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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
IRCnet #gibi 7
QuakeNet #ilovedrumnbass 7
Libera.Chat #sage-au My hovercraft is full of eels! 7
Libera.Chat #dogtag-pki Dogtag PKI (http://www.dogtagpki.org) - if no response, send questions to users@lists.dogtagpki.org 7
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-es-tecnica 7
IRCnet #zedat 7
Libera.Chat #wallabag 7
IRCnet #otit.2023 7
Undernet #rus 7
Libera.Chat #haskell-au Aussie Haskellers and those who can understand them when they talk (most of the time) 7
Libera.Chat #fmdx ◔_◔ 7
Libera.Chat ##codethink 7
freenode #varnish 7
Undernet #gigared 7
IRCnet #tychy 7
Undernet #cisco 7
Libera.Chat #wangingout the glorious return flight comung home | set by chrysics 7
Undernet #bots 7
Undernet #globalchat 7
Undernet #w&w 7
EFnet #macosx Welcome to #macosx 7
Undernet #hayalet 7
Undernet #uanl 7
IRCnet #viterbo 7
DALnet #ambition 7
EFnet #cirebon <><><>Selamat Datang Di Channel #cirebon @ Efnet - NO!: Invite/Spam/Repeat/CAPS/Flood/Adv/BadWord 7
Libera.Chat ##beekeeping All discussions around the keeping of bees 7
Libera.Chat #islam As-Salam-u-Alaikum! | Al-Anʿām, The Cattle, Surah 6:162, Mustafa Khattab | Say, Surely my prayer, my worship, my life, and my death are all for Allah—Lord of all worlds. | قُلْ إِنَّ صَلَاتِى وَنُسُكِى وَمَحْيَاىَ وَمَمَاتِى لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَلَمِينَ‎ 7
IRCnet #quha 7
IRCnet #rope 7
EFnet #% 7
Undernet #n&l 7
Undernet #celibro 7
SkyChatz #sexmelayu to #sexmelayu | website: 7
Libera.Chat #sauk 7
Undernet #sbhosting 7
Libera.Chat #consul 7
TechNet #super-vps 7
QuakeNet #germany 7
Libera.Chat #apollo-team The unofficial apollo team channel - Moving to Discord : https://discord.gg/TsKm6ym 7
IRCnet #iceland20+ 7
freenode ##algorithms 7
freenode #icecast 7
Rizon #ai-dle nnhr fanclub | randy and eiffel pls | https://is.gd/Randy96 | https://nanahira.xyz/ 7
EFnet #online are you online? 7
IRCnet #hosting -=[ Welcome to #Hosting https://ppnetworks.it ]=- 7
QuakeNet #trenggalek 7
IRCnet #hamradio 7
QuakeNet #dopefish_gdq No events live | Stream: | Schedule: 7
Undernet #urlati Welcome to #URLATI - The URLATI.ro Facebook Page is now connected to the @urlati.ro Instagram account. ( www.URLATI.ro ) 7