QuakeNet |
#india |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#transadvice |
Welcome To TransAdvice! Trans*/Non-binary/Transgender/Questioning and Allies welcome! This is a safe space - Code of Conduct: https://transadvice.org/aup |
7 |
SkyChatz |
#sahabat |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#elice |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#bnc4free |
Welcome to BNC4FREE :: Site: https://bnc4free.com/ :: Terms of Service: https://bnc4free.com/terms :: Wiki: https://wiki.bnc4free.com/ :: Server Status: https://status.bnc4free.com/ :: Use !request to request a bouncer. |
7 |
Rizon |
#olympics |
See you at Tokyo 2020! | Countdown: https://kthx.at/olympics/ |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#pruts |
gewoon aap |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
##ossremoties |
A place for remote workers from across the Open Source ecosystems to have casual conversations during their work days |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#bvb09 |
7 |
freenode |
#nuug |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#gpclan |
7 |
SkyChatz |
#idlerpg |
Welcome to #IdleRPG | Web and help: http://Idlerpg.skychatz.org | Register: /msg IdleBot REGISTER <char name> <password> <char class> | Login: /msg IdleBot LOGIN <char name> <password> | Login: /msg IdleBot LOGIN <char name> <password> | Logout: /msg IdleBot LOGOUT |
7 |
Undernet |
#albania |
Welcome to #Albania |
7 |
IRCnet |
#tychy |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#ilovedrumnbass |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#dwbouncers |
Welcome to #DWBouncers, ZNC WEB Request: ON https://bouncers.darkworld.network | Channel Request :: ON Type !request User Email |
7 |
Rizon |
#trump2024 |
Trump for President in 2024!!! |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#guixcn |
Guix中文 | https://guix.org.cn | #guixcn-offtopic | t.me/guixcn |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#seabios |
<Kevin2> Given that IRC was never officially listed in the seabios documentation and given that this channel has historically had very low usage, I'm not planning to create a new IRC channel. <Kevin2> I'll likely join the #coreboot channel - should it move. So, I'll be around. |
7 |
KampungChat |
#bintang |
Angkatan Beruk Bekeng |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#pokertomtarna |
7 |
SkyChatz |
#jwgmedia |
No Oper Begger ! we are know to choosing the choosen one :) http://jiwang.org http://www.nasz.my~ :) Staff Application Is now OPEN !! |
7 |
SkyChatz |
#sexmelayu |
to #sexmelayu | website: |
7 |
HybridIRC |
#mirc |
Unofficial mIRC help channel. | The latest version of mIRC may be obtained here: https://www.mirc.com/get.html | Please be patient in waiting for a reply. English only. |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
##flipperzero |
Anything about Flipper Zero | https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero | https://github.com/DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware | https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper | https://github.com/Next-Flip/Momentum-Firmware |
7 |
freenode |
#salt |
7 |
IRCnet |
#b0rg |
we are the b0rg. you will be 4551m1la70r3d. |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#starseeds |
7 |
Rizon |
#sfc_han |
[sfc_han nonstop, darude version https://a.pomf.cat/doosnq.webm - NSFW - http://1500chan.org/jp/ ] |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#liverpool |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#trenggalek |
7 |
SkyChatz |
#dinda |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#germany |
7 |
IRCnet |
#$b$"$k$z$06&ob9q(b |
7 |
SkyChatz |
#australia |
Welcome to #Australia - Please speak English in the main channel & we prefer that people chat & not sit here idle |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#eduke32 |
eduke32 - https://eduke32.com - It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum! |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#cryptpad |
Official CryptPad IRC channel | https://cryptpad.org | Please use our forum: https://forum.cryptpad.org | You can also find us on Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#cryptpad:matrix.xwiki.com |
7 |
IRCnet |
#over30 |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#libreplanet-room-saturn |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#freenet-chat |
Freenet Off-Topic Chat channel. For information about the Freenet Project, see #freenet — Do not tempt people to break their opsec. Discussing anything of questionable legality here will get you banned. |
7 |
IRCnet |
#radiostudent |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
#ubuntucinnamon |
Home of the Ubuntu Cinnamon flavor | This channel implies use of the Ubuntu Code of Conduct and is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ |
7 |
freenode |
#icecast |
7 |
Libera.Chat |
##libera-birthday |
it's not libera's birthday anymore |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#meinungsverstaerker |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#chelseafc |
Next match: Conference, March 6, 17.45 GMT: Copenhagen vs Chelsea|Last: EPL: Chelsea 4-0 Southampton (Nkunku 24', Neto 37', Colwill 44', Cucu 78') |
7 |
QuakeNet |
#millenium |
7 |
IRCnet |
#foo |
7 |
Rizon |
#rtk |
where japaneez learnerse go to dye | NO ML | http://pastebin.com/0fpsX6YA | word of the day updated weekly once per month: 通草の花 |
7 |
Rizon |
#toonami |
Evangelion 3.0+1.0 to Stream on August 13th via Amazon Prime |
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