https://lawrencelug.gitlab.io/ | Next meeting: Sat Mar 15 15:00 CST | Location: Lawrence Library Meeting Room A and https://meet.jit.si/LawrenceLUG 8
Undernet #astro 8
freenode #vbox-spam 8
EFnet #audio0day 8
OFTC #openstack-exporter 8
Libera.Chat #edist.ro edist.ro is an indie anarchist zine distro, virtual hackerspace, and radical server project | xmpp channel: edistro@conference.hmm.st | telegram: https://t.me/edist_ro 8
Rizon #hyouryuusha Kanał grupy Hyouryuusha | Ostatnio wydane: MahoYome 04 | "Areki to moja dziewczyna ~jarzyna" | Bot statusowy nie działa, żeby pobrać przez XDCC wpisz: "!find [tytuł] [odcinek]" (bez nawiasów) | Discord: https://discord.gg/0zhcGxbwS3fIaszS 8
Rizon #asph-packs all pack spam for #AsphyxiA 8
Libera.Chat ##rabbit-herd 8
Undernet #lame 8
Undernet #cisco 8
QuakeNet #la-familia 8