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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #vbox-dev VirtualBox community channel about developing and building Vbox 8
DALnet #marikina Welcome to #Marikina..."In Light, Harmony and Truth" - 8
IRCnet #golang 8
DALnet #kedah ()()() Selamat Datang ke #Kedah @ DALnet ()()() 8
IRCnet #koodifoorumi 8
QuakeNet #abbottabad 8
DALnet #sad Welcome to #SaD, we are all here for some boredom :D Be safe and take care of yourself! 8
Libera.Chat #igloo https://igloo.app - Our main channel is #igloo on iglooirc.com - Help isn't guaranteed here 8
Undernet #istanbul #istanbul kanalýna hoþ geldiniz. | Welcome to channel #istanbul 8
Libera.Chat #webrtc 8
DALnet #christianity And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 NKJV) / Channel for all group of Themes. https://is.gd/doyouknowhim Our Website: https://www.christian-chat-chalice.com 8
Libera.Chat #gentoo-es 8
EFnet #$trump 8
DALnet #firebugs Happy Friday 8
DALnet #underground Welcome to #underground! Have a great time! 8
freenode #coffee 8
QuakeNet #aq2world 8
Libera.Chat #guilde https://www.guilde.asso.fr/ Prochaine rencontre - mardi 17 septembre 19h - La Turbine.coop, 5 Esplanade Andry Farcy, 38000 Grenoble (entrée sur le côté du bâtiment) 8
freenode #sentry 8
Rizon ##bible And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 NKJV) / Channel for all group of Themes. https://is.gd/thatsmyking Our Website: https://christian-chat-chalice.com 8
Rizon #help.es |||Bienvenidos a #HELP.ES canal de ayuda en Español - https://rizon.net/info/channels_nicknames - Internet Relay Chat - Tenga paciencia algún operador lo ayudará||| 8
Libera.Chat #mittelab Official channel of the Mittelab hackerspace in Trieste, Italy || Website https://www.mittelab.org || Talk to us https://talk.mittelab.org || Wiki https://wiki.mittelab.org 8
Libera.Chat #etcd etcd | https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd 8
Libera.Chat #bufferbloat 8
DALnet #isabela 8
DALnet #wixchat Welcome To #Wixchat... Please visit our website https://www.wixchat.org & https://social.wixchat.org 8
Rizon #chatbots You can talk to grok, gemini, chatgpt or other LLMs by typing "tinsoldier", "&chatgpt", "&gemini" or "&grok" and your statement or question. | Zuberlan is capable of Gemini, ChatGPT and Grok! 8
EFnet #coffee 8
Rizon #tiktok ||||[Welcome to #TikTok your favorite channel of short videos performances photos love videos among others - http://www.tiktok.com - thank you for your visit]|||| 8
QuakeNet #xonotic.de 8
IRC4Fun #ircnow For support, join irc.ircnow.org or write to support@ircnow.org | Official website at https://ircnow.org | https://afwi.net/maint.html 8
RetroNode #basic All about BASIC programming language and dialects | Sinclair BASIC, MSX-BASIC, GW-BASIC, QBasic/QuickBASIC, Turbo Basic/PowerBASIC, FreeBASIC, Visual Basic | Popular myths debunked: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1204497/The-Myth-about-BASIC-part | Best QB tutorials: http://petesqbsite.com/ 8
freenode #linux-kernel 8
Libera.Chat #devuan-es ¡Bienvenido/a al canal de Devuan GNU+Linux en Español! https://www.devuan.org | Lanzamientos: https://files.devuan.org (Daedalus 5.0 stable, Chimaera 4.0 oldstable, Beowulf 3.1 oldoldstable) | Foro: https://dev1galaxy.org | Info paquetes: https://pkginfo.devuan.org | Git: https://git.devuan.org | Happy Hacking ;) 8
IRCnet #twibright 8
Libera.Chat #libreoffice-doc Welcome to LibreOffice Documentation chat! If you're trying to write some awesome docs for the project - you've come to the right place! Join the team: https://documentation.libreoffice.org/ User questions #libreoffice, code chat #libreoffice-dev, quality assurance #libreoffice-qa, localization #libreoffice-nlp 8
DALnet #unitedstates Welcome To The #UnitedStates Enjoy Your Staying With Us 8
Rizon #yerevan 8
CollectiveIRC #qdbs Welcome to QdbS help and support channel. Latest version available from https://www.qdbs.org is version 1.13 || Latest GIT version is 1.13 (for GIT type "? git") 8
QuakeNet #clanbase 8
Libera.Chat #fedora-pl Fedora 40 wydana | Wsparcie dla: Fedora Linux 40, 39 | Pobierz: https://fedoraproject.org/pl/ | https://www.fedora.pl | Oficjalny pokój Matrix: [#pl:fedoraproject.org](https://matrix.to/#/%23pl%3Afedoraproject.org) 8
Libera.Chat #landofkittens (^~^)/) Welcome to #LandofKittens! We are also on many other platforms, you can find them here: https://landofkittens.community (\(^~^) 8
QuakeNet #openarena 8
DALnet #seattle Welcome to #Seattle The Emerald City 8
DALnet #philosophy Forum: https://www.facebook.com/groups/philosophywayoflife & https://www.facebook.com/philosophydalnet/ | Today: Do we have free will? https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/freewill/ 8
DALnet #grumpyoldmen Ice Storm 6; Gravity 2; ^^Kilroy 0 - Sharp Objects 6, Wind 7, Power Outages 1; Ziggy 0 - Vehicles 29,045, Body-Enjoying Picard 1; Pika 0 - Alcohol 1; Fire 1; Nvidiot 0 | Boobs needed, apply within! 8
QuakeNet #kartano Bugin pylly | Kynäriä pääsiäisenä? | Bugin pylly | Kynäritunti 18.1. kello 16:30 - 17:30 ? | Kartanobileitä ollaan suunnittelemassa loppukesälle 8
Libera.Chat #quick-lint-js we're hiring https://quick-lint-js.com/hiring/ | find bugs in your JS code | https://quick-lint-js.com/ | messages might be logged 8
Libera.Chat #opensourceinfra Discussing, documenting, and promoting open source infrastructure | https://opensourceinfra.org/ 8