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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
DALnet #cafeshells 8
freenode #theology 8
DALnet #sad Welcome to #SaD, we are all here for some boredom :D Be safe and take care of yourself! 8
Libera.Chat #accessibility The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect. See also - #privacy, #ux. 8
Undernet #universalnet UniversalNet network: irc.universalnet.org (ipv4) | irc6.universalnet.org (ipv6) 8
Libera.Chat #litepub <https://litepub.social/> LitePub is a community of ActivityPub implementers | https://activitypub.rocks/ discusses activitypub 8
Libera.Chat #modula-2 Discussions related to Modula-2 (PIM/ISO) 8
Libera.Chat #chdk 8
SkyChatz #sandakan Selamat datang ke channel #sandakan 8
OFTC #openstack-unmaintained 8
freenode #crystal-lang 8
EFnet #chatter After 22 years... #Chatter is back and .... EFNET DIED 8
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-nj EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of New Jersey | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 8
CyberIRC #irc irc.net.tr 8
Asylum #bullshit It is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullshit requires no such conviction. | "It's not a lie if you believe it" - George Costanza 8
CyberIRC #macosx Sequoia 15.3.1 (24D70) - Sonoma 14.7.4 (23H420) - Ventura 13.7.4 (22H420) Security Updates: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222 8
Undernet #radiocontact Feel free to listen Radio Contact at >>>>> ( https://www.radiocontact.be/player/ ) 8
Undernet #lebanon 8
OFTC #debian-chameleon-gnupg apt install sequoia-chameleon-gnupg | https://wiki.debian.org/OpenPGP/Sequoia 8
Undernet #underwarez 8
freenode #elm 8
Libera.Chat ##punx Little dick chat for sandwich-havers 🫨 8
Libera.Chat #gnome-design 8
freenode #marijuana [#marijuana] Official potheads of the freenode community. Chillax'd channel, come smoke one and join us. (!pack to initiate a count down to group smoke out in the channel) Fuck politics and fuck drama 8
SkyChatz #bardboy 8
Libera.Chat #lawrencelug Lawrence KS LUG | Website: https://lawrencelug.gitlab.io/ | Next meeting: Sat Mar 15 15:00 CST | Location: Lawrence Library Meeting Room A and https://meet.jit.si/LawrenceLUG 8
Libera.Chat #hut A CLI tool for sr.ht - https://sr.ht/~xenrox/hut - v0.6.0 8
CyberIRC #videogames PC gaming discussions on Steam/EpicGames/EA etc. PC/Linux/Mac/Steam, VR for all gamers! Please be respectful to each other :) gg wp! 8
Libera.Chat #tmw2-dev This is Development Discord/IRC Bridge to TMW2: Moubootaur Legends | Setup a localhost: https://tmw2.org/development 8
Undernet #madrid 8
KampungChat #opensource Welcome to #opensource. Innalillahiwainnailahirojiun... Al-fatihah kepada rakan kita TRUNASUCI (1974-2018) yang telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada jam 2:30 pagi 25/01/18 sourceforge.net | github.com | distrowatch.com | prism-break.org | privacytools.io 8
EFnet #weather No functional weather script at the moment. Working on it. ( 8
Libera.Chat #.it 8
Libera.Chat #monerokon 8
DALnet #kedah ()()() Selamat Datang ke #Kedah @ DALnet ()()() 8
ChatNPlay #idlerpg ChatNPlay Network IdleRPG | https://idlerpg.chatnplay.org | Register: /msg IdleRPG REGISTER <username> <password> <class> | Login: /msg IdleRPG LOGIN <username> <password> 8
OFTC #qemu-rust Discussion about QEMU development with the Rust language. https://wiki.qemu.org/RustInQemu 8
QuakeNet #bekasi 8
IRCnet #ee-opers 8
Undernet #superman Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man. ( So long CuteBunny https://youtu.be/cHcunREYzNY ) 8
Rizon #3 We are Number #3 Game : .trivia 8
Rizon #plez rip plez 8
Libera.Chat #monitorix Welcome to the Monitorix channel | Current version: 3.16.0 | https://www.monitorix.org/ | Don't paste in here, use https://rpa.st/ 8
DALnet #marikina Welcome to #Marikina..."In Light, Harmony and Truth" - 8
Libera.Chat #ipv6-monostack Making IPv6 the happy path - https://ipv6.monostack.org 8
SkyChatz #kaige Welcome To SkyzChat #Kaige @ KaigeCrewZ ®©™ Channel....Solle... Solle... Enna Solle... #Kaige Solle... Stay Tune with www.SakthiMedia.com 8
Undernet #rpg Role Playing Games Paper 8
IRCnet #sigsing 8
QuakeNet #news.de 8
Rizon #/vr/doom Welcome to #/vr/doom - Doom and id Software games | https://www.doomworld.com/24years/ 8