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Network Name Topic Users
OFTC #norske-tulle-gutter god dag 6
Libera.Chat #rockylinux-sig-fasttrack SIG/FastTrack - https://sig-fasttrack.rocky.page | https://git.resf.org/sig_fasttrack/ 6
Rizon #unwoke Congratulations to Sweden in the Women's World Cup for eliminating the ungrateful Americans. 6
EFnet #aenema 6
EFnet #nibiru 6
Libera.Chat ##eightyone We provide approximate knowledge of many things 6
EFnet #str 6
OFTC #df-wiki Bienvenue sur le salon où l'on entretient le wiki >>> https://debian-facile.org/wiki Pour suivre l'évolution du travail c'est par ici >>> https://debian-facile.org/collab/p/wiki_debian-facile 6
Undernet #world-chat Welcome to #World-Chat folks! 6
QuakeNet #youtube 6
IRCnet #plug 6
freenode #manjaro-unregistered 6
Undernet #norway Manager has logged back in. Channel unlocked. Please login regularly to avoid channel getting purged 6
Undernet #hungary welcome ( https://budapest.hu/Lapok/default.aspx ) 6
QuakeNet #depechemode 6
Rizon #wheredoestimego server: syncplay.pl:8998 | room: toucan | Time: さあ | Modnay: さあ | Tuesday: さあ | Thursday: さあ | <sillius_laptop> there are plenty of excuses here, none you'll accept as good 6
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-frsre 6
EFnet #outlandz 6
IRC4Fun #portal ...::: Portal , Homies 4 Life :::... ...::: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHJ9TYUctp8 :::... ...::: http://chanstats.global-irc.eu/stats/portal.html :::... 6
DALnet #jawa Welcome 6
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-zh-transpt 維基百科地理及交通群︰與Telegram群 @wikipedia_zh_geo_and_transpt 及Discord群77n7vnu (https://discord.gg/77n7vnu)互聯。 6
Libera.Chat #tc39-delegates 6
Libera.Chat #linuxvoice An exciting new IRC channel for an exciting new dawn of exciting Linux MAGAZINES. It's very exciting. In accordance with #linuxformat tradition, the topic title will never, ever be changed. 6
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-tr Özgür Ansiklopedi Türkçe Vikipedi'nin resmî IRC kanalına hoş geldiniz! | http://tr.wikipedia.org | IRC günlüklerini Vikipedi dâhil herhangi bir ortamda yayımlamak yasaktır! | Telegram: https://t.me/turkcevikipedi | Vikipedi'nin vandalizm ile mücadele kanalı: #cvn-wp-tr | Acil yardım: !hizmetli + <istek> | Urgent help: !hizmetli + <request> 6
Rizon #cmangos The CMaNGOS project: www.github.com/cmangos - Forum: www.cmangos.net - Have a question? Read www.workaround.org/getting-help-on-irc first! Notification channel #cmangos.dev - Welcome. Official discord is created -> https://discord.gg/nSaXpCn 6
RetroNode #ritmm Добро пожаловать на канал музея вычислительной техники в Молдове (Retro IT Museum in Moldova) || Внимание, на канале установлен мост в Телеграм-группу (@ritm_m_chat) || Последний сюжет: https://youtu.be/8or4LriGAZA 6
freenode #intel-gfx 6
Libera.Chat #webarch Webarchitects Co-operative | Status: https://webarch.info/ 6
Libera.Chat #azuracast 📻 AzuraCast: Self-Hosted Web Radio Made Simple! - https://azuracast.com/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/AzuraCast - Discord: https://discord.gg/azuracast 6
OFTC #reproducible-changes 6
Libera.Chat ##spain Welcome to ##Spain General Chat Channel / / lets have great conversations / / no politics here / / 6
Libera.Chat #inimino 6
Libera.Chat #miraheze-feed-meta Recent Changes feed for meta.miraheze.org | #miraheze for assistance and #miraheze-cvt for counter-vandalism | Administrators are voiced | Broken log link? Let us know in #miraheze-ops 6
Rizon #debate Wₑlcₒmₑ tₒ #dₑbₐtₑ - Try To Be Kind! OR (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - Come on in and start a debate! - Agree To Disagree! - _______________ 6
Libera.Chat ##cynthia 6
EFnet #win7 6
Libera.Chat #metamage 6
Libera.Chat #yabause Yabause, A Beautiful And Under-rated Saturn Emulator | 0.9.15 has been released! | This is COOL | Our new home! 6
Undernet #helpless 6
Libera.Chat #ivozprovider IvozProvider - Multi-tenant Scalable VoIP Solution - http://github.com/irontec/ivozprovider 6
QuakeNet #cybex /\ ...hier gibs absolut nix zu sehen, weiter gehen... /\ http://cybex.has.nolife.org/mp3.shtml /\ ...hier gibs absolut nix zu sehen, weiter gehen... /\ 6
Libera.Chat #suckless-es Grupo dedicado para los amantes del software minimalista y eficiente. Siéntete libre de compartir conocimientos y experiencias sobre la filosofía Suckless. | Grupo de Telegram t.me/suckless_latam | Matrix #suckless_es:matrix.org 6
Rizon #yukkuri Years ago I recognized my kinship with all living things, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on the earth. I said then and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it; while there is a criminal element, I am of it; while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. 6
EFnet #netgate 6
Rizon #d-addicts Asian Drama Discussion .:. *NO FSERVES* *NO SEED REQUESTS* *NO SPAMMING* .:. forum: http://www.d-addicts.com/forums/ .:. wiki: http://wiki.d-addicts.com .:. tracker: **gone** .:. 6
freenode #ingress 6
Libera.Chat ##islam Welcome to ##Islam Channel - Islam is the way to survival in this life and the hereafter https://jamelakbar.medium.com/property-rights-h%CC%A3uquq-and-civilizations-c59a6d38152f 6
freenode #ansible-devel 6
IRCnet #oamk 6
Libera.Chat ##irc4fun 👋 Welcome to the IRC4Fun Chat Channel 💬 (Relayed across many IRC networks) - https://irc4fun.net 6