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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
OFTC #amber-lang 7
Undernet #jaguar 7
EFnet #nocen 7
Libera.Chat #monero-punks Let's build and develop tools and services for Monero; we're here for technical discussions for solutions outside the Monero codebase. Collaborate at https://forum.moneropunks.org 7
Libera.Chat #ros 7
EFnet #steam 7
EFnet #bikerbar Motorcycle spoken here 7
Libera.Chat #libreoffice-de Dies ist der Chat der deutschsprachigen LibreOffice-Community | Fragen und Antworten unter https://ask.libreoffice.org/de/ 7
Libera.Chat #haskell-au Aussie Haskellers and those who can understand them when they talk (most of the time) 7
Libera.Chat #friendly-coders 7
DALnet #gombal 7
Libera.Chat ##we-are-gonna-die Go away. 7
EFnet #sublime 7
Undernet #sd 7
Libera.Chat #lorax iso and image creation tools - https://weldr.io/lorax/ 7
Libera.Chat #librecast https://librecast.net |Current release [0.8.0] | https://git.sr.ht/~librecast/librecast/refs/v0.8.0 |IPv6 Mirror https://codeberg.org/librecast/librecast/releases/tag/v0.8.0 7
Undernet #uanl 7
Undernet #trump 7
EFnet #ajuda Canal #Ajuda - EFnet Nao tem Chanserv- Leia: http://www.irchelp.org/networks/noserv.html [EN]|https://wiki.irchelp.com.br/wiki/Portal:ChanFix/EFnet [BR] 7
Libera.Chat #archlinux-ru 7
QuakeNet #bassjunkeesradio 7
Libera.Chat #baby-jail Welcome to baby jail! You are here because you were being a big baby. If you have an issue with this, we encourage you to go cry and have a nap. Also, go auth yourself 7
Libera.Chat ##hackerspace-cl Canal General de Hackerspace Santiago (hackerspace.cl) 7
Libera.Chat #diaspora-de Deutscher diaspora*-Support-Channel und Entwickler-Treff (go to #diaspora for english support) | diaspora* ist ein verteiltes soziales Netzwerk, welches Dir Schutz über Deine dort veröffentlichten Informationen bietet. 7
Rizon #/pone/ #aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa am i cool now? http://dai.ly/x5k8dc3 7
OFTC #communitydata-fossy 7
freenode #mediawiki 7
Libera.Chat #opensuse-bar https://meet.opensuse.org/bar - come say hi and have a lot of fun! 7
Rizon #sarawak " Welcome to #Sarawak please stay and enjoy chat with your friends.".. 7
IRCnet #usa 7
Libera.Chat #fedora-commops Fedora + Community + Operations = Fedora CommOps || Providing tools, resources, and utilities for different sub-projects of Fedora to improve effective communication || Read more: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/commops/ || Get involved: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/commops/contribute/join/ 7
IRC4Fun #znc IRCplus➕ ZNC -- Chat & Support -- Requests are temporarily closed🔒, please check back soon! 🔜 7
EFnet #fun 7
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-design Wikimedia Design • Need help? Add the #design tag on Phabricator • Check-out our Design Style Guide https://design.wikimedia.org/style-guide/ • Sign-up as a Research Participant, at https://wikimedia.org/research 7
CyberArmy #m33p First rule of m33p club, don't talk about m33p club, second rule of m33p club, don't talk about m33p club, third rule of m33p club, if it's your first time, you gotta m33p! 7
freenode #musl 7
Libera.Chat #sage-au My hovercraft is full of eels! 7
OFTC #bsd-es 7
Libera.Chat #libreav AV FOSS News https://libreav.org support: join/ask/wait in: #lau (users) #linuxmao (francophone) #lad (devs) #lv2 #jack #alsa #ubuntustudio-devel #kxstudio #archlinux-proaudio #fedora-jam #ardour #lmms #zrythm #qtractor #audacity #dataflow (Pd) ##zynaddsubfx #surgesynth #cardinal #mixxx #edmproduction ##xenharmonic #musicbrainz #acoustid #linuxmusicians #opensourcemusicians #libreplanet 7
Rizon #ai-dle nnhr fanclub | randy and eiffel pls | https://is.gd/Randy96 | https://nanahira.xyz/ 7
Undernet #s&s 7
IRCnet #ctrl-l 7
Undernet #gayteens Welcome to #gayteens!!! 21 and under please! Happy New Year! All the best for 2025 7
IRCnet #foobar 7
QuakeNet #eurotrance <Pesukarhu-> tarpeeks ku tapetaan ni tulee niistäki homoja ko ei ole pilluja mitä käyttää ellei taskupimpsaa sitten omista :D 7
EFnet #soupkitchen 7
Undernet #j&j 7
Libera.Chat #gentoo-ja 日本語で Gentoo | https://www.gentoo.jp/ | https://github.com/gentoojp | Monthly Workshop: https://gentoo.connpass.com/ 7
OFTC #mg::web nybygg: det skjedde 7
Undernet #house-nation Welcome on #House-Nation ! Enjoy your music ( www.soundcloud.com/Soulstorming ) 7