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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
EFnet #chatgpt 7
freenode #samba 7
QuakeNet #amtsstube 7
freenode #salt 7
Libera.Chat #rosegarden Rosegarden is a music composition and editing environment for Linux | https://rosegardenmusic.com/ | Be patient if you ask. For more general Linux Audio questions you can also check out #lau 7
QuakeNet #e-drama 7
QuakeNet #people 7
EFnet #gangster 7
Libera.Chat ##git GIT Central Notifications. Give ideas for repos to be added. 7
EFnet #catholics Hi oldchip (from CoffeeCup) 7
Rizon #erai-raws Official channel for https://erai-raws.info | Join us in our Discord or Telegram channel to know all the new releases of the team or follow us on Facebook or Twitter. | www.facebook.com/Erai.raws | twitter.com/Erai_raws | t.me/Erai_raws | discord.gg/UgXGsS | 7
freenode #jakarta Welcome to #Jakarta 7
Rizon #sakuga Suffering from the sex problem | Sakugabooru: https://sakugabooru.com/post | Sakuga Blog: https://blog.sakugabooru.com/ | Patreon to feed my children: https://www.patreon.com/Sakugabooru | Sakuga anime list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17CSBqOXODXNXg1gXJ3OHUNI3fHa09KAJMWnTQh9wovU/edit#gid=3 7
freenode #nuug 7
EFnet #maine 7
Libera.Chat #coolmic 7
Libera.Chat #valgrind 7
QuakeNet #isojenpoikienjutut 7
Libera.Chat #enet ENet IRC is now on Libera Chat! 7
EFnet #bees 7
Libera.Chat #archlinux-mx Comunidad de Arch Linux México. | Sitio web: https://archlinux.mx | Telegram: https://t.me/archlinuxmx 7
DALnet #igradio ♪♫ Welcome To IGradio@DAL.net ♪♫ Keep Calm And Listen http://igradio.net ♪♫ 7
Undernet #tennessee 7
Libera.Chat #atari8 All Atari 8 bit and none of The Other Stuff, It's 8 bit Atari users and related discussions. Grab a drink and settle on in. We're glad to have you! 7
EFnet #linuxskolen 7
EFnet #vcd-sverige OP! 7
Libera.Chat #kleene 7
Undernet #50cent welcome. now fuck off. 7
Undernet #dwgames 7
freenode #irchelp Welcome to #irchelp :: Ask IRC general questions and have great conversations :: If you are looking for network help? /join #Help 7
Libera.Chat #nethack-ops 7
Libera.Chat #scc Welcome to the simple C compiler channel | https://simple-cc.org 7
freenode #influxdb 7
Libera.Chat #rmzo Radio mreža u izvanrednim situacijama, rasprave o antenama, radio uređajima, radio softveru itd.. 7
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-en-lta [[WP:LTA]] | No public logging | No off-topic | Users must be active on en.wikipedia with no recent blocks and either have a wikipedia cloak or be eligible for one 7
Undernet #fusion 7
SkyChatz #klang 7
Undernet #anonymous Stay anonymous in a world of surveillence 7
freenode #archlinux-aur 7
Undernet #warning 7
IRCnet #radiostudent 7
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-ca 7
Libera.Chat #opensolaris 7
freenode #worldchat Welcome to #Worldchat, This is a Chat Channel so Chat, Yes you can Park your Nicks, Need Help ask in the Mains. 7
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-en-accounts-admins Welcome to the ACC admin channel | Recruiting efforts: http://bit.ly/ZF3lmc | Access to nonpublic personal data policy noticeboard: https://bit.ly/2AeoVYS 7
Rizon #beginner |||||||||| Welcome to #Beginner if you have a question just ask |||||||| 7
Libera.Chat #loongson 7
IRCnet #gibi 7
Libera.Chat #dungeon literate game engine | https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Dungeon-mode | OT chat is welcome; comic for channel: | http://ws.comic.chat/#dungeon | Bridged to discord | the network https://libera.chat/policies 7
SkyChatz #ipv4 <><><> You can Connect random ipv4 server Irc.SkyChatz.Org 6667 - 7000 | Test your connection at http://test-ipv4.com/ <><><> 7