ChatLounge |
#funchat |
The margin is marginal, but the margin of error is not. The margin of error may be larger than the margin. |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#mdo |
Most Desirable Organization: — Mentorship & Therapy for GSoC orgs — GSoC 2014 ideas page |
6 |
EFnet |
#madness |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
##norsk |
Norwegian language chat and help. A channel for Norwegian speakers, learners, and everyone else interested. Hjertelig velkommen! Bokmålsordboka | Nynorskordboka: |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#bsdaustria |
6 |
KampungChat |
#quiz |
-(*--[#][Q][U][I][Z] |
6 |
DALnet |
#moonlight |
MOON LIGHT Experience TheVibe - | |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#friendly-coders |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#renpy |
6 |
EFnet |
#!doomed |
6 |
EFnet | |
6 |
EFnet |
#addurl |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#teambelgium |
BOINC Team Belgium || Website: || Time Server: || Welcome, Aldi customers! || La Cucaracha, La Putaracha! || G0NZ0 farts on early mornings in Burkina Faso! || G0NZ0 will feed you in her high-end Microwave shack & brothel! |
6 |
EFnet |
#overkill |
this is overkill! -_- |
6 |
EFnet |
#yogyakarta |
Welcome To Yogyakarta @ Efnet |
6 |
KampungChat |
#setapak |
a friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself... happy quizzing... 😉 #mz |
6 |
KampungChat |
#bopm |
KampungChat Blitzed Open Proxy Monitor Channel :: Admin tolong Check /stats Z server anda, sila pastikan tidak ada IP malaysia / TMNet kene akill oleh BOPM |
6 |
EFnet |
#tragic |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#wikipedia-tr |
Özgür Ansiklopedi Türkçe Vikipedi'nin resmî IRC kanalına hoş geldiniz! | | IRC günlüklerini Vikipedi dâhil herhangi bir ortamda yayımlamak yasaktır! | Telegram: | Vikipedi'nin vandalizm ile mücadele kanalı: #cvn-wp-tr | Acil yardım: !hizmetli + <istek> | Urgent help: !hizmetli + <request> |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#tc39-delegates |
6 |
DALnet |
#i |
please donate UNICEF 1QAgVWE2peLrQbWhWeR4u2VVtiB2XxgQJ1 |
6 |
EFnet |
#trump2024 |
Not even one month in office and America is great again! |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#opensuse-security |
6 |
TechNet |
#music-cafe |
Welcome to #music-cafe on TechNet|This Channel is linked with relay to all my Channels across IRC|Enjoy it here!| |
6 |
TechNet |
#nitemare |
6 |
#politics |
Talk about current event: Keep it civil! |
6 |
TechNet |
#core | administration channel |
6 |
TechNet |
#uk |
boats and ho's | Today is my last day of using aerosol deodorant. Roll on tomorrow. |
6 |
TechNet |
#quiz |
Type quiz to start a game |
6 |
TechNet |
#techznc |
Welcome to #TechZNC | Status: ON | The official ZNC of TechNet |
6 |
TechNet |
#cheers |
!topic welcome to #Cheers PLEASE ENJOY YOUR GAME ALL WELCOME |
6 |
TechNet |
#ircdriven |
IRC Driven :: :: The website is considered out of beta status at this time as most features have been built :: Seeking networks and assistance with Python development :: IRC Driven is 17 years old! |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
##weather-us-nc |
EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of North Carolina | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#defrag-007 | ftw |
6 |
EFnet |
#jwheare |
6 |
QuakeNet |
#maverickservers |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#buildah |
6 |
EFnet |
#hearthstone |
Welcome to #Hearthstone | "Don't open any packs until the pack changes go into effect" |
6 |
EFnet |
#卍 |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#ruslug |
6 |
DALnet |
#dum |
6 |
QuakeNet |
#portugal |
6 |
QuakeNet |
#fu |
6 |
QuakeNet |
#irchelp |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#sundtek |
Geduld - be patient :-) | | Linux-Treiber/Drivers: |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#linuxnijmegen |
Linux User Group Nijmegen || Bijeenkomst elke tweede dinsdag van de maand || |
6 |
DALnet |
#fury |
|Services |Online| Welcome To DALnet #Fury |
6 |
EFnet |
#leafs |
6 |
Libera.Chat |
#transgender-german |
Safer Space für trans und non binary Personen. Unsichersein ist ok, Allies sind willkommen, Chaser werden entfernt. Bitte lest die Regeln: |
6 |
QuakeNet |
#stehcafe |
6 |