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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #mojo-yancy http://preaction.me/yancy - The best web framework deserves the best CMS 8
Libera.Chat #solarpunk 8
DALnet #shell in idle we trust / you can get free shells here or the official chan #ircnow 8
EFnet #emirp 8
Undernet #limanaki 8
OFTC #zwiebelfreunde 10 Years Torservers.net: Death or Future? - https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2019-May/017269.html 8
Undernet #oldteam 8
Libera.Chat #gemini-it Community del protocollo Gemini in lingua italiana | gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/ | https://geminiquickst.art/it/ | https://codeberg.org/gemini-italia | #cos-e-gemini:matrix.org | Se è la prima volta che ti colleghi al canale, ci farebbe piacere sapere con quale pronome chiamarti e se hai una capsula Gemini 8
Libera.Chat #ferm Ferm - For Easy Rule Making - http://ferm.foo-projects.org/ - ask cirrus or sofar for questions. ferm 2.6 8
Libera.Chat #prjbureau Microchip (Atmel) ATF15xx CPLD reverse engineering · code https://github.com/whitequark/prjbureau · docs https://whitequark.github.io/prjbureau/ · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/prjbureau · Matrix #prjbureau:matrix.org 8
OFTC #debian-blends https://www.debian.org/blends/ https://wiki.debian.org/DebianPureBlends https://blends.debian.org/blends/ https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/ https://lists.debian.org/debian-blends/ 8
Libera.Chat #puredarwin Welcome to #puredarwin || Main Site https://www.puredarwin.org/ || GitHub https://github.com/PureDarwin/ | PureDarwin 17.4 Beta Image https://github.com/PureDarwin/PD-17.4-Beta/ 8
Libera.Chat #newpipe-team https://cryptpad.fr/code/#/2/code/edit/99L6WaZHN5iKkhMH33XJCODE/ -- https://meet.assassinate-you.net/NewPipeMeeting 8
Undernet #le-spot 8
Undernet #nft 8
Libera.Chat #retrotwitter This chat is moving to #RetroMastodon, because fuck Twitter. 8
OFTC #fofix FoFiX development || https://fofix.org || If nobody answers, stick around and someone will! 8
Libera.Chat #smalltalk 8
CyberIRC #znc Important security update: ZNC 1.9.1 https://wiki.znc.in/ChangeLog/1.9.1 | https://znc.in/nightly | https://github.com/znc/znc 8
Libera.Chat #megaglest MegaGlest · megaglest.org ··· Games: http://Play.MG · Forums: https://forums.megaglest.org · Also: faq|readme|docs|snapshots|ci|translate|tx|mumble|monitor|status.megaglest.org ··· In-game chat: #megaglest-lobby 8
Rizon #sarawak " Welcome to #Sarawak please stay and enjoy chat with your friends.".. 8
Libera.Chat #hamradio-webpage Welcome to #hamradio-webpage - throw suggestions as to what you'd like to see on our webpage here! Meantime, check out our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/liberachathamradio/ 8
QuakeNet #sverok 8
Libera.Chat #railcore 8
EFnet #triviacafe Welcome to #triviacafe!!! GOLD JACKPOT IS OVER 150K!!! 8
Undernet #thunderirc 8
Undernet #princess 8
QuakeNet #doom 8
Undernet #hayalet 8
Libera.Chat ################################################## You did it! Fifty hashtags. Welcome to ################################################## - the bonus level. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the drama board monitor room 8
Libera.Chat #premiumbnc PREMIUM BNC'S IPv6 with nice vhosts. More info on https://znc.st 8
QuakeNet #64 8
Libera.Chat #opendcim openDCIM-23.04 is officially released 8
Libera.Chat #fedora-docs Fedora Documentation Project || Get on Telegram: https://t.me/fedora_docs || Get involved: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/docs/ || Current priority: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes/issues/ 8
OFTC ##linuxlab | Laboratorio di Pinguini... | A.A.A.: Ai nuovi utenti che entrano, presentarsi quando si entra! | Dove tutto ebbe inizio... | 8
Undernet #albania Welcome to #Albania 8
Undernet #j&j 8
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-en-accounts-devs ACC development channel | HMB deploy command: !accdeploy <remote>/<branch> eg: !accdeploy origin/master | Sand: http://is.gd/accdev | Git: http://is.gd/accgit | Bugs: http://is.gd/accbug | Users with deploy power are voiced 8
Libera.Chat #ncurses 8
EFnet #weather No functional weather script at the moment. Working on it. ( 8
Undernet #mirchelp 8
DALnet #poland Welcome to #Poland @ DALnet 8
Undernet #campeche Patrimonio Universal de la Humanidad "CAMPECHE" ( http://facebook.com/campechanitos ) 8
Rizon #eevee RIP 8
IRCnet #linux.uh 8
EFnet #porsche 8
freenode #flashrom 8
Libera.Chat #linuxaus www.linux.org.au | Congratulations to the 2025 Linux Australia council - Joel Addison(P), Jenny Cox (VP), Russell Stuart(T), Neill Cox(S) and the OCM's Elena Williams, Jonathan Woithe and Lilly Hoi Sze Ho. 8
OFTC #objfw ObjFW • Last release: 1.2.3 • Portable Objective-C framework & runtime • https://objfw.nil.imhttps://github.com/ObjFW/ObjFW 8
Undernet #bailefelix Bine ati venit pe canalul statiunii Baile Felix! ( http://asculta.radiosibiu.ro:8080/RS ) 8