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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
freenode #pdxtech 8
Libera.Chat #hacksoc-bottest 8
Undernet #dawn 8
Libera.Chat #edist.ro edist.ro is an indie anarchist zine distro, virtual hackerspace, and radical server project | xmpp channel: edistro@conference.hmm.st | telegram: https://t.me/edist_ro 8
freenode #linuxcnc 8
Libera.Chat #smithay Dev&Support room for the Smithay project -- the matrix bridge is currently disabled, the main chat room is at #smithay:matrix.org -- https://smithay.github.io/ 8
Undernet #unoasis Welcome to #UNOasis Come Play the Fun and Time-Wasting Game of UNO!! For help type: !unocmds 8
Undernet #unixcod 8
Undernet #pk ¡Welcome! Have a nice chat! 8
Libera.Chat #lynx We're here, just don't ask that! | http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | Homepage: http://lynx.invisible-island.net/ | Mailing Lists, etc. => http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lynx | Fallback Homepage (possibly old): http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/lynx.invisible-island.net/ 8
Undernet #y&y 8
Libera.Chat #hackernews 8
OFTC #pidgin pidgin 2.14.14 is out!! | Ask your question and wait patiently | Looking for Pidgin on XMPP? https://pidgin.im/about/pidginchat/ | Known issues with 3rd party plugins https://issues.imfreedom.org/issues?q=tag:%20%7B3rd%20Party%20Plugin%7D |Pidgin 3 Experimental 1 is out! https://discourse.imfreedom.org/t/pidgin-3-0-experimental-1-has-been-released/227 8
Libera.Chat #fedora-dotnet https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DotNet 8
OFTC #objfw ObjFW • Last release: 1.2.3 • Portable Objective-C framework & runtime • https://objfw.nil.imhttps://github.com/ObjFW/ObjFW 8
OFTC #fofix FoFiX development || https://fofix.org || If nobody answers, stick around and someone will! 8
Undernet #orthodox Welcome to channel Orthodox ( https://www.goarch.org/ ) 8
freenode #vbox-spam 8
Libera.Chat #bzr 8
Libera.Chat #guilde https://www.guilde.asso.fr/ Prochaine rencontre - mardi 17 septembre 19h - La Turbine.coop, 5 Esplanade Andry Farcy, 38000 Grenoble (entrée sur le côté du bâtiment) 8
Undernet #l&l 8
Undernet #metromanila Welcome to #MetroManila & enjoy your stay here. 8
CyberIRC #macosx Sequoia 15.3.1 (24D70) - Sonoma 14.7.4 (23H420) - Ventura 13.7.4 (22H420) Security Updates: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222 8
Libera.Chat #prjbureau Microchip (Atmel) ATF15xx CPLD reverse engineering · code https://github.com/whitequark/prjbureau · docs https://whitequark.github.io/prjbureau/ · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/prjbureau · Matrix #prjbureau:matrix.org 8
CyberIRC #irc irc.net.tr 8
QuakeNet #arie 8
Libera.Chat #libregaming-organization libregaming.org Meta channel for discussing the project itself | Tell us who you are https://md.roflcopter.fr/oFeu6XXoRNqGeEZvYhhjOQ?both | This channel is publicly logged on Matrix 8
Undernet #islapete 8
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-ca Benvingut al canal dels projectes Viquimèdia en català || Entrades (3 mar 2025): Viquipèdia: 769655 / Viccionari: 603371 / Viquitexts: 9987 / Viquillibres: 2221 / Viquidites: 4088 / Viquinotícies: 4799 || Llegiu sobre el xat: / Read the rules: http://bit.ly/1NZLpOZ 8
Libera.Chat #fpc-dev FPC development discussion || Rules: no off topic discussion, no flaming, be warned or be punished 8
Undernet #ok 8
QuakeNet #lansolo-clan 8
SkyChatz #whitehat 8
Undernet #black&blue 8
EFnet #[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ιοο̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] 8
Libera.Chat #compsoc-uk 8
OFTC ###worldchat Welcome to our worldchat, here all conversations are accepted. Sexchat will not be accepted here and will be banned from the channel. Accepted languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and Esperanto. 8
Libera.Chat #jellyfin-dev-android 8
QuakeNet #chlor 8
freenode #kibana 8
freenode #linux-kernel 8
Libera.Chat #landofkittens (^~^)/) Welcome to #LandofKittens! We are also on many other platforms, you can find them here: https://landofkittens.community (\(^~^) 8
Undernet #rm 8
QuakeNet #faktiskt.se 8
Undernet #spike 8
QuakeNet #sk 8
OFTC #gfortran Development of the GNU Fortran compiler 8
QuakeNet #quakecon 8
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-en-accounts-devs ACC development channel | HMB deploy command: !accdeploy <remote>/<branch> eg: !accdeploy origin/master | Sand: http://is.gd/accdev | Git: http://is.gd/accgit | Bugs: http://is.gd/accbug | Users with deploy power are voiced 8
Libera.Chat ################################################## You did it! Fifty hashtags. Welcome to ################################################## - the bonus level. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the drama board monitor room 8