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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat ##electronics http://electronicschat.org | Introductory electronics eBook: http://www.ibiblio.org/kuphaldt/electricCircuits/ | Battery information: http://batteryuniversity.com/ | Soldering: http://tinyurl.com/y8p8lfp9 | Welcome to electronics! | <azonenberg> ok am i stupid or what | <Viper-7> i know feng shui, chai tea, and 47 other types of kung fu | <HexaCube> you can have my flexshaft 531
Rizon #news #NEWS - | based ufotable saving anime | bring an xdcc bot for +a (pm twi or tazmanian for access) | @/!find | Star Citizen guild: http://goo.gl/599iMt | Sign up for this virtual server crap, you'll get 2 free months of lowest tier server: http://goo.gl/GmCgwt 528
Libera.Chat #c++ Standard C++ specifications and code. || Current standard: ISO/IEC 14882:2024 (a.k.a. C++24) || https://isocpp.org/faq || pastes: https://godbolt.org || stats/logs: https://i.pjj.cc/lb || other channels: #c++-general #c++-basic #c++-social #geordi 528
KampungChat #kampung Salam Ramadhan Kareem 1446H/2025M dan selamat menjalani ibadah puasa kepada semua warga #kampung . User Stats [http://kampung.home.kg/kampung.html] . Official site [www.kampungchat.org] 523
Libera.Chat #systemd Version v257 released | Online resources https://systemd.io/ 522
OFTC #postmarketos https://postmarketos.org | PLEASE READ: https://postmarketos.org/chat | Slow channel, just ask your question and wait for an answer (can take a while) :) | Don't paste logs directly, use e.g. https://bpaste.net | This channel is logged: https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23main:postmarketos.org | **Tor Users** register nick & get a cloak to unmute: https://www.oftc.net/UserCloaks 506
HybridIRC #trivia Welcome to 24/7 #Trivia! We've got an expanded question bank, including exciting KAOS rounds with multiple answers 🚸 please keep it respectful & family-friendly! To learn more, check out our homepage: https://triviamix.net 🏆 Trivia scores reset yearly on April 1st to keep the game competitive! 🔄 Past leaderboards will be archived 📜—link coming soon! 🌐 503
HybridIRC #kampung ææææææ Welcome to #Kampung vibes – Nostalgia zaman dulu, borak santai, dan berkongsi budaya! 🇲🇾 (Kampung vibes – Nostalgia of the past, casual chats, and cultural sharing! � ææææææ 502
Libera.Chat #zig zig programming language | https://ziglang.org | be excellent to each other 499
DALnet #jakarta Jakarta @ DALnet Selamat utk 3 Top Pemenang Games TERA Feb 2025 : 1. Presiden iya 32705 points 2. Wakil Presiden cin 21095 points 3. Menteri cow-sissy-suka-cow 19816 points [ For help pls join #Indonesia ] 496
Libera.Chat #hamradio Welcome to #hamradio! Grab a rig and say hi! || Check out #hamradio-social if there is no chatter here || Please read the entry message || qsl is our channel bot || Channel stats: https://bit.ly/hamradiostats || NO POLITICS! || We are looking for a domain name for our channel. Suggestions? -> #hamradio-webpage 487
Libera.Chat #sway sway - https://swaywm.org/ - RTFM - Stick around a while, your question might not be answered immediately - Do not paste logs here, use a pastebin like https://paste.sr.ht 475
KampungChat #uno [KCFM] You Never Really Know Someone Until You Play UNO With Them And They Hit You With A WILd Draw Four! | Type !Uno to see the commands | Let Us All Speak Kind Words to Each Other :) [KCFM] 473
OFTC #dri-devel <ajax> nothing involved with X should ever be unable to find a bar 460
OFTC #debian-next testing → trixie | you may need to debug sometimes | faq: https://deb.li/sidfaq | ongoing transitions: https://deb.li/xns | multiarch fun: /msg dpkg multiarch failures | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic → #debian-offtopic | oldstable, stable → #debian | can't talk? /msg NickServ help register, /msg NickServ help identify 455
Libera.Chat #nginx [Stable: 1.26.3] [Mainline: 1.27.4] <+> Official IRC-based community support for nginx--primarily an HTTP and reverse proxy server. <+> Use https://paste.nginx.org/ for pastes <+> Don't ask to ask; just ask a specific, clear, and concise question/problem/goal. <+> Be patient and wait for a response. <+> CVE-2025-23419: https://my.f5.com/manage/s/article/K000149173 454
KampungChat #trivia [KCFM] Are We Playing Or Not? Yes Or No? Statistic Players: http://trivia.kcfm.org [KCFM] 449
OFTC #oftc https://www.oftc.net | OFTC's public support channel. Our social channel is #moocows | Do NOT paste spam when reporting it | Want a cloak/vhost? See https://www.oftc.net/UserCloaks/ | https://www.oftc.net/Privacy_Policy/ 444
EFnet #chases Elon Musk Hate Channel 441
HybridIRC #konnect-chat #Konnect-Chat "KonnectChatIrc.Net ظ€ô Bringing people together in real-time, no delays, no limits, just pure instant communication. Built on 20+ years of proven technology, we keep the spirit of fast, free, and simple chat alive ظ€ô because good conversation are made ;). Thanks 440
Libera.Chat ##proxmox Unofficial Proxmox Channel | PVE Docs: https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs | PVE Wiki: https://pve.proxmox.com | PVE YouTube: https://youtube.com/ProxmoxVE | Discord: https://discord.gg/MBsjfHzRQB | Anything Proxmox related including Backup Server, Mail Gateway and Virtual Environment software can be discussed here! | Windows guest issues? Try our sister channel... ##windowsnorules 436
OFTC #asahi Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | "Does XXX work yet?": https://alx.sh/fs | GitHub: https://alx.sh/g | Wiki: https://alx.sh/w | Topics: #asahi-dev #asahi-re #asahi-gpu #asahi-alt #asahi-stream #asahi-offtopic | Keep things on topic | Logs: https://alx.sh/l/asahi 426
Libera.Chat #guix GNU Guix | https://guix.gnu.org | survey results: https://guix.gnu.org/en/blog/2025/guix-user-and-contributor-survey-2024-the-results-part-3/ | videos: https://guix.gnu.org/blog/tags/talks | bugs & patches: https://issues.guix.gnu.org | paste: https://paste.debian.net | Guix in high-performance computing: https://hpc.guix.info | This channel's logged: https://logs.guix.gnu.org 415
KampungChat #worldchat Welcome to #WorldChat | Enjoy Ur Quiz & Make ur Happy | To Register Nick : https://login.kampungchat.org 413
Libera.Chat #lineageos Welcome to LineageOS! | Don't ask to ask questions, just ask (and wait)! | https://lineageos.org/ | No ETAs. On anything. Ever. | READ THE FAQ: https://wiki.lineageos.org/faq.html | Don't click Eugene's links. | Stronk is a robot, and is currently unable to sustain a conversation. No unofficial ROMs supported. 413
Libera.Chat #kde-devel Release Schedules: http://is.gd/H9mskw | Dev wiki: http://community.kde.org/ | Git: http://invent.kde.org | Newcomers, please read and follow the "Get involved" guide before asking questions here: https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/development 411
Libera.Chat #archlinux-offtopic Welcome to the new, old #aot | Rules: https://coc.archlinux.org | =^.^= https://0x0.st/XRLs.jpeg | also watch https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Zm88IClw0vM 404
Libera.Chat #voidlinux The Void Linux distribution https://www.voidlinux.org || images: https://repo-default.voidlinux.org/live/current || Getting Started: https://docs.voidlinux.org/xbps/ && https://docs.voidlinux.org/config/services/ 403
Libera.Chat #perl No pasting, paste to https://rpa.st/+perl | perl-5.40.1 released! https://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/2025/01/msg269454.html | https://perl7faq.grinnz.com | Channel rules (diff mgmt): https://bit.ly/3fxtuDv | Docs: https://perldoc.perl.org | Module Search: https://metacpan.org 399
Libera.Chat #gentoo-chat Happy Hogswatch #gentoo-chat | Rules: https://gentoo-chat.org | ##notgentoo-idlerpg for classic Idle RPG fun with fellow Gentoo users | It is called "merge" requests, not "Problem Report", for a reason 385
Libera.Chat #ffmpeg Welcome to the FFmpeg USER support channel | Development channel: #ffmpeg-devel | Bug reports: https://ffmpeg.org/bugreports.html | Wiki: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ | This channel is publically logged | FFmpeg 7.1.1 is released 379
Libera.Chat #idlerpg Welcome to the Libera IdleRPG game. Discussion in #idlerpg-discuss | Website: https://idlerpg.lolhosting.net | Please read: https://idlerpg.lolhosting.net#conduct 374
Libera.Chat #plasma Place for developers to work on KDE Plasma. 369
Libera.Chat #bitcoin Bitcoin 28.1 https://bitcoincore.org/ | bitcoinwiki dot org is a PHISHING SCAM | Price chat > #bitcoin-pricetalk | Trade #bitcoin-otc | Rules https://goo.gl/SJMlSL | Most wallets sell your info and lie | Web wallets steal! 365
Libera.Chat #javascript JavaScript is *not* Java | Just ask your question | Don't paste code in the channel 364
Libera.Chat #datahoarder /r/DataHoarder | On-topic discussion has priority! | This is not a free speech zone | Here be data! /r/DHExchange ~ https://the-eye.eu/public 364
Libera.Chat #irssi 🔥 Irssi Libera Chat | **Latest release**: 1.4.5 | https://irssi.org/ | Tip: Irssi commands are preceded by a / | https://irssi.org/New-users/ | FP: 7EE6 5E30 82A5 FB06 AC7C 368D 00CC B587 DDBE F0E1 | Pastebin: https://paste.opensuse.org/ 362
Libera.Chat #soju soju IRC bouncer - https://soju.im 359
Libera.Chat #lisp All Lisp dialects! | #commonlisp #scheme #racket #clojure #emacs, etc. | https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23lisp | Lisp (definition) is like happiness, everyone has their own! | https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/eternal-flame.html 356
Libera.Chat #nextcloud Nextcloud User Community. Stuck? Try searching https://help.nextcloud.com/ and GitHub issues. We try our best to help you, but to reach devs try https://cloud.nextcloud.com/call/xs25tz5y 355
Libera.Chat #btrfs btrfs.rtfd.io | Pastebin your kernel logs: nc cwillu.com 10101 < /dev/kmsg | Latest progs: v6.12 350
Libera.Chat #macosx  Sequoia 15.3.2 (24D81) - Sonoma 14.7.4 (23H420) - Ventura 13.7.4 (22H420) | Rules: http://osxwiki.net/mr | ~ops for op attention | Can't chat? /MSG CoreInfo cant_chat | Security Updates: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222 349
OFTC #fdroid F-Droid, the free and open source app repository (official channel bridged with #fdroid:f-droid.org on Matrix) | Public logs at https://matrix.f-droid.org/alias/%23fdroid:f-droid.org | https://forum.f-droid.org | https://floss.social/@fdroidorg | Development discussion: #fdroid-dev 347
KampungChat #global ••••••••••• Welcome to Global. The Official Global Chat & Quiz @KampungChat iRC Network. Have Fun And Enjoy Your Stay! ••••••••••• 346
Libera.Chat #windows Supported Windows OS Support and Discussion: Be polite, factual, constructive, and topical. | Do not use DD to make a usb drive! | More info and guidelines: https://libera-windows.com/ | See also #windows-social #windows-server #windows-legacy #windows-wsl | Licensing is offtopic | Lolo is a bot! 336
OFTC #debian-mentors Get help contributing (inc packaging, infra) | Join #packaging for other packaging | Join #debian for user support | Thanks for being friendly and helpful | Links: https://www.debian.org/intro/help https://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers https://wiki.debian.org/Glossary https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMentorsFaq | Sponsoree repository: https://mentors.debian.net 334
Libera.Chat #firefox Welcome to the unofficial Firefox community channel. The official Mozilla Matrix chat is on https://chat.mozilla.org 330
Libera.Chat #zsh 5.9 released | https://zsh.sourceforge.io/ | https://zsh.sourceforge.io/FAQ | https://tinyurl.com/zsh-refcard-pdf | Can't talk? Register https://libera.chat/guides/registration | Just ask. | Nobody here or everybody clueless? Try the zsh-users mailinglist: https://www.zsh.org/mla/ 329
OFTC #llvm Current release is 19.1 https://llvm.org/releases/download.html -- please use https://godbolt.org to demonstrate test cases 328
Libera.Chat #mpv mpv - video/audio player | http://mpv.io | http://mpv.io/manual/ | Dev.: #mpv-devel | Offtopic: #mpv-offtopic | Don't ask to ask | List of releases and release notes: https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/releases | https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/wiki/FAQ | USE A PASTE SITE, DON'T PASTE YOUR LOGS IN THE CHANNEL 328