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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #wangingout the glorious return flight comung home | set by chrysics 7
Libera.Chat #dogtag-pki Dogtag PKI (http://www.dogtagpki.org) - if no response, send questions to users@lists.dogtagpki.org 7
Libera.Chat #octobus-hg 7
IRCnet #düsseldorf 7
Libera.Chat #freenet-chat Freenet Off-Topic Chat channel. For information about the Freenet Project, see #freenet — Do not tempt people to break their opsec. Discussing anything of questionable legality here will get you banned. 7
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-ca 7
IRCnet #mönchengladbach 7
Libera.Chat #fsf-pl Powrot Free Software Poland 7
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-en-accounts-admins Welcome to the ACC admin channel | Recruiting efforts: http://bit.ly/ZF3lmc | Access to nonpublic personal data policy noticeboard: https://bit.ly/2AeoVYS 7
Libera.Chat #dungeon literate game engine | https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Dungeon-mode | OT chat is welcome; comic for channel: | http://ws.comic.chat/#dungeon | Bridged to discord | the network https://libera.chat/policies 7
SkyChatz #kk 7
freenode #plasma 7
SkyChatz #zoo 7
IRCnet #surabaya 7
SkyChatz #jandaduda 7
IRCnet #usa 7
Libera.Chat #kleene 7
QuakeNet #meinungsverstaerker 7
Libera.Chat ##coronalinks Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV | NAME - (SARS-CoV-2) | Disease - (COVID-19) | Discussion ##coronavirus | Logs: https://chown.io/files/irclogs/ 7
QuakeNet #jaycorner Hello world 7
freenode #bandung Welcome to #Bandung @IRC.Freenode.Net Teman2, Tempat nongkrong, berbagi informasi ^_^ | Silakan Mampir ke kantor Operator kita: #HelpDesk & #indo ya? 7
freenode #xen 7
SkyChatz #awek Selamat Datang ke #awek dengan limpah kurnianya masih lagi kita dpt mengeratkan ukhwah disini.. didalam keriuhan terselit kesunyian.. dalam kekasaran terselit kelembutan.. kita bersahabat saling melengkapi sesama sahabat. 7
QuakeNet #chelseafc Next match: Conference, March 6, 17.45 GMT: Copenhagen vs Chelsea|Last: EPL: Chelsea 4-0 Southampton (Nkunku 24', Neto 37', Colwill 44', Cucu 78') 7
Libera.Chat #otter-browser-pl Polski kanał wydry - o Otter Browser po polsku ;-) | https://otter-browser.org/ 7
Libera.Chat #efn-shells EFN Free Shells Service - https://efn.lt Registrations: open Servers: online 7
Libera.Chat #redot Official redot channel 7
SkyChatz #warisan [WaRisan] Are You Player Or Watcher? Let Begin! [WaRisan] 7
IRCnet #tappara.fi TAPPARA - HPK 3-0 78 20 22 7
IRCnet #over30 7
Libera.Chat #libreplanet-room-saturn 7
IRCnet #gentoo 7
OFTC #skolelinux English questions -> #debian-edu. 7
freenode #pakistan Khush aamdeed // Bhali kare aaya // Pakhair Raghle // Jee aaya nu 7
IRCnet #giggles 7
freenode #suchpool 7
SkyChatz #klang 7
freenode ##catholic Welcome to ##Catholic | Non-Catholics interested in learning welcome, but this is not a forum to promote error. | May God grant us the wisdom to discover right, the will to choose it, and the strength to make it endure. | http://j.mp/CatechismOfTrent 7
SkyChatz #ipv4 <><><> You can Connect random ipv4 server Irc.SkyChatz.Org 6667 - 7000 | Test your connection at http://test-ipv4.com/ <><><> 7
SkyChatz #meeting Welcome to #meeting NEWS: Trivia Will Currently OFFLine for A few Day. Thanks for Join #meeting 7
freenode #america Welcome to #America @@ Chat and Stay @@ English only @@ No politics and religions @@ 7
freenode #chanhelp Welcome to [#ChanHelp] || Please read the channel rules at https://wiki.freenode.net/view/ChanHelp || Ask your question in channel and wait patiently for a response. 7
HybridIRC #globalgirls 7
QuakeNet #elice 7
Undernet #rebel oui et non. ( Leaders come and go. ) 7
RetroNode #help Retronode Help channel. To register nick or channel visit https://retronode.org/howto/. Vhosts are available upon request channel Bots are available. In case you need assistance of Server Admin, mention nicks of channel OP's. (Chat channels: #Retronode #Chat #Lunacy) 7
QuakeNet #millenium 7
RetroNode #pcgamers Channel for PC gamers Steam, Steamdeck, GOG, Digital or physical media, etc 7
HybridIRC #_hndu_chuut 7
RetroNode #italy e andiamo di proverbi - A chi più amiamo, meno dire sappiamo. 7