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  • Users: 545
  • Channels: 89 indexed
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    #theshed (55)
  • Last Indexed: 45 minutes ago
  • GeekShed is a free to use and family-friendly Internet Relay Chat network, capable of hosting chat rooms for a variety of purposes.
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
IRCnet #koodifoorumi 8
IRCnet #golang 8
OFTC #liberty And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 NKJV) / Channel for all group of Themes. https://is.gd/thatsmyking Our Website: https://christian-chat-chalice.com 8
OFTC #debian-debsources Debsources development & halloumi recipes - https://sources.debian.org/ | issues: https://deb.li/debsrcbugs | easy hacks: https://deb.li/debsrceasy | maintainers: matthieucan, orestis, zack 8
Undernet #b&b 8
IRCnet #psychz.back 8
Libera.Chat #linux-cve-workgroup 8
QuakeNet #linux.se 8
Libera.Chat #openrw http://openrw.org/ source: https://github.com/rwengine/openrw/ integration: https://travis-ci.org/rwengine/openrw 8
freenode #sidechains-dev 8
Undernet #iglesia 'Welcome kapatid ko. Roma 16:16 - MB. Gawa 20:28 - Lamsa' 8
Undernet #pulis Philippine National Police. 8
EFnet #ups •UPS• /msg low !MM 550 LoWMoMMa | Join the TRASHC4N, Technical research and systems hacking: https://discord.gg/TVzwb2ecwM 8
Libera.Chat #cumtown 8
Undernet #fenerbahce The official channel of #Fenerbahce Sports Club #FenerBahce 8
Undernet #port80 8
IRCnet #tejut 8
IRCnet #netkallo 8
Undernet #bncro Bine ai venit in lumea viselor ( WwW.NoptiAlbe.Org ) 8
IRCnet #nagykallo 8
Undernet #oituz 8
IRCnet #pineto Lu Fredd e' pe' li femmn' e li Pntis' 8
Asylum #bullshit It is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullshit requires no such conviction. | "It's not a lie if you believe it" - George Costanza 8
Libera.Chat #cout.dev You're not channel operator, zibri 8
Libera.Chat #luna-usb 8
IRCnet #$b$*$b$7$m%m%?b.js(b 8
Libera.Chat #korea Welcome to #korea | For Koreans and for those interested in Korea/Korean | NO ONE WILL HELP YOU WITH KOREAN ACCOUNTS OF ANY KIND! || Do NOT /msg or /query anyone without their permission! | Be courteous to everyone | Romanized Korean and 반말 are strictly prohibited | 어서오세요. ^^ 8
Libera.Chat #accessibility The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect. See also - #privacy, #ux. 8
RetroNode #basic All about BASIC programming language and dialects | Sinclair BASIC, MSX-BASIC, GW-BASIC, QBasic/QuickBASIC, Turbo Basic/PowerBASIC, FreeBASIC, Visual Basic | Popular myths debunked: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1204497/The-Myth-about-BASIC-part | Best QB tutorials: http://petesqbsite.com/ 8
OFTC #aptosid-dev ::: Νέμεσις - Nemesis : Artwork ; Release Notes ; Sane sid ::::::: Future : grub2ification (post-wheezy "real" grub2), new install-gui, aptosid-art-legacy ((eros?), (gaia?), (momos?)), ??? 8
OFTC #zwiebelfreunde 10 Years Torservers.net: Death or Future? - https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2019-May/017269.html 8
Rizon #/g/fur Celebrating 15??? years of #/g/fur? | oh no 8
DarkWorld #bangladesh 8
Undernet #arab 8
Libera.Chat #anarchistlibrary Projects: https://www.anarchistlibraries.net/libraries 8
FreshChat #cebu 'Welcome to FreshChat Net. #Cebu City, Philippines. Let's speak English, Cebuano and Tagalog in main channel. Have fun & Enjoy your Stay here! . Have a GREAT Day ALL!!! 8
RetroNode #lunacy A place to go bonkers and sperg the hell out, otherwise to vent and let off steam. NOT a trolling channel but this could be trolling so discretion is advised at all times. 8
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-wi EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Wisconsin | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 8
freenode #musl 8
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-de Channel von Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. 8
QuakeNet #news.de 8
Libera.Chat #dungeon literate game engine | https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Dungeon-mode | OT chat is welcome; comic for channel: | http://ws.comic.chat/#dungeon | Bridged to discord | the network https://libera.chat/policies 8
SkyChatz #werewolf 8
Undernet #virus 8
Libera.Chat #mittelab Official channel of the Mittelab hackerspace in Trieste, Italy || Website https://www.mittelab.org || Talk to us https://talk.mittelab.org || Wiki https://wiki.mittelab.org 8
Libera.Chat #hut A CLI tool for sr.ht - https://sr.ht/~xenrox/hut - v0.6.0 8
Libera.Chat #tickit https://github.com/ingydotnet/tickit-info#readme | http://www.leonerd.org.uk/code/libtickit/ | https://metacpan.org/release/Tickit | https://launchpad.net/libtickit | https://riot.im/beta/#/room/#tickit:matrix.org | https://gitter.im/tickit-dev/users 8
RetroNode #downgrade [RU] Место для общения о старом и новом ПО для старых компьютеров, а также для позитивного общения! Политика запрещена! | DMconnect: http://dmconnect.w10.site/ 8
EFnet #safespace You're welcome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXQkXXBqj_U 8
Undernet #tigersden Israel lies about hostage's treatment by Hamas. What's new? 8