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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #fpc-dev FPC development discussion || Rules: no off topic discussion, no flaming, be warned or be punished 8
Libera.Chat #tari-dev 8
Libera.Chat #gentoo-php 8
Libera.Chat #firi 8
SkyChatz #kaige Welcome To SkyzChat #Kaige @ KaigeCrewZ ®©™ Channel....Solle... Solle... Enna Solle... #Kaige Solle... Stay Tune with www.SakthiMedia.com 8
SkyChatz #bardboy 8
Libera.Chat ##thinkpad For discussion of all Thinkpads, Lenovo included 8
EFnet #usa https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1002342413044&set=pb.1059338080.-2207520000..&type=3 8
AfterNET #cannabis Cannabis and other tryptamine psychedelics - [ LSD/Shroom Tolerance Calculator: https://codepen.io/cyberoxide/full/BaNarGd ] 8
freenode #termux https://termux.com/ 8
Undernet #spike https://www.inmemoriam.be/nl/2023-07-30/jochen-meesters/ Rest in Peace Spike! You will be missed! ( http://tinyurl.com/away-and-back-amsgs ) 8
Libera.Chat #gentoo-voip Gentoo VOIP || Now serving 13, 16 & 18 flavours... https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions || Questions will be answered if you stick around longer than two minutes 8
OFTC #lnc Late Night Consulting - de gamle er eldst 8
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-zh-politics 本群與Telegram群組藉機器人互聯,并同时适用WP:IRCPOL | 請帮助維護秩序和融洽的气氛,禁止任何类型的人身攻擊、辱罵、洩漏隱私或洗版。如有此類情形,管理員可以使用/warn指令警告之,如因多次違反群規被多次警告或者紧急情况將被禁言或機器人自本群以及相关群组中移除。 8
freenode #mame 8
Undernet #net Welcome to #NET Keep calm and have a nice chat & fun. ( Barcelona <3 ) 8
Libera.Chat #opensourceinfra Discussing, documenting, and promoting open source infrastructure | https://opensourceinfra.org/ 8
Libera.Chat #openldap-devel 8
Libera.Chat #hungary https://goo.gl/maps/WH738 || http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungary 8
QuakeNet #globaloffensive 8
QuakeNet #aq2world 8
Rizon #rp 8
OFTC #nslug Banter here while regular meetings are on hiatus. Watch mailing list for future events. 8
Libera.Chat #nassp Project Apollo - NASSP | This channel is logged | Wiki: https://nassp.space Forum: https://www.orbiter-forum.com/forums/project-apollo-nassp.40/2 GitHub: https://github.com/orbiternassp/NASSP| Ping Thymo for cloak 8
freenode #drupal-support 8
QuakeNet #lansolo-clan 8
OFTC #musl musl libc IRC community is now on libera.chat #musl 8
Libera.Chat #libreplanet-room-neptune 8
Libera.Chat #flipcode 8
Rizon #t T EST channel for bots and code ^_^ 8
RetroNode #c A channel dedicated to C/C++ & Objective-C/C++ programming | Turbo C/C++, GCC/MinGW, Clang/LLVM, Intel C++, MSVC, Tiny C | Latest versions: C: C17, C++: 20.0, Objective-C: 2.0 | Your code -> https://pastebin.com 8
DALnet #eggheads ..:: Eggdrop development channel. Please ask support questions in #Tcl-Help :: Source https://github.com/eggheads/eggdrop ::.. 8
Libera.Chat #haveno-development Haveno development coordination and updates. Are you a Java dev? We need your help! | Repositories: https://github.com/Haveno-Dex 8
Libera.Chat #archlinux-ports porting archlinux to non-x86_64 architectures 8
IRCMX #p0rn 8
Libera.Chat #thinkwiki 8
SkyChatz #bilik 8
DALnet #nolimits 8
Libera.Chat #amdgpu 8
OFTC #opentyrian OpenTyrian: https://github.com/opentyrian/opentyrian 8
OFTC #debian-devel-es debian-devel-spanish -at- lists.debian.org 8
IRCnet #ubuntu 8
FreshChat #poulskitchen Welcome to #PoulsKitchen Please Be Respectful www.PoulsKitchen.club https://youtu.be/eoattbjrnOw 8
Libera.Chat #linux-dtrace 8
DeltaWorlds #lobby Welcome to DeltaWorlds IRC The Former Deepspace.org Network! 8
Libera.Chat #deno 8
SkyChatz #makassar 8
Rizon #tumblr Happy Holidays | Peace, love, tolerance, and respect ONLY!!!! Unlike the rest of shithole rizon, then channel is moderated for SANE chat | http://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr 8
Rizon #baka-anime 8
DALnet #ircaddicts 8