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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
OFTC #debian-apache discussions about the packaging of Apache httpd/apr/apr-util in Debian | For support please visit #httpd on Freenode | packages hosted on git.debian.org 8
Libera.Chat #manjaro-de Willkommen im Deutschen IRC Channel #manjaro-de - TOPIC: Hilfe Rund um Manjaro-Linux. 8
DALnet #laguna Welcome to #Laguna - A place where people meet, make friends and stay on a relationship! | Looking for my PrInSeSa^MoH <3 8
Libera.Chat #xfce-commits Xfce commits and merges | Support in #xfce | Development in #xfce-dev | https://gitlab.xfce.org 8
EFnet #cebolinha 8
Libera.Chat #clonezilla 8
Libera.Chat #radiogeek Hello Radio! 8
QuakeNet #irc welcome to #irc premium domain names at https://dan.com/domain-seller/ninja 8
Rizon #adam ¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸Live Long and Prosper¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸ 8
Libera.Chat #lugos Uraden kanal za LUGOS – Društvo uporabnikov Linuxa Slovenije | vse na temo Linux, FOSS in društvene zadeve dobrodošle :) Kanal bridgan na: https://matrix.to/#/#Lugos:matrix.org 8
Undernet #hellas Official channel of Hellas since 1996 - Keeping the Light on! 8
DALnet #cafeislam 8
EFnet ##bible 8
Libera.Chat #pagure Welcome to #pagure, the IRC channel about https://pagure.io/pagure 8
IRCnet #magyarchan faszszopo vizimajac!! gyertek #ircblogra ott nem tudja atirni a topicot ez a fereg geci agyhalott majac 7
IRCnet #wordpress 7
Libera.Chat #librelounge Welcome to the Libre Lounge Channel! Current Episode: https://librelounge.org/episodes/39-mnt-reform-with-lukas-hartmann.html 7
freenode #italy It's... #Italy !!! 😉 7
IRCnet #mönchengladbach 7
OFTC ##bible 7
Libera.Chat #ircpuzzles-ops #ircpuzzles ops channel | please don't idle unless you have ops 7
Rizon #flac chiru.no - #FLAC @ irc.rizon.net | Right Now: TBA | Cirno Radio @ https://chiru.no | Every Friday & Saturday 9PM EST @ https://chiru.no/tv/#shizuruslovehut | Change username: type /nick your_name | Change channel: Add #channel1 to end of url 7
Libera.Chat #gentoo-au 7
Libera.Chat #kde-brasil 7
EFnet #% 7
Libera.Chat #litecoin-dev 7
Rizon #/biz/ BULLY-FREE ZONE | <n00bzers> BUY BUY BUY <botto> 100% FACT | For the discussion of lamborghini coloring options and bean farming | Buy high, sell low for max profits | E-BEGGARS PLS GO 7
Libera.Chat #slrn S-Lang read news | https://slrn.info/ | Current release: 1.0.3a (2016-10-24) | Development version: slrn-pre1.0.4-9 (2023-03-18) 7
Libera.Chat #nixnet Official™ chat is on NixNet's IRC server in #nixnet but the two channels are bridged if you wish to remain here | docs.nixnet.services/IRC 7
DALnet #hole Welcome to #Hole fuckers! Join #Fuck if you swear a lot! 7
Undernet #cracker 7
EFnet #cirebon <><><>Selamat Datang Di Channel #cirebon @ Efnet - NO!: Invite/Spam/Repeat/CAPS/Flood/Adv/BadWord 7
Libera.Chat #highendbox DO NOT DUMB. NOT DUMB AREA HERE. | sponsored by BlyatConnect.ru | hosted by ScamWay.ovh HOSTED IN THE CLOUDS | EST. May 2021 7
Undernet #🦍 7
Libera.Chat #opencsw 7
DALnet #own3d The internet? We're not interested in it. | 7
Libera.Chat #bbg Browser-based games channel for PBBG and HTML5 game developers. If we don't respond right away, it's because we're busy coding. 7
Libera.Chat #wiki-hurricanes Welcome to the WPTC IRC room | Monitor: https://tinyurl.com/wptcrecent | https://tinyurl.com/wptc-ww [3.016] | https://tinyurl.com/whpred2024 7
QuakeNet #apple 7
Libera.Chat ##nba The NBA playoffs are about to start, discuss away 7
freenode #techbytes 7
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-es-biblios-bots #wikipedia-es-biblios-bots | Canal de monitoreo de los bibliotecarios y administradores de filtros de Wikipedia en español. 7
IRCnet &servers SERVER MESSAGES: servers joining and leaving 7
Rizon #8chan-deutsch Klassenfoto: https://a.pomf.cat/bsigca.jpg | sei 1 opfer oder banger aber mach kein heuli damit 7
Libera.Chat #fflabs Welcome to FFlabs | Weekly (Wednesday, 14:00): https://meet.jit.si/fflabs_weekly | TZ='Europe/Brussels' 7
OFTC #openstack-neutron-ovn 7
KampungChat #opensource Welcome to #opensource. Innalillahiwainnailahirojiun... Al-fatihah kepada rakan kita TRUNASUCI (1974-2018) yang telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada jam 2:30 pagi 25/01/18 sourceforge.net | github.com | distrowatch.com | prism-break.org | privacytools.io 7
freenode #jailbreak jailbreaking iOS devices  https://taurine.apphttps://unc0ver.devhttps://checkra.inhttps://chimera.shhttps://theodyssey.dev  Links https://redd.it/c8e78c  Chunkyz a Groupie 7
Libera.Chat #freeems-ot Welcome! Please register your nick and get a cloak by joining #libera-cloak and typing !cloakme :-) 7
Rizon #subsfuckingwhere This is not a submissive wife chatroom you sick fucks 7