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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #diagrams 7
IRCnet #nax 7
QuakeNet #fifabot 7
DALnet #jb (*|||||| Welcome To JB@Dalnet 7
OFTC #gfortran Development of the GNU Fortran compiler 7
Libera.Chat #atari8 All Atari 8 bit and none of The Other Stuff, It's 8 bit Atari users and related discussions. Grab a drink and settle on in. We're glad to have you! 7
Libera.Chat ##doctorwho Home of Doctor Who fans young and old! | Next on: 12 April | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPxtqx55PA0 | SPOILERS! 7
freenode #irchelp Welcome to #irchelp :: Ask IRC general questions and have great conversations :: If you are looking for network help? /join #Help 7
SkyChatz #underground 7
Rizon #ai-dle nnhr fanclub | randy and eiffel pls | https://is.gd/Randy96 | https://nanahira.xyz/ 7
Libera.Chat #bsdforall Welcome To # BSDForAll Open Community Channel. See: https://bsdforall.org | ZNC @ https://bnc.bsdforall.org | WebMail@ https://webmail.bsdforall.org | WebChat @ https://bsdforall.org/chat/ | Tor Onion @ http://bsdnetoezbtsbrzlnrgxn7iv6qokouuyr4 | Main network irc.afwi.net | https://afwi.net/maint.html 7
Undernet #parazitii Parazitii - 3 Cuvinte ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTJmpyxOqyA ) 7
Libera.Chat #offbeat Offbeat Computation Club! | Meeting link: https://offbeat.cc/meet/ | Info: https://offbeat.cc/cses/ | Problems: https://git.io/csesps | Book: https://cses.fi/book/book.pdf | Twitter: https://twitter.com/offbeatcc | You are welcome to share links to your solutions. | No politics! 7
Libera.Chat #waywayofftopic 7
Libera.Chat #usrp Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) 7
DALnet #i please donate UNICEF 1QAgVWE2peLrQbWhWeR4u2VVtiB2XxgQJ1 7
Libera.Chat #xapian The Xapian search engine library https://xapian.org/ | This channel is no longer in active use - we recommend using the Matrix room or mailing lists instead: https://xapian.org/lists 7
SkyChatz #bnc 7
EFnet #loadiine Loadiine GX2 v0.3 : http://tinyurl.com/zyw29dz || Guide: http://bit.ly/1kbdvLy || #SwitchHack now open || General WiiU Hacking Guide: https://wiiu.hacks.guide/ 7
Libera.Chat #brmbiolab 7
Libera.Chat #rosegarden Rosegarden is a music composition and editing environment for Linux | https://rosegardenmusic.com/ | Be patient if you ask. For more general Linux Audio questions you can also check out #lau 7
SkyChatz #attitude Welcome to #ATTITUDE at2deX Inc. Official Channel SkyChatz.Get Free sockets Freewar|Massjoin|Banjir at http://at2deX.blogspot.com/ The Great mIRC Memories 7
EFnet #therevolution ★ Death to capitalism and the supporters of the degeneracy that tramples on broken souls to gain power and monetary wealth ★ 7
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-se Läs våra kanalriktlinjer på: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwedishTeam/IRC/IrcRiktlinjer 7
IRCnet #hamradio 7
Libera.Chat #pirateirc WPIRC | (sometimes) we're here, even though we're dead 7
Libera.Chat #seattle 7
Undernet #diapers Welcome to #Diapers! Have fun and play safe. No /msg without asking. G-rated and ages 13+ welcome. No co-channeling with #incest. 7
OFTC #networking 7
Undernet #riviere-du-loup 7
Libera.Chat #marble 7
Libera.Chat #powerdns hello! #powerdns is on OFTC. See you there! 7
Libera.Chat #ovirt 7
IRCnet #linservers 7
freenode #nuug 7
Libera.Chat ##leaguesunited Official channel for Leagues United || https://www.leaguesunited.org/ 7
Libera.Chat #gamozo Hello 7
EFnet #allnitecafe topic for today, is...? 7
Undernet #thefoxesden Manager has logged back in. Channel unlocked. Please login regularly to avoid getting your channel purged 7
Undernet #rosario -- = Bienvenido a #Rosario Argentina Campeones del Mundo 2022 !!! -Messi G.O.A.T.-= -- 7
Rizon #felineyogi Twitter @yogi_miaow | KiwiSDR http://felineyogi.ydns.eu:8073 ‖ "Current" shows: GE999@044 TS/045@Time2/48+ edit/71+ Encode, Oshin(1984)@tm2[Y] | <Flintlock> https://i.imgur.com/i0Ttoqd.png 7
Libera.Chat #opensuse-microos 7
EFnet #j 7
Libera.Chat #nethack-ops 7
OFTC #debian-cccamp Debian enthusiasts @ CCCamp | Coordination and discussions | debian 30's birthday at bornhack.dk village on 20230816 20 CEST | do we need a wiki page? 7
Libera.Chat #antikernel The Antikernel OS architecture | CHES talk: https://www.iacr.org/cryptodb/data/paper.php?pubkey=27850 | Code: https://github.com/azonenberg/antikernel 7
Libera.Chat ##llamas-cardlogic Visit https://github.com/IRC-Llamas/cardlogic to view the code or make contributions. 7
freenode #gentoo-kde 7
Libera.Chat #octobus-hg 7
Rizon #wanikani http://i.imgur.com/Q3sWEWN.jpg | unofficial jp-only WK channel: #wk-japanese 7