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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #tickit https://github.com/ingydotnet/tickit-info#readme | http://www.leonerd.org.uk/code/libtickit/ | https://metacpan.org/release/Tickit | https://launchpad.net/libtickit | https://riot.im/beta/#/room/#tickit:matrix.org | https://gitter.im/tickit-dev/users 8
freenode #ubuntu-server 8
Undernet #hockey LUNDI SOIR 19H: MTL@BUF | Ovi a 11 buts de battre le record a Gretzky 8
Libera.Chat #ghettoforge GhettoForge - a 3rd-party package repository for current RHEL/CentOS/RockyLinux/OracleLinux/AlmaLinux/SpringdaleLinux and similiar distributions. http://ghettoforge.org 8
Libera.Chat #pypy-sync 8
Undernet #bailefelix Bine ati venit pe canalul statiunii Baile Felix! ( http://asculta.radiosibiu.ro:8080/RS ) 8
Undernet #tabarnak on ( ( SiTe WebMaster ..:: https://Thermaltake.epac.to ::.. ) ) 8
Libera.Chat #reddit-buildapc 8
Undernet #swu 8
Libera.Chat #modula-2 Discussions related to Modula-2 (PIM/ISO) 8
Libera.Chat #fedora-commops Fedora + Community + Operations = Fedora CommOps || Providing tools, resources, and utilities for different sub-projects of Fedora to improve effective communication || Read more: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/commops/ || Get involved: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/commops/contribute/join/ 8
Newnet #bots The #bots will take over the world.. one IRC network at a time! 8
Libera.Chat #wayfire-offtopic Off-topic channel for wayfire - Offensive text is off-topic - This channel is bridged to matrix.org and logged. 8
Libera.Chat #utox uTox is the future // https://github.com/uTox/uTox // Current Release v0.18.1 // Learn to write C -> https://www.enlightenment.org/docs/c/start 8
Libera.Chat #shbot https://gitlab.com/geirha/shbot 8
Libera.Chat #sugar Sugar -- The constructionist learning environment | We need YOU! http://join.sugarlabs.org/ | Large pastes here: https://paste.benpro.fr/ 8
DarkWorld #support Welcome to the Official #Support Channel on DarkWorld.NetWork. Here you can ask us anything, how to register nick, channels & commands.Idlers NOT Allowed. Abuse related, #Abuse for this. Thank You!." // News: 8
DarkWorld #robz Welcome TO #Robz 8
Libera.Chat #hacksoc-bottest 8
Libera.Chat #bzr 8
Libera.Chat #landofkittens (^~^)/) Welcome to #LandofKittens! We are also on many other platforms, you can find them here: https://landofkittens.community (\(^~^) 8
DarkWorld #bangladesh 8
SkyChatz #mibbit Welcome to the Mibbit social chat room! | Guidelines: http://wiki.mibbit.com/index.php/Rules | /join #help for Assistance | Please enjoy your stay here and don't be afraid to say "hello!" 8
RetroNode #basic All about BASIC programming language and dialects | Sinclair BASIC, MSX-BASIC, GW-BASIC, QBasic/QuickBASIC, Turbo Basic/PowerBASIC, FreeBASIC, Visual Basic | Popular myths debunked: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1204497/The-Myth-about-BASIC-part | Best QB tutorials: http://petesqbsite.com/ 8
RetroNode #cassette All About Audio Cassettes! 8
RetroNode #linux Linux-related (GNU/Linux, Android, other) Help & Support 8
RetroNode #lunacy A place to go bonkers and sperg the hell out, otherwise to vent and let off steam. NOT a trolling channel but this could be trolling so discretion is advised at all times. 8
Libera.Chat #fairphone Unofficial Fairphone community support | Currently squatted by Freso – please reach out if you’re from Fp to have channel transferred to you :) 8
RetroNode #downgrade [RU] Место для общения о старом и новом ПО для старых компьютеров, а также для позитивного общения! Политика запрещена! | DMconnect: http://dmconnect.w10.site/ 8
TechNet #nerds [18+] [Official IRC-nERDs Channel] [ ipv4: irc.irc-nerds.net / ipv6: irc6.irc-nerds.net ] [ WebChat: https://webchat.irc-nerds.net ] [http://comic.shift-insert.com/#nerds] [ Discord: https://discord.gg/irc-nerds ] Ask your question and hope for an answer, invite your friends. We talk shit and nerd. 8
TechNet #duckhunt \_O< #DuckHunt >O_/ Running: Super DuckHunt v1.1.4 | HELP: !help | Is there a duck in the area? Use: !lastduck to find out! | https://github.com/m0de-60/super-duckhunt-bot 8
Libera.Chat #knova Welcome to the knova channel. Ops are the judge jury and executioner. No spamming. This is a free space and always will be. @kris-nova is in charge. 8
TechNet #super-vps 8
ChatNPlay #idlerpg ChatNPlay Network IdleRPG | https://idlerpg.chatnplay.org | Register: /msg IdleRPG REGISTER <username> <password> <class> | Login: /msg IdleRPG LOGIN <username> <password> 8
Libera.Chat #bufferbloat 8
Geekshed #unfilter Invite your friends to join in discussion: irc.geekshed.net #unfilter Check out more Unfilter here: http://bit.ly/Unfilter 8
Geekshed #lockergnome Welcome to the official Lockergnome.com and Lockergnome.net chat, open 24/7. Chat with us! || Check out the conversation in #Chris || We honor the fallen friends: Blacksheep, Gaz, Gimpi and Nic || Because we can: http://www.thesquirrelcam.com/ 8
Libera.Chat #music-makers The channel for music makers! | What are you working on today? | All sorts of traditional and digital composition and recording are welcome! | Channel Info: http://bit.ly/libera-music 8
Geekshed #vhosts The VHost policy can be found at http://www.geekshed.net/2009/11/can-i-have-a-vhost-on-geekshed/ - Type !request <vhost> (e.g. !request site.com) to request a vhost || Once you have been dealt with, please part the channel - NO LURKING ALLOWED 8
SkyChatz #kaige Welcome To SkyzChat #Kaige @ KaigeCrewZ ®©™ Channel....Solle... Solle... Enna Solle... #Kaige Solle... Stay Tune with www.SakthiMedia.com 8
Undernet #nft 8
SkyChatz #bardboy 8
Libera.Chat #pagure Welcome to #pagure, the IRC channel about https://pagure.io/pagure 8
HybridIRC #lecturify do you speak English? new feature, if you're interested in translating www.lecturify.net to your language, join #lecturify and write 'start tr' and lbot will provide instructions 8
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-ru Ubuntu Russian - Official IRC channel | Прочтите правила: https://u.to/YGVaGw Скачать: https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop | Текущая версия: 24.04 LTS FAQ: https://u.to/fGVaGw | Перед тем, как задать вопрос - прочтите: https://u.to/hmVaGw 8
Libera.Chat #nixos-systemd 8
Libera.Chat #linuxtv LinuxTV community official chanel is #linux-media at OFTC 8
HybridIRC #mirc Unofficial mIRC help channel. | The latest version of mIRC may be obtained here: https://www.mirc.com/get.html | Please be patient in waiting for a reply. English only. 8
HybridIRC #inewsroom ■ Live Global News + Market Action » http://iNewsroom.net | http://i-ne.ws/discord 8
SkyChatz #makassar 8