Undernet |
#diapers |
Welcome to #Diapers! Have fun and play safe. No /msg without asking. G-rated and ages 13+ welcome. No co-channeling with #incest. |
7 |
Undernet |
#beast |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#nom-parsers |
7 |
freenode |
#highaltitude |
7 |
EFnet |
#exchange |
[IRC Cryptocurrency Exchange] https://github.com/acidvegas/irccex | Type !register to start! | PM acidvegas for ideas, issues, etc |
7 |
Rizon |
#unobot |
Official UNOBot channel | Use .uno to start an UNO-Game | Use .botjoin to play against UNOFight | Instructions can be found here: https://uno.kthx.at | Invite UNOBot with /invite UNOBot #channel | Join #unoplayer to play against a bot | Old UNOScores: https://uno.kthx.at/unoscores/index.php (as of 1.1.2018) |
7 |
Rizon |
#tgstation13 |
Welcome to to the Offical backup discord for /tg/station13! https://tgstation13.org | No IC in IRC | If the servers are borked, pm MrStonedOne | Code at #coderbus | discord at discord.tgstation13.org |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#pbot |
Perl IRCv3 Bot | https://github.com/pragma-/pbot |
7 |
EFnet |
#oldgaming |
7 |
IRCnet |
#danzig |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#antikernel |
The Antikernel OS architecture | CHES talk: https://www.iacr.org/cryptodb/data/paper.php?pubkey=27850 | Code: https://github.com/azonenberg/antikernel |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#rmzo |
Radio mreža u izvanrednim situacijama, rasprave o antenama, radio uređajima, radio softveru itd.. |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#osarch |
Open source architecture channel: https://osarch.org - Note that messages are bridged from Matrix using osarchbot. Currently ~250 users connected on Matrix. |
7 |
Undernet |
#riviere-du-loup |
7 |
freenode |
#gluster |
7 |
freenode |
#beagle |
7 |
DALnet |
#igradio |
♪♫ Welcome To IGradio@DAL.net ♪♫ Keep Calm And Listen http://igradio.net ♪♫ |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#deadnet |
7 |
IRCnet |
#invasic |
7 |
Rizon |
#armitunes |
Welcome to new, improved, spiffy Armitunes(www.armitunes.com)! Rant here about your IT problems |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#miraheze-feed-meta |
Recent Changes feed for meta.miraheze.org | #miraheze for assistance and #miraheze-cvt for counter-vandalism | Administrators are voiced | Broken log link? Let us know in #miraheze-ops |
7 |
HybridIRC |
#tyran |
🎉🎉🎉 HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎉🎉🎉 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ 🥳🥳🥳 🧡💛💚💙💜🖤♥️💝 | ➡️ Medieval freeform RPG | http://tyran.freeforums.net/ |
7 |
EFnet |
#taune |
7 |
Rizon |
#/p/ |
that fake PNW vibe | lifted blacks | content creators channel |
7 |
Zoite |
#gregarious |
Welcome to #gregarious, a place for those people who aren't antisocial to fellowship with one another. |
7 |
EFnet |
#interirc |
Canal Oficial do Sistema InterIRC Relay Chat - Official InterIRC Relay Chat System Channel - E-Mail: interirc@interirc.net |
7 |
Undernet |
#thefoxesden |
Manager has logged back in. Channel unlocked. Please login regularly to avoid getting your channel purged |
7 |
Undernet |
#rosario |
-- = Bienvenido a #Rosario Argentina Campeones del Mundo 2022 !!! -Messi G.O.A.T.-= -- |
7 |
freenode |
#london-hack-space |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
##beekeeping |
All discussions around the keeping of bees |
7 |
EFnet |
#1 |
7 |
Undernet |
#bothouse |
=B=O=T=H=O=U=S=E4= |
7 |
DALnet |
#kualalumpur |
Welcome to #KualaLumpur |
7 |
Rizon |
#singapore |
: |Services |Online| Welcome To RIZON #Singapore |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#haskell-tw |
Haskell 台灣 | 入門書 Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! [英] http://goo.gl/XdyKi |
7 |
SwiftIRC |
#technet |
7 |
CyberArmy |
#idlerpg |
It is done. You won THE GAME. |
7 |
Undernet |
#nightcafe |
Scrabble | Joci Trivia si castigi crypto -> https://discord.gg/aythYZj |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#efn-shells |
EFN Free Shells Service - https://efn.lt Registrations: open Servers: online |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#infrapunks |
l31st [~ml31stlei@lei.st] has quit [K-Lined: Too abstract] |
7 |
TechNet |
#nerds |
[18+] [Official IRC-nERDs Channel] [ ipv4: irc.irc-nerds.net / ipv6: irc6.irc-nerds.net ] [ WebChat: https://webchat.irc-nerds.net ] [http://comic.shift-insert.com/#nerds] [ Discord: https://discord.gg/irc-nerds ] Ask your question and hope for an answer, invite your friends. We talk shit and nerd. |
7 |
Undernet |
#friendly |
Welcome to our #friendly channel. Trivia Available. |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#bible |
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. -- 2Corinthians 4.6 | One of these channels is not like the others. |
7 |
HybridIRC |
#routing |
https://irc.net.tr - a simple experience |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#wikipedia-abstract-alerts |
Backup communication channel for the Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions developers - Channel is logged - Will be bridged to Telegram https://t.me/+BxReekrkHURlM2M0 |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#mageia-atelier |
Mageia Atelier team (artwork, communications, marketing, and websites, for the Mageia project) – https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Atelier_team |
7 |
IRCnet |
#radiostudent |
7 |
Rizon |
#animecentral |
Chan also on ETG: Germany / network: | Discord: MAHQ: https://discord.gg/CuN3t5H |
7 |
Rizon |
#/yuri/ |
https://smuglo.li/yuri/catalog.html | Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/theforbiddensteamgroup | Discord link: https://discord.gg/Gt99wqZ |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#lagit.in |
7 |