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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #luxeria LuXeria - luxeria.ch - Hackerspace from Lucerne, Switzerland 7
SwiftIRC #duckhunt ::: Get them all! ::: Commands: !duckcmds ::: 7
freenode ##weechat 7
freenode #cgminer 7
freenode #lnd 7
freenode #r_netsec 7
OFTC #alpine-team | https://meet.jit.si/AlpineSmallSimpleSecure | Next TSC Meeting: TBA 7
OFTC #connman 7
freenode #mediawiki 7
OFTC #netbsd 7
freenode #henkaku 7
freenode #prgmr 7
freenode #chef 7
OFTC #collabora 7
freenode #music-theory Welcome to #music-theory! | https://www.apassion4jazz.net/keys.html | Feel free to ask questions, present your projects, or share resources you've found helpful. | high-quality open reference: https://www.teoria.com 7
OFTC ##brazil Canal de Brasileiros - Portuguese Only - InterIRC Pylink Relay Chat 7
freenode #influxdb 7
freenode #irchelp Welcome to #irchelp :: Ask IRC general questions and have great conversations :: If you are looking for network help? /join #Help 7
OFTC #wownero-dev 7
OFTC #skolelinux English questions -> #debian-edu. 7
freenode #flashrom 7
freenode #collectd 7
freenode #hacklab.fi 7
freenode #blendercoders Blender Developers Channel | Most discussion and meetings now at https://blender.chat/ (#blender-coders) | Compiling Blender? Try this first: https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Building_Blender 7
freenode ##linuxmint For the official linux mint help channel on spotchat go to ircs://irc.spotchat.org:6697/#linuxmint-help 7
freenode ##windows-legacy MS Windows Legacy Support & Discussion. Keep it polite, factual, constructive, and topical. | Rule #0: DON'T CONNECT LEGACY SYSTEMS TO THE INTERNET! | https://www.freenode-windows.org | For a list of other Win channels use /list ##windows* 7
Libera.Chat #atox https://github.com/evilcorpltd/aTox 7
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-irc-private extbans @ https://goo.gl/Z1xPoU 7
OFTC #debian-tech http://wiki.debian.org/IRC/debian-tech 7
freenode #bitcoin-core-dev 7
Libera.Chat #minetest-fr 7
OFTC #openstack-adjutant 7
OFTC #freenode Home away from home for freenode users. || This is the Auntie Freenode channel. Good oftcernoon! 7
Libera.Chat #libregaming-organization libregaming.org Meta channel for discussing the project itself | Tell us who you are https://md.roflcopter.fr/oFeu6XXoRNqGeEZvYhhjOQ?both | This channel is publicly logged on Matrix 7
OFTC #sailfishos-fanclub SailfishOS Fan Club community channel| Group rules: http://telegra.ph/Sailfish-OS-Fan-Club-05-19 7
OFTC #midipix our primary presence on IRC is currently over at irc://irc.libera.chat #midipix | #slibtool for slibtool 7
freenode #shells Shells IRC Channel 7
Libera.Chat #tesseract Tesseract | http://tesseract.gg | Open-Source FPS Game | First Edition (May 11, 2014) released! | *not* tesseract-ocr | <Calinou> we do OCR using pulse rifles here 7
Undernet #phoen|x .::( Bienvenue Chez PhoenixRapide Canada )::. ( http://www.phoenixrapide.org/ ) 6
DALnet #blackwarrant 6
Libera.Chat #sic https://sic.pm Dead discussion community - link aggregator | http://sicpm3hp7dtrwhmf4qlelycqlvie6flqa5qnjnt3snok5xydvxhs4xyd.onion/ | https://github.com/epilys/sic 6
freenode #fusionpbx 6
DALnet #sibolga <><><>Selamat Datang Di Channel #sibolga @DALnet - NO!: Invite/Spam/Repeat/CAPS/Flood/Adv/BadWord - Register Nick: /ns register <password> <email> - Cegah Spam: /mode <nick kamu> +RC - Have a nice chat & enjoy here! :)<><><> 6
Undernet #owned ( I send my love up to heaven to you everyday ) 6
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-bd Official IRC channel of Ubuntu Bangladesh | Mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd | Forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=409 | Launchpad: http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bd | Channel Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | pastebin:paste.ubuntu.com | screenshot:imgur.com | register nick and ask in #libera-cloak for an unaffiliated cloak 6
Libera.Chat #defrag-007 vs-ssh-admin.prod ftw 6
Undernet #hamradio The Radio Amateur ideling channel. Pse join w. you call. Please neither use colour codes nor away messages. 6
Libera.Chat #openstack-dev 6
EFnet #mikebeauchamp.com 'code red at the cum factory' 6
SkyChatz #xshellz ZNC accounts, for get Join #ZNC and !request Username. Read the rules before making requests !RuLes, Free & paid plans can file a support ticket at: https://www.xshellz.com/contact and keep the ZNC parked here 6