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Network Name Topic Users
Undernet #apache Read error_log, Ask the question, Patience - CURRENT: Apache httpd 2.4.62 Released 2024-07-17 ( http://httpd.apache.org ) 7
Libera.Chat ##kierra Not setting up any more! 7
IRCnet #survivors 7
QuakeNet #rocco ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gott Nytt År! Syns i 2025! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7
Libera.Chat #synergy Synergy upstream is now Deskflow, join us: #deskflow 7
EFnet #irc.mzima.net Irc.mzima.net support. Please state your issue upon joining. Once you're helped please part. No idling. 7
EFnet #farthouse 7
Rizon #dsorganize Welcome to my personal gaming IRC Channel. | Help comes to those who speak english. | Type /help before asking for help. | Ask before you PM anyone. | Don't ask to ask, just ask! | http://wolfs.sytes.net | The homebrew DSOrganize is now officialy DEAD since 2007! 7
Rizon #sacredland #sacredland - shared with undernet & irc4fun -> https://irc4fun.net/index.php?page=uin 7
Libera.Chat #amusewiki https://www.amusewiki.org | a text-oriented publishing platform | please ask your question and be patient 7
QuakeNet #idle 7
Libera.Chat #ovirt 7
Libera.Chat #nethack.de 7
QuakeNet #lix Lix 0.10.28 from 2024-12-20 -- lixgame.com 7
Undernet #evil 7
Libera.Chat #sdl-fan-jp irclog わんわんにゃんにゃんぴょんぴょん 7
DALnet #buddha Of all the ways in which a Buddha helps living beings, the supreme way is by emanation as a Spiritual Guide. 7
QuakeNet #m0d3ls! R.I.P. Benefit <3 18.9.1988 - 2.10.2022 :( 7
QuakeNet #urban-zone 7
Rizon #emily Welcome to #Emily girls sex hot http://www.ariesforlove.webs.com | Emily es una chica muy linda sexy y atrevida del Internet | disfruta su imagen ve a la página mencionada y deja tu comentario | tranks you visit !!!. 7
QuakeNet #qhlan https://www.qhlan.org 7
Rizon #truther ||: POLITICS - CONSPIRACY - UFOLOGY - SPIRITUALITY - MAGIC - RELIGION - TRUTH - MUSIC - VST - DAW - GUITAR - MGTOW - REDPILL | NO DEGENERACY | NO SPAM | .help for bot commands | .help command for more help :|| 7
DALnet #irssi Irssi v1.4.5 has been released - https://irssi.org/download/ | Irssi Scripts available at - https://scripts.irssi.org | If you have a question, please ask here and wait patiently. 7
Libera.Chat #aros 7
Rizon #weed WELCOME TO #weed !!!!!! Kick back and enjoy some cannabis with us https://phoenixtears.ca/ 7
Libera.Chat #spdx SPDX - System Package Data Exchange - https://spdx.dev/ - Please use the mailing lists instead of this IRC channel: https://lists.spdx.org/g/spdx 7
Libera.Chat ##slackware-es Bienvenido a ##slackware-es | Versión estable: Slackware 15 | Descargas: http://slackware.osuosl.org/ | Información y ayuda (en ingles): ##slackware-help | SlackBuilds.org IRC Channel: #slackbuilds 7
DALnet #ireland 7
Libera.Chat #nix-community 7
freenode #dolphin-dev 7
Rizon #luckylotus Lucky Lotus | Website: https://luckylotus.moe | Discord: https://discord.gg/hgyUttG 7
Libera.Chat #sitcon SITCON 學生計算機年會 https://sitcon.org/ | UTF-8 | 03/09 中研院見! 7
Undernet #parazitii Parazitii - 3 Cuvinte ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTJmpyxOqyA ) 7
Libera.Chat #librepcb librepcb.org | A powerful and intuitive EDA tool for everyone | Forum: librepcb.org/discuss/ | This IRC channel is bridged to Telegram 7
Libera.Chat #pico8 7
Libera.Chat #schemaverse The Schemaverse - Nerdier than most games http://schemaverse.com - The Schemaverse Tournament will be returning to DEFCON 30ish this year in Las Vegas 7
DALnet #america Welcome to #America. English only. 7
QuakeNet #k1ck 7
freenode #brazil 7
EFnet #italia 7
Libera.Chat #powerdns hello! #powerdns is on OFTC. See you there! 7
Libera.Chat #dou Software developers from Ukraine | WEnet: we.net.ua — Ukrainian IRC network 7
freenode #scala 7
EFnet #bees 7
IRCnet #over30 https://digilander.libero.it/luca.dm/linux/auguri.mp4 7
Libera.Chat #gbowne1 The place to chat about tech and ClassicOS and programming with gbowne1 7
Undernet #delict 7
QuakeNet #madani 7
Undernet #rebel oui et non. ( Leaders come and go. ) 7
QuakeNet #<o> www.twitch.tv/someronpoika | https://discord.gg/QguCDjqy | Jekmania ryskii vissii Rankkulaan 25-27. ketä muu tulos rällää 25. tai oisko livepokat ?!? !? 7