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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #wikibooks-es 6
Libera.Chat ##beekeeping All discussions around the keeping of bees 6
Libera.Chat ##freedos 6
Libera.Chat #yocto-channel-support To join #yocto you need to have SSL or TLS enabled when connecting to irc.libra.chat. Also you nick needs to be registered. 6
SkyChatz #wawasan.uno 6
Libera.Chat #bsdchat 有錢就好了 6
IRCnet #popfm 6
Undernet #toiletbowlstumpsex The best channel on Undernet. 6
Libera.Chat #/dev/tal 6
Undernet #vh Welcome! We offer you free assistance regarding malware issues (Helper Aplications: OPEN). 6
Libera.Chat #x15 The X15 operating system - https://www.sceen.net/x15/ 6
DALnet #minnesota RIP Thundrblt We miss you. :( **Bot commands are prefixed with '^' eg, ^weather ** GUILTY ON ALL 34 COUNTS!!!! 6
Libera.Chat #wrongplanet-ops WrongPlanet.net Operator Help Channel * Respect all users * RULES: https://wrongplanet.chat/rules | This channel now enforces a no idling rule. If you are not an op, and don't have something to ask of the operators, please do not remain in this channel. 6
freenode #org-mode 6
Undernet #evil are you evil? If yes you can stay. 6
freenode ##amiga 6
Libera.Chat #ios 6
SkyChatz #hawkee 6
DALnet #zurich 6
Libera.Chat #pytorch 6
DALnet #merantau Merantau Network 6
Libera.Chat #weblate Weblate, web based localization platform, discussions, see https://weblate.org/ 6
Undernet #film Bienvenue Sur Le groupe FILM ici vous allez trouer de tout 6
freenode #wikipedia 6
freenode #spiritscience Welcome! Learn Spirit Science: http://thespiritscience.net | Discuss knowledge & experience of spirituality, science, religion, philosophy. | more rooms: https://pastebin.com/Ds0arWyG | Help/rules: https://tinyurl.com/SpiritScienceRules | https://discord.gg/fV3z9Df | Join #ss-support for any help with the room. 6
Undernet #marijuana (xaos) Undernet's oldest mj channel 6
freenode ##openfpga 6
freenode #netbsd 6
Libera.Chat #covlug Welcome to #covlug - your friendly local Linux Users' Group! 6
Undernet #bifemsex "+18 polite bi/les/str8 women, No Posers,pedophiles,trolls,incest,assholes TG/TS/CD must ID'' 6
DALnet #virt-host Virtual Hosting Company - For All Of Your Hosting Needs - www.Virt-Host.Com 6
Libera.Chat #g0v 6
Libera.Chat #litecoin-dev 6
Libera.Chat #diaspora-de Deutscher diaspora*-Support-Channel und Entwickler-Treff (go to #diaspora for english support) | diaspora* ist ein verteiltes soziales Netzwerk, welches Dir Schutz über Deine dort veröffentlichten Informationen bietet. 6
Undernet #california Welcome To California ! United State of America ! ( https://www.visitcalifornia.com/ ) 6
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-meta-abuse-log All AbuseFilter hits on Meta (including global); use `!subscribe meta.wikimedia.org [filter id]` to get notified for given filter; Documentation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:MusikBot/AbuseFilterIRC 6
Undernet #erdely Boldog 2025-ot kivanok minden csati lakos botnak!!!! 6
Undernet #colombia 6
DALnet #norway Welcome to #Norway! Enjoy your stay! Idle permitted 6
freenode #lg-irc 6
Libera.Chat #hmailserver Welcome to the UNOFFICIAL hmailserver IRC channel. You must be registered and identified with nickserv or voiced to talk. 6
Undernet #israel2 We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems 6
Libera.Chat #fedora-games 6
SkyChatz #tawakal ****** #Tawakal Mutiarakata: "Belajar itu perlu berguru, Supaya tahu asal usulmu; Salasilah itu amatlah perlu, Laksana tali lurus bersatu." Makluman: Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf Zahir dan Batin dari pihak admin@Tawakal ****** 6
Libera.Chat #newsbin Welcome! Currently serving: Slashdot, LinuxSec, LinuxToday, Phoronix, XKCD, TheRegister & ArsTechnica feeds -- History: http://news.mpxc.net/ 6
Libera.Chat #linuxswitch 6
Libera.Chat ##mtgox-talk Vote for the MtGox Civil Rehabilitation Plan at https://claims.mtgox.com/ 6
freenode #atpfm 6
DALnet #bukidnon Welcome to #Bukidnon - The name "Bukidnon" means "highlander" or "mountain dweller." Occupying a wide plateau in the north central part of the island of Mindanao, the province is considered to be the food basket of the region, being the major producer of rice and corn. 6
DALnet #i please donate UNICEF 1QAgVWE2peLrQbWhWeR4u2VVtiB2XxgQJ1 6