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  • The Open and Free Technology Community aims to provide stable and effective collaboration services to members of the community in any part of the world, while closely listening to their needs and desires.
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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
ChatLounge #funchat The margin is marginal, but the margin of error is not. The margin of error may be larger than the margin. 6
Libera.Chat #mdo Most Desirable Organization: http://mostdesirable.org/ — Mentorship & Therapy for GSoC orgs — GSoC 2014 ideas page https://code.google.com/p/most-desirable-org/wiki/GSoC2014 6
EFnet #madness 6
Libera.Chat ##norsk Norwegian language chat and help. A channel for Norwegian speakers, learners, and everyone else interested. Hjertelig velkommen! Bokmålsordboka | Nynorskordboka: https://ordbok.uib.no 6
Libera.Chat #bsdaustria 6
KampungChat #quiz -(*--[#][Q][U][I][Z] 6
DALnet #moonlight MOON LIGHT Experience TheVibe - https://zeno.fm/radio/1643nufm | https://zeno.fm/radio/virtual-friends 6
Libera.Chat #friendly-coders 6
Libera.Chat #renpy 6
EFnet #!doomed 6
EFnet #efnet.se 6
EFnet #addurl 6
Libera.Chat #teambelgium BOINC Team Belgium || Website: https://teambelgium.net/ || Time Server: https://ntp.teambelgium.net/ || Welcome, Aldi customers! || La Cucaracha, La Putaracha! || G0NZ0 farts on early mornings in Burkina Faso! || G0NZ0 will feed you in her high-end Microwave shack & brothel! 6
EFnet #overkill this is overkill! -_- 6
EFnet #yogyakarta Welcome To Yogyakarta @ Efnet 6
KampungChat #setapak a friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself... happy quizzing... 😉 #mz 6
KampungChat #bopm KampungChat Blitzed Open Proxy Monitor Channel :: Admin tolong Check /stats Z server anda, sila pastikan tidak ada IP malaysia / TMNet kene akill oleh BOPM 6
EFnet #tragic 6
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-tr Özgür Ansiklopedi Türkçe Vikipedi'nin resmî IRC kanalına hoş geldiniz! | http://tr.wikipedia.org | IRC günlüklerini Vikipedi dâhil herhangi bir ortamda yayımlamak yasaktır! | Telegram: https://t.me/turkcevikipedi | Vikipedi'nin vandalizm ile mücadele kanalı: #cvn-wp-tr | Acil yardım: !hizmetli + <istek> | Urgent help: !hizmetli + <request> 6
Libera.Chat #tc39-delegates 6
DALnet #i please donate UNICEF 1QAgVWE2peLrQbWhWeR4u2VVtiB2XxgQJ1 6
EFnet #trump2024 Not even one month in office and America is great again! 6
Libera.Chat #opensuse-security 6
TechNet #music-cafe Welcome to #music-cafe on TechNet|This Channel is linked with relay to all my Channels across IRC|Enjoy it here!| 6
TechNet #nitemare 6
OFTC #politics Talk about current event: Keep it civil! 6
TechNet #core core.technet.chat administration channel 6
TechNet #uk boats and ho's | Today is my last day of using aerosol deodorant. Roll on tomorrow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLLQFLXz6VE 6
TechNet #quiz Type quiz to start a game 6
TechNet #techznc Welcome to #TechZNC | Status: ON | The official ZNC of TechNet 6
TechNet #cheers !topic welcome to #Cheers PLEASE ENJOY YOUR GAME ALL WELCOME 6
TechNet #ircdriven IRC Driven :: https://www.ircdriven.com :: The website is considered out of beta status at this time as most features have been built :: Seeking networks and assistance with Python development :: IRC Driven is 17 years old! 6
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-nc EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of North Carolina | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 6
Libera.Chat #defrag-007 vs-ssh-admin.prod ftw 6
EFnet #jwheare 6
QuakeNet #maverickservers 6
Libera.Chat #buildah 6
EFnet #hearthstone Welcome to #Hearthstone | "Don't open any packs until the pack changes go into effect" 6
EFnet #卍 6
Libera.Chat #ruslug 6
DALnet #dum 6
QuakeNet #portugal 6
QuakeNet #fu 6
QuakeNet #irchelp 6
Libera.Chat #sundtek Geduld - be patient :-) | http://support.sundtek.com/ | Linux-Treiber/Drivers: http://sundtek.de/media/sundtek_netinst.sh 6
Libera.Chat #linuxnijmegen Linux User Group Nijmegen || Bijeenkomst elke tweede dinsdag van de maand || https://linuxnijmegen.nl 6
DALnet #fury |Services |Online| Welcome To DALnet #Fury 6
EFnet #leafs 6
Libera.Chat #transgender-german Safer Space für trans und non binary Personen. Unsichersein ist ok, Allies sind willkommen, Chaser werden entfernt. Bitte lest die Regeln: https://transgendergerman.org/regeln/ 6
QuakeNet #stehcafe 6