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  • Users: 558
  • Channels: 89 indexed
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    #theshed (57)
  • Last Indexed: An hour ago
  • GeekShed is a free to use and family-friendly Internet Relay Chat network, capable of hosting chat rooms for a variety of purposes.
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #coolmic 7
SkyChatz #ipv4 <><><> You can Connect random ipv4 server Irc.SkyChatz.Org 6667 - 7000 | Test your connection at http://test-ipv4.com/ <><><> 7
IRCnet #🦇 7
DALnet #igradio ♪♫ Welcome To IGradio@DAL.net ♪♫ Keep Calm And Listen http://igradio.net ♪♫ 7
IRCnet #computertech 7
EFnet #loadiine Loadiine GX2 v0.3 : http://tinyurl.com/zyw29dz || Guide: http://bit.ly/1kbdvLy || #SwitchHack now open || General WiiU Hacking Guide: https://wiiu.hacks.guide/ 7
QuakeNet #c++newbs so lars failed yet again.... shocker 7
KampungChat #subangjaya 🇲🇾 Welcome to #SubangJaya. Feel free to hang around. Budak Subang memang ada gaya! ✌🏻 7
Zoite #gregarious Welcome to #gregarious, a place for those people who aren't antisocial to fellowship with one another. 7
Rizon #nodeps Independent program who don't need no libraries | http://qp-nodeps.shithouse.tv/ 7
IRCnet #$b$"$k$z$06&ob9q(b 7
DALnet #pcmech <Lord_Nuk> it makes you shit well 7
QuakeNet #samarinda 7
DALnet #priya These will all be stories someday and our pictures will become old photographs… 7
SkyChatz #meeting Welcome to #meeting NEWS: Trivia Will Currently OFFLine for A few Day. Thanks for Join #meeting 7
IRCnet #otit.2023 7
EFnet #vcd-sverige OP! 7
Libera.Chat #opensuse-mirrors 7
KampungChat #indonesia 7
DALnet #bukidnon Welcome to #Bukidnon - The name "Bukidnon" means "highlander" or "mountain dweller." Occupying a wide plateau in the north central part of the island of Mindanao, the province is considered to be the food basket of the region, being the major producer of rice and corn. 7
IRCnet #otit.2020 7
OFTC #exynos4-mainline Bringing mainline to Exynos 4xxx devices 7
Rizon #germany -> DeAd ChAnNeL, /join #german 7
Undernet #cannabis 7
IRCnet #freeirc 7
Libera.Chat #hswro-members HS:Wro Members | bridged with Telegram | secret hideout at #hswro-menels 7
Undernet #crypto.ph 7
Libera.Chat #osaa 7
QuakeNet #finvip 7
OFTC #dogecoin Unofficial dogecoin channel. to da moon! Enjoy 7
HybridIRC #globalgirls 7
SkyChatz #idlerpg Welcome to #IdleRPG | Web and help: http://Idlerpg.skychatz.org | Register: /msg IdleBot REGISTER <char name> <password> <char class> | Login: /msg IdleBot LOGIN <char name> <password> | Login: /msg IdleBot LOGIN <char name> <password> | Logout: /msg IdleBot LOGOUT 7
IRCnet #turkeve 7
IRCnet #szekszard 7
KampungChat #linux Welcome to all hacker. So called black hat, grey hat or white hat. I'm just a newbie, trying to learn how to use google. Enjoy your stay here ;) 7
IRCnet #svea 7
IRCnet #zedat 7
EFnet #maine 7
Undernet #urlati Welcome to #URLATI - The URLATI.ro Facebook Page is now connected to the @urlati.ro Instagram account. ( www.URLATI.ro ) 7
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-on-air 7
SkyChatz #cybercafe Welcome to CyberCafe @ SkyChatz - Our Link Channel ( #CyberSindiket ) 7
Undernet #atheism 7
EFnet #oldgaming 7
EFnet #tea 7
Libera.Chat ##llamas-cardlogic Visit https://github.com/IRC-Llamas/cardlogic to view the code or make contributions. 7
OFTC #ptbfun 7
DALnet #computers Welcome to #Computers. Please be patient; & no we don't assist in illegal activity. Polprog IN LIKE FLYNN into UNI, Congrats! :-D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QYWGCEm2Dc 7
freenode #krita 7
Undernet #superhappyfuntime 7
CyberArmy #idlerpg It is done. You won THE GAME. 7